Tag Archives: Security

Scorpio Full Moon

16 Apr

The Scorpio Full Moon April 23rd turns up the intensity, cranking it up to eleven as this Full Moon falls on the heels of a potent Eclipse season.  The train of fast-tracked change and transformation continues as situations come to a head and possibly to a point of no return.  This phase is full of heightened emotions and psychic sensitivity. 

This Full Moon sits alone while most of the Planets are gathered across the Sky in the signs of Pisces, Aries and Taurus.  There seems to be something brought to your attention which you must face, though you may have been avoiding it or completely unaware of it until now. 

Those with planets or placements prominent in the Fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius will feel the most pressure.

Pluto in Aquarius, the ruler of this Full Moon, contacts the Luminaries triggering tension, and power struggles, perhaps pushing your buttons of both emotional and financial security.  Things may feel extremely uncomfortable, raw and urgent as you’re forced from your comfort zone.   

Matters surrounding sex, intimacy, trust, closeness, security, resentment, betrayal, and rage could be emphasized now.  Financially speaking, issues regarding banking, taxes, loans, mortgages, insurance, investments, wills and inheritances are highlighted now.   

This phase may also mark a turning point to events that began mid-November last year. 

This Full Moon falls just days after the historic conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 20th – a once in fourteen-year meetup.  Note that this is not a one-day occurrence, but the start of a new cycle between these two social-shaping planets.  Although they’re exact on the 20th, we’ve already been feeling the effects lately. 

Mars in Pisces is the Ancient Ruler of this Scorpio Full Moon and connects with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, energizing, accelerating and fueling their power and impact. 

This influence brings seismic shifts, rapid changes, development and progress along with big surprises, startling truths, mass awakenings and unexpected opportunities bringing breakthroughs or a push to break out or break free in some fashion.  The Future is Here in these Now moments.  Welcome.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Taurus Full Moon

11 Nov

gratitudeThe Full Moon in Taurus calls your attention toward comfort and ease, the things that make you feel good, who and what you’re attracted to and how you show love, affection and appreciation.  It’s feeling the security of having enough; enough money to surround yourself with what you find beautiful, your values and ownership, what something is worth to you, your own self-worth and gratitude for having what you have.

As much as Taurus appreciates the good life, it’s a sign also known for persistence, stamina and sustained efforts.

Vesta is closely connected to the Full Moon marking a high point to what you’ve given your strong focus and commitment to.  Your sacrifice and dedication in meeting your goals may very well bring noticeable results and evident outcomes with staying power as Saturn in Capricorn also favorably connects.

On another level, this influence brings to light matters of sexuality and sexual complexes- anything from impotence, infertility, celibacy, pornography, extra-marital affairs, and more, enabling off limits topics to be discussed.

The Scorpio Sun, across the sky, closely connects to Mercury retrograde bringing a depth of perception that is formidable and laser focused, especially as Mercury crosses the Sun just the day before the Full Moon – a rare astronomical event.  You could be reconsidering ideas or revising plans, time to take another look, re-examine and re-focus on the bare bones essentials.

Pluto in Capricorn also connects to the Full Moon enabling you to discard what isn’t working, remove what is standing in your way and to reconstruct and recreate something worthwhile that stands the test of time.

The interaction between Chiron in Aries, Juno in Libra and Uranus in Taurus puts pressure on relationships – calling for healing rifts or bridging a divide and adapting or adjusting to dislodge what has become a wedge between you and others.  Perhaps you instigate a split that’s calling for counseling.  It could be that your tastes or style has changed, what was appealing or enjoyable before, may be different now moving you to assess your partnership and relationships and to be open to connection.

On another level, this influence can bring to light matters associated with healing and victimization from sex crimes, child abuse or domestic violence.

Mars in Libra connects with Jupiter in Sagittarius suggesting that you reach out and touch someone.  You’re open to people that promote growth, positivity and understanding or that advance your possibilities and opportunities.  There’s a push for what’s fair, just, upright ethical and honorable.

Jupiter in Sagittarius is also closing in on a connection to the Galactic Center, the Sun of our solar system, a place that is said that Divine Energies pour forth with direct knowing, wisdom and guidance and Jupiter here only amplifies it.  Keep an open mind and your antenna up and listen what the Universe is telling you.  Things will move along quickly.  This roughly two-week window is a rare once in twelve-year opportunity.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


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Scorpio Full Moon

15 May

rollercoaster ups and downsThe Full Moon in Scorpio May 18th will be an eventful and powerful one.  In a sign notorious for intensity, this lunation highlights the axis of security and desire.   This Full Moon will push those buttons of material and emotional security now.  It can be an unsettling time as things are unpredictable while Scorpio wants to be in full control.

Both luminaries light up the financial signs bringing money matters to a head; earnings, payments, compensation, commissions, royalties, loans, banking, taxes, insurance, estates and inheritance can be featured now.

On a more personal level, Scorpio has a depth of emotions, the dark and shadowy kind, that demands trust, sharing, support and intimacy.  Dealings with such things as power, abuse, corruption, resentment, revenge, anger, violence, vengeance, things that are unthinkable all fall under Scorpio’s realm.  These themes may be brought to light at this Full Moon.

Whichever area of your chart this Full Moon illuminates is calling for a reboot or renewal.  Discard what isn’t working, release and get yourself unstuck.

If you’ve been stumped as of late, don’t worry, the Universe has your back as Venus in her own sign Taurus, connects with Uranus serving to pry you out of your comfortably carved ruts and comfort zones.

Shake-ups and break ups in love or money matters may have you feeling flustered now.  You could be craving associates that are more stimulating, interesting and inspiring, keeping you on your toes, lively and buzzing with excitement.  Such a person(s) may well arrive on the scene now and sparks could fly.  You may want to connect with people that share your vision for the future or with a cause that is close to your heart.  Perhaps someone you thought you could count on flakes out or maybe you have some random, unexpected encounter.

Financially, things may be up-and-down, perhaps a source of income opens up or winds down suddenly, or there could be changes in payments and costs or unexpected expenses.  Markets could be unstable now.

Pluto, the ruler of this Scorpio Full Moon, is positioned in Capricorn, alongside Saturn and the South Node- This influence that’s been in progress, operating in the background, illustrates the breakdown, dismantling and deconstruction/reconstruction of many structures and systems in place for a long time – we’re talking lifetimes of limiting reality constructs.

This influence points to many of the old fears and limitations that have held you back enabling you to recognize and do away with those hang ups standing in your way.  It’s a process that’s not always pleasant.  It’s easier to allow these things than to cling to what clearly no longer holds relevance.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


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Taurus Super Moon

12 Nov


The Moon is full in the sign of the Bull on November 14th and it is a Super Moon, one we haven’t seen the likes of in nearly 70 years! It will be big and bright and shining a lot of light, illuminating dark places. Both Taurus and Scorpio are signs that deal with security; emotional and material security. We must reconcile which things we are to hold on to and what we need to let go of. Situations dealing with what we’re comfortable with, what or who we trust, issues of life and death, who we love, our possessions, resources, finances and the things that we value will come up now. We may see a turning point in some area that we’ve been plodding along in or a project that we’ve been building up. Taurus is an Earth sign and is also associated with gratitude, Gaia and her resources; these things are highlighted now. During this time of year, we’re getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving here in the U.S. honoring Earth’s abundance and the things that we’re thankful for.
Uranus is connecting with this lunation suggesting that there are changes and adjustments to be made. This may inject an element of surprise and unpredictability which may not be welcomed as some of our security buttons are being pushed; perhaps even a security breach or a breach of trust. Alternatively, there could be a shake up to a situation that’s been stuck and stagnant. It may also involve new groups, new friends or new technology. This influence can threaten something stable or energize a stale situation. Obviously, this may cause some discomfort even when these changes are the very thing we’ve wanted and needed.
Venus, the ruler of this Taurus Full Moon is in conservative Capricorn. This has us feeling cautious in matters of love and money. We value things of substance or things that are traditional and that stand the test of time. We’re willing to invest in the long term now. We are not into frivolous spending or casual relationships right now. We can also be made aware of the responsibilities that we have to our loved ones and how some of these important relationships help to shape our lives.
At the time of this Full Moon, Mercury and Juno conjunct in Sagittarius connecting with Mars in Aquarius; again, highlighting the importance of meaningful relationships. This may mean that speaking our truth and engaging in honest conversations in regards to relationships, partnerships and agreements has potential to create spontaneous actions, unexpected moves or a show of independence. Expanding our perception and making future plans could also mean a change of direction.
Neptune is conjunct the South Node in Pisces suggesting that we are letting go of old illusions, mistakes, blind spots and escape routes. This is an emotional process.
Chiron in Pisces also connects favorably with this lunation providing some compassionate healing and to ease our suffering a bit.
Jupiter is moving in to contact Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruler. This is a positive interchange and stabilizing influence. These two social planets will be in close proximity into 2017. We can be cautiously optimistic and able to work on opportunities for growth. There could be are career opportunities or opportunities for advancement that also comes with responsibility. We may need to evaluate options and make long range decisions. This also suggests that we are more conservative and cautious, cutting back, narrowing our options -also in regard to our associations and agreements. It also points to our growing responsibility to conserve and to increase the balance and even it up.

Jupiter in Libra is also closing in on a square to Pluto in Capricorn. This is an important aspect that doesn’t happen often. We’ll see these two go at it again in the coming months. This is one of the major shapers and /or players of 2017.

Jupiter is a social planet dealing with subjects like our world view, opinions, beliefs, religion, sense of right and wrong and the Law. Libra deals with fairness and equality and balance. Pluto is a slower moving, generational planet and a force that pushes for evolution and brings forth powerful transformations in whatever it comes into contact with; Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and represents the structure and framework of our society, the rules, authority and what is considered to be socially acceptable. These energies squaring off will challenge and transform some of these areas and change the social fabric within our society for generations. We must be mindful and try to take the high road, to be fair and inclusive and to co-create a world that we all want to live in.

We’re being faced with a challenge to reform structures and even out the playing field. Jupiter in Libra asks that we have faith in others and to give them a fair shake without labels and with more tolerance. The flip side of that is that we can become overly judgmental or excessively moral and righteous. Follow the golden rule and treat others how you want to be treated! It’s pretty simple. This is the right thing to do as one human being to another and deep down we we know this to be true.

Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn wants us to have fair dealings that are mutually beneficial; there is an increasing opposition that challenges a consolidation of power and dares a destruction to things that may seem to have been set in stone and a reformation, a new framework upon which we build our lives and our society. Faith in others, tolerance and an increase in peace and harmony can stimulate the rebuilding of structures, rules, policies, etc. We need agreements and rules we can all live with and must be able to see things from another side, or to seek alternatives.

On another level, we can experience growth and opportunity through our associations and we’re able to outgrow and move beyond other relationships or patterns of relating. Our contact with others can increase now and we can be pushed to eliminate any blocks or resistance. The relationships and agreements we enter into now have the power to change our lives for better or worse.

Jupiter in Libra is also a very creative influence and pitted with Pluto in Capricorn, we could be rehabbing, recycling and up-cycling. We want to improve and refine, turning trash to treasure and making shit shine.

New Moon Blessings to ALL and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Full Moon in Taurus

17 Nov

This Full Moon is in the sign of Taurus.  This Full Moon illuminates values, money, finances and the things that provide us with the feelings of security and stability.  It may also highlight issues of self-worth or a lack of.  Please do not judge your worth or the worth of another by how deep the pockets are.  You may feel that you are lacking, or worse yet, feeling worthless.  Try being grateful with an attitude of gratitude for the things you do have.  Some of us possess gifts that are beyond material measure.  At this time we can decide what is really of value to us.  Taurus is a sensual sign so we can take time to appreciate our senses.  Take time to stop and smell the roses, listen to an amazing piece of music, get a massage, create your own work of art, get up and dance or sing and relish in the beauty of just being

Venus, planet of beauty and love is also the ruler of Taurus and she’s recently gotten herself tangled in the Uranus/Pluto square.  During this time, it may be that we’re experiencing our ‘soul growth’ in the realm of relationships, love and money.  It could be that relationships are revitalized or overhauled with an injection of excitement or electricity, maybe someone needs to change things up or needs more freedom and space or maybe a relationship ends altogether.  It may happen to be that a new relationship catches you off guard with an unexpected intensity.  It’s also possible that there is a resurrection of a relationship from long ago or with an older person that comes as a surprise. On an inner level, it could be that there’s an awakening stimulating a deep love and appreciation for our responsibilities and commitments; where we willingly and gratefully accept them. We can also experience those changes in our income (or lack of it); it may be changes that we initiate ourselves or something that happens out of the blue. 

At this time, we can put an end to any feelings of complacency, laziness, overindulgence and the need for acquisition or greed as well as putting to rest the fear of being a “have not”.  At this full moon, with the Taurus/ Scorpio polarity highlighted, we may be able to release what keeps us stuck if we can appreciate our ‘dark side’.  We all have one.  That which is hidden controls us but it doesn’t need to.  Take the lessons learned and build something of value. Honestly face things for what they really were and allow ourselves to be reborn and renewed.

Jupiter Rx in Cancer

7 Nov

Today, Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion will retrograde in Cancer until early March 2014.  During this time we may have to turn inward and to test society’s  beliefs, including religious beliefs, philosophies, prejudices, morals and sense of right and wrong against our own when it comes to ideas of family, home, comfort, tradition, race, ethnicity, roots, nurturing, care taking, security, safety and even ‘homeland security’.  It’s a time of inner expansion where you can find out how you feel about those ideas. They’ll need to be measured and tested against your own and you’ll have to judge things for yourself and come to find your own truth. 

A few examples of the manifestation of this energy can be seen in the local news.  This week on the “Today Show” they are highlighting stories of adoption.  There was a segment on the NBC news last night about ‘unconditional parenting’.  There was also a story on the news about people taking issue with prayer at a town board meeting.  This was because the prayer was of one faith while leaving out another board members’ faith.  These are just a few minor examples and you may see how this is relevant in your personal life. 

Cancer New Moon

8 Jul

July 8, 2013


Today’s New Moon is in the Nurturing and Motherly sign of Cancer.  Cancer governs over our home, family and our early childhood conditioning.  It is ruled by the Moon and is associated with our moods and feelings as well as our memories of the past. Mercury is close to this New Moon enabling us to communicate some of our feelings and emotions.  This New Moon in Cancer also makes a quincunx to Juno in Aquarius requiring an adjustment or modification in the ways we give and receive support within our relationships. It may be that we can modify some of our own childhood conditioning and to create new and different types of relationships.  We may also become aware of the adjustments we need to make in order for us to have some independence and an identity outside of our relationship, marriage and children.  I think that the trine with Venus in Leo and Uranus in Aries further supports this.  We have a need to be valued for our own special-ness along with our unique individuality.  Venus in Leo is also quincunx Chiron in Pisces possibly suggesting that we may have been blind to our deepest wounds and to learn to appreciate our inner child and that may be the key to our healing and wholeness.  Jupiter the Great Benefactor of the Universe has recently moved into Cancer on June 26 until mid-July 2014.  This is a favorable position for Jupiter as it is supportive of our growth.  We may be expanding or improving our home or families during this time.  Look to your natal chart to find out where Jupiter in Cancer is for you personally.  One of the things I’ve noticed since Jupiter entered Cancer is that a number of people that I know personally have recently moved or are planning to move soon.  This New Moon should help to ‘kick off’ those energies.  Also at the time of this New Moon, Saturn in Scorpio goes direct.  He’s been retrograde since February 18th.  Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces are moving into a Grand Water Trine, an easy flow of the water energies but more on that in a few days. 

 On a VERY personal note:  About a week ago, we had some intense thunderstorms here. As I was running to my house from the car trying not to get soaked, the smell of the summer rain as I entered my house catapulted me into an early childhood memory.  I was reminded of my grandparents’ house when I was a child.  It was a place I loved to be and that I always felt comfortable and safe in. My grandparents were more like parents to me. I suddenly felt sadness with a mix of another feeling that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.  All I know is that I wanted to cry.  And I did for a brief moment.  As I stood in my hallway somewhat surprised by my sudden emotional outburst, I realized what the unfamiliar feeling was.  I was homesick.  I suspect that the feeling was so alien to me because I had never had a real home. As a child, moving around was a regular occurrence and sometimes without any prior notice. I also never felt that sense of belonging to my family. I’ve never felt that I belonged with anyone until I had a child of my own.  This little boy has taught me so much.   In fact, I’ve learned much in this past year.  Since I’ve started a family of my own, I had been struggling because I’ve never had a family model.  I realized I didn’t know how to be a family.   In my mind, I had this fantasy of what a family should be and because of that I felt that I was failing miserably. I was falling short on my own expectations and that made me depressed. It was one of those ‘aha’ moments and once I figured that out, I started to let go, forgive and recover. Awareness is key after all.