Tag Archives: Belonging

January 15 Full Moon in Cancer

15 Jan

This first Full Moon of the New Year may have us a bit more moody and emotional than usual, especially in regard to relationships and money.  This Full moon is in Cancer and Cancer is the natural ruler of the Moon itself.   Both govern the feelings and emotions, the Home, the Mother and the past. 

The Love planets Mars in Libra and Venus Rx in Capricorn are experiencing some friction at this time and Jupiter in Cancer is there to make it an even bigger deal. There could be anger over something that is ‘not fair’ and we might feel we’re ready to upset the peace.  Jupiter in Cancer stresses the importance of being honest about how we feel which may threaten the security of old ways or it may help to eliminate any obstacles that may be preventing an ‘even playing field’.  This may have to do with boundaries either crossed or walls built up in relationships.  We may also need to deal with the issue of what we need to feel secure and if it is worth it.  Money issues also come to a head at this time too and could be at the root of the issue.  Joint finances, estates, retirement plans, insurance, properties, etc. are all highlighted at this time. 

Ceres also makes her presence known at this Full Moon bringing issues about parenting and child care into the spotlight.  It could be that you may need to balance nurturing vs. discipline, or it is possible you’re trying to balance home vs. career, or maybe there are even mother vs. father; single parent and custody issues.  Ceres could also shine a light on women’s issues such as pregnancy and menopause.  This doesn’t have to be a bad thing since we need a little friction at times to get things going and to make a move or to make it happen.  If you’ve wanted to grow your family, this Cancer Full moon could be as good a time as any to give it a go.  What have you got to lose by trying? Ceres also has to do with our family ties, our sense of belonging and clan membership and it could be that this is also contributing to some of the relationship woes you may be experiencing. 

Ceres does also correspond to the work force and agriculture so these types of issues may also come to light at this time.  Stories in the news have talked of employment equality as well as a major cereal (Ceres) company no longer using GMO products.

Mercury in Aquarius is in a favorable aspect to Uranus in Aries and we may be able to come up with new ideas.  Thoughts may be coming and going quickly or a conversation or piece of correspondence may surprise you.  It may be that we have unusual conversations possibly having to do with our freedom and independence; or it is possible that we can come up with solutions that are good for everyone. 

Saturn is supportive of this Cancer Full Moon and may mark the completion of some lesson or test.  And it may have to do with joint finances, shared responsibilities, closeness, intimacy, sex and also about conserving our resources.  Whether we’ve passed or failed remains to be seen I suppose.  But it is at least a bit of a stabilizing influence. 


Cancer New Moon

8 Jul

July 8, 2013


Today’s New Moon is in the Nurturing and Motherly sign of Cancer.  Cancer governs over our home, family and our early childhood conditioning.  It is ruled by the Moon and is associated with our moods and feelings as well as our memories of the past. Mercury is close to this New Moon enabling us to communicate some of our feelings and emotions.  This New Moon in Cancer also makes a quincunx to Juno in Aquarius requiring an adjustment or modification in the ways we give and receive support within our relationships. It may be that we can modify some of our own childhood conditioning and to create new and different types of relationships.  We may also become aware of the adjustments we need to make in order for us to have some independence and an identity outside of our relationship, marriage and children.  I think that the trine with Venus in Leo and Uranus in Aries further supports this.  We have a need to be valued for our own special-ness along with our unique individuality.  Venus in Leo is also quincunx Chiron in Pisces possibly suggesting that we may have been blind to our deepest wounds and to learn to appreciate our inner child and that may be the key to our healing and wholeness.  Jupiter the Great Benefactor of the Universe has recently moved into Cancer on June 26 until mid-July 2014.  This is a favorable position for Jupiter as it is supportive of our growth.  We may be expanding or improving our home or families during this time.  Look to your natal chart to find out where Jupiter in Cancer is for you personally.  One of the things I’ve noticed since Jupiter entered Cancer is that a number of people that I know personally have recently moved or are planning to move soon.  This New Moon should help to ‘kick off’ those energies.  Also at the time of this New Moon, Saturn in Scorpio goes direct.  He’s been retrograde since February 18th.  Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces are moving into a Grand Water Trine, an easy flow of the water energies but more on that in a few days. 

 On a VERY personal note:  About a week ago, we had some intense thunderstorms here. As I was running to my house from the car trying not to get soaked, the smell of the summer rain as I entered my house catapulted me into an early childhood memory.  I was reminded of my grandparents’ house when I was a child.  It was a place I loved to be and that I always felt comfortable and safe in. My grandparents were more like parents to me. I suddenly felt sadness with a mix of another feeling that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.  All I know is that I wanted to cry.  And I did for a brief moment.  As I stood in my hallway somewhat surprised by my sudden emotional outburst, I realized what the unfamiliar feeling was.  I was homesick.  I suspect that the feeling was so alien to me because I had never had a real home. As a child, moving around was a regular occurrence and sometimes without any prior notice. I also never felt that sense of belonging to my family. I’ve never felt that I belonged with anyone until I had a child of my own.  This little boy has taught me so much.   In fact, I’ve learned much in this past year.  Since I’ve started a family of my own, I had been struggling because I’ve never had a family model.  I realized I didn’t know how to be a family.   In my mind, I had this fantasy of what a family should be and because of that I felt that I was failing miserably. I was falling short on my own expectations and that made me depressed. It was one of those ‘aha’ moments and once I figured that out, I started to let go, forgive and recover. Awareness is key after all.