Tag Archives: Truth

Gemini Full Moon

25 Nov

The Gemini Full Moon November 27th brings revelations and disclosures.  This phase emphasizes critical thinking and communications as conversations or information may reveal some hard-hitting truths.

Mars in Sagittarius is connected with this lunation, bringing points that are straightforward and matter of fact, making sure your message and your voice is heard, while in some instances, speaking directly could be taken the wrong way, by coming across as being too blunt, offensive or abrasive or too opinionated and know-it-all-ish.  This phase holds a compelling curiosity and a need to know, wanting to get the bigger picture, and to explore all options and avenues. Or perhaps your adventurous side is activated bringing forth a call of the wild. 

This phase brings a turning point to things set in motion back in mid-June around the New Moon in Gemini and Summer Solstice. 

This period also points to matters involving broadcasting, marketing, advertising, promotion, or a website or podcast launch. This also suggests legal action involving such matters as we see with lawsuits filed against media outlets.   

Saturn in Pisces pressures this lunation, bringing a more somber and serious approach, while keeping things in check, challenging some of your views and your outlook on the way life works, causing you to question things you’ve modeled your life after or the things you’ve aspired to attain or to be.  Saturn calls for consequences, accountability, discipline, experience and maturity.  You may need some time to process the meaning of what you learn during this phase.

Mercury the ruler of the Gemini Full Moon is nudged by Neptune in Pisces, possibly causing some confusion, perhaps there’s even been outright deception, calling for extra discernment while deciphering the information you receive. You’ll need to read between the lines as this influence isn’t the best for rational thought, but it is excellent for using your intuition and imagination.  Tune in and see how things feel to you and what message the Universe may be trying to convey to you.  There may also be factors brought to light now that had been previously unknown bringing the full picture of a situation into view. 

On another level, you may want to get out and get moving and get past any phony or concocted barriers, limitations or restrictions that have stood in your way and get on with things.  

The Sabian Symbol for this Gemini Full Moon is, “a radical magazine, asking for action, displays a sensational front page”, highlighting the news and media and the surreptitious role it plays using their power to control and shape narratives and opinions by way of injecting certain ideas, thoughts, suggestions and emotional triggers whether or not it’s true or accurate, or to suppress and withhold information to evoke a particular response.  This phase may cause you to consider some of your beliefs as well as who is responsible for the formation and foundation of them, and to honestly ask yourself if this comes from you or from someone or somewhere else.    

This phase emphasizes learning, growth and development while it may also reveal a more meaningful and spiritual purpose as you acknowledge that your perception and beliefs can shape your reality, along with the realization that you get to be an active participant and co-creator as the writer, actor, director and producer of your life’s movie.  Fantastic!

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Sagittarius New Moon

17 Nov

The Sagittarius New Moon November 23rd opens you to Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge.  This phase introduces you to new areas of growth and opportunity, sowing seeds of optimism and faith for your future.   

This New Moon is in the early degrees of Sagittarius, giving a feeling of freshness to the energies.  There’s a new awareness and knowing, a new way of viewing situations from a deeper level of understanding.  You’re able to grasp the larger lesson or deeper meaning of an experience, see it for what it is and move beyond it.  It may feel as if you’re traveling a bit lighter, a bit more buoyant, after facing the darkness, doing shadow work, shedding layers and scrapping those things that no longer serve and are no longer in alignment during the recent powerful Eclipse season.  Things are improving now; you’re leveling up and rising above situations as you now have a broader outlook.    

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is, “an ocean covered with whitecaps”, suggesting deep waters, huge waves and unstable conditions which you must navigate. 

Jupiter, the ruler of this lunation, is stationing direct in the late degrees of Pisces after being in retrograde motion since late July, while connecting with the New Moon, further emphasizing the enormity and depth of these now moments.  The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s position at this lunation is, “light breaking into many colors through a prism” implying a deeper understanding of situations and the many colorful facets contained within the whole.  Jupiter re-enters Aries December 20th, just before the Winter Solstice. 

Both Jupiter and Sagittarius have a connection to the Law, Courts, Judges and Legal affairs, as well as Natural Law- this phase could bring attention to these matters.  Or perhaps there’s a moment that calls attention to your judgement, morality, ethics, sense of right and wrong, honesty, integrity, conscience or moral code.

Mercury and Venus join the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, enabling you to see the bigger picture, providing a more optimistic outlook and attitude, aligning your heart and mind in faith and a sense of knowing what you feel to be true and right deep in your heart of hearts. This influence hints at meaningful conversations and connections, along with good news and announcements or encouraging messages.   

Mars retrograde in Gemini nudges Neptune in Pisces and connects with Saturn in Aquarius; under this influence, you could be playing catch up on previous information or conversations, that were perhaps confusing, or left something concealed, mistaken, taken the wrong way, open-ended or misinterpreted, misleading, misinformation, disinformation, deceptive or fraudulent. Things may not be what they seem so use caution and discernment with the things you hear.  On the other hand, you could be playing catch up with old friends or maybe doing a bit of imaginative and inspirational brainstorming, coming up with original ideas and far off visions that you easily manifest. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse

29 Nov

The Sagittarius New Moon December 4th is also a Solar Eclipse.  Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology, a Solar Eclipse is a powerful New Moon, its influence reaching into the year ahead for a period of six month or more, giving your intentions extra oomph.   Eclipses have a bit of a wild card feel to them, with the sense of propelling events along quickly, often bringing sudden endings and new beginnings.  This is one of the ways the Universe reshuffles the deck and puts you on path. 

Paradigm Shifts and Leveling Up

This New Moon Solar Eclipse provides openings revolving around your truth and beliefs, your Higher Guidance and Natural Laws. 

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation reads, “a widow’s past brought to light”.  This symbolism suggests being honest with yourself and owning up to your role and participation in the events of your life.  You may be doing a reckoning and review while acting as your own judge and jury.

Sagittarius also has a connection with courts, judges, lawyers and legal issues, so it’s possible these topics come into play during this phase. 

Mercury is closely connected to this Eclipse giving a growth mindset and an optimistic outlook.  You see the potential, possibilities and opportunities in situations.  This influence supports you in speaking your truth and giving voice to your opinions.  Additionally, You could be promoting a message, launching a new blog, website or communications, broadcasting, marketing, publishing and advertising campaign. 

Uranus in Taurus sends a vibe to the New Moon Solar Eclipse showing the shift in your beliefs as your senses awaken and come online.  This shift shows in your sense of self- worth, your tastes or style, and even your earnings, wealth, and gratitude. 

Jupiter in Aquarius, the ruler of the Eclipse has an exchange with Mars in Scorpio and with Venus and Pluto in Capricorn- there’s an intensity with this influence as it compels leveling up in a big way regarding your connections, long term commitments and relationships.  You’re shedding an old skin, along with outgrown relationships and patterns while on the lookout for more meaningful connections that resonate with your truth, earn your trust, and support your growth and development.

You could feel this on the financial level as it highlights loans, taxes, insurance, wills, estates and long-term investments, and economic restructuring.   

This is a powerful and penetrating influence which can be somewhat forceful in removing blockages or resistance, getting right to the core and extracting it, liberating energy, triggering an elevation in the vibration and mass awakening. 

Chiron in Aries connects favorably with the New Moon Solar Eclipse, providing an opening for the Spiritual Warrior to navigate the New. 

New Moon Solar Eclipse Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Full Moon in Aquarius

18 Aug
Fast-Tracked Changes and Surprises

The Full Moon on August 22nd is a rare and special second Full Moon in Aquarius, giving a double dose of the Freedom loving Humanitarian sign.  This lunation falls in the last degree of the sign, where the energies tend to behave a bit erratically, in what feels like the wrap-up before something new can begin. 

The Aquarius Full Moon highlights topics surrounding freedom, liberty and sovereignty, originality, inventiveness and technology, brotherhood, sisterhood and friendships, groups, co-ops, communities, organizations and causes.   

 Jupiter retrograde is closely connected to this Full Moon, revealing truth, wisdom and a deeper understanding, bringing a sudden revelation or discovery, flashes of insight, inspiration, and intuition, aha moments, mass awakenings and large groups coming together for a common cause, elevating the vibration.  The atmosphere is full of excitement, drama, fervor and frenzy.   There may even be new developments or advancements in science, technology, air and space travel that come to light now. 

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, turned retrograde in Taurus, just days before the Full Moon, retracing his steps, bringing in an internal revolution as senses awaken and come online. 

Mars in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus connect in an Earth trine, and things accelerate and advance quickly, bringing noticeable changes and some unexpected surprises.  Your hard work could pay off.  There’s also market instability with fluctuating or unanticipated costs, earnings and expenses.   This influence also tells of healthcare practitioners and others in the workforce or services, moving to support and appreciate freedom and choices.  On another level, there are precise maneuvers assisting to awaken senses and bring them online and into your awareness.

There’s another crew of planets and points converging in complex patterns in the sky, conspiring to support you in connecting and collecting your tribe, fostering family ties, while forming alliances, making deals and establishing your community and long-lasting relationships and agreements. 

Shortly after the Full Moon transpires, the Sun moves into Virgo, shifting the energies and putting the focus on practicality, problem solving and inventive solutions. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

P.S. The next meeting for Lunar Living Group Coaching is September 1st.  Hope to see you there!   

Sagittarius New Moon

22 Nov

wise owlThe Sagittarius New Moon November 26th is an opening for growth, expansion, opportunity and success for the future.  It’s a time to honor your truth or to check in on your beliefs and assumptions and tweak them according to your changing values and tastes if need be.  Perhaps you’re seeking counsel or involved in legal matters now.  Or maybe you’re beginning an advertising or marketing campaign, promoting something meaningful to you or making a formal announcement.

Uranus in Taurus connects with this New Moon bringing both progress and instability.  You may feel a bit wonky now as you stretch yourself into unfamiliar territory, moving out of comfort zones, but at the same time, appealing to your adventurous side leaving you feeling liberated and loose.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is, “an old owl up in a tree”, hinting at wisdom and the perspective from a bird’s eye view.   Pallas is also closely connected to the New Moon reminding you of the bigger picture and nudging you to stand up for what you feel is right.

Jupiter, the ruler of this Sagittarius New Moon, is still in the last degrees of its own sign, hovering close to the Galactic Center; the Sun of our Solar system and a place where it is said that Divine Energies, knowledge and guidance come through.  Tune in.

Just days after the New Moon, on December 3rd, Jupiter will exit expansive Sagittarius where he’s spent the past year and moves along into restrictive Capricorn, bringing a major energy shift for the year ahead.  Jupiter hasn’t seen this slice of the heavens since December 2007-January 2009.  This won’t be a subtle influence and may feel as if your leash has been yanked.  Jupiter in its own sign was a phase for unearthing and discovery that felt expansive and optimistic as you went out on a limb to push your luck and see how far you could get.  Now it’s time to curb your enthusiasm and do some full-sized adulting.  Perhaps there are career advancement opportunities, or a way to put yourself in a better position; maybe you expand a business or receive a promotion, which of course brings more responsibility, limiting your freedom. Your schedule will be tighter as your calendar fills up, adding to your commitments. You may be held to a higher standard or you’re regarded accountable far and wide, perhaps even legally so.  You have loads of ambition and aim high, but you’ll have to be patient; success can be yours although it will develop over time. And in the meantime, you’ll have to demonstrate your experience, expertise and professionalism.  In some instances, you may have to take a few steps back in order to move forward or to scrap and cut some things in order to grow.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!  Happy Thanksgiving!


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Sagittarius Full Moon

14 Jun

full-moon-and-stars-galaxy-fbThe Sagittarius Full Moon June 17th makes a powerful impact.  It’s the most magical Full Moon of the year, paving the way for the Solstice and the Eclipses to follow in July. Tune in.  During this time, you could be in direct communication or contact with higher sources of celestial guidance as this Full Moon is closely connected with the Galactic Center- the center of our universe from which Divine energies pour forth.    

This Full Moon brings to light matters regarding your thoughts and beliefs and how one influences the other to create your reality.  You could hear things that run counter to your views, and it may be time to question some of your assumptions or to speak your Truth.  It could be that some bit of information now is made known.  Situations could come to a head involving broadcasting, publishing, advertising, marketing, promoting, or disseminating information via media, news and other avenues of communications.  Legal issues could also turn a corner now.  Freedom of speech comes to mind. 

There’s quite the show down in the sky now as several planets converge on one side of the heavens in Gemini and Cancer- intellect and emotion- while another collection sits across the universe in Sagittarius and Capricorn- wisdom and experience creating quite the conflict of contrasting energies.  Buckle up.

Mercury and Mars are closing in on their meetup while remaining close to the North Node in Cancer.  You’re filled with ideas and conversations that fire up your feelings, a message makes its mark, stirring gut reactions and automatic responses.  You may want to act on plans fueling the future and what’s yet to come.  You could be compelled to talk about your feelings, memories, anger and resentment from the past, built over time, especially involving family dynamics.  If these things bubble to the surface, it’s because it is long overdue and time to face it, let it go and to start new stories and fresh practices and habits.

Meanwhile, across the sky, sits Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn all putting their two cents in.  This very much suggests the dismantling of old ways, the establishment and old systems of thought. It’s time for letting go of the limitations and fears of the past, discarding all the things that no longer serve your purpose, they’re no longer relevant to who you’re becoming.  However, do keep what supports and reinforces you and use those bare bones as the framework for renewal.

This is all easier said than done of course and you could feel discouraged. You may want to act on some of your deeper ideas, visions, expectations and plans for the future, yet there are still obstacles to overcome.  There may be old fears, doubts and negative thinking standing in your way.  Notice your resistance.

Jupiter, the ruler of this Full Moon, at home in Sagittarius, suggests that shifting some of those things you accept with certainty can lead to deeper understanding and greater opportunities while enabling you to do away with stumbling blocks.  It could also be that obligations or time restrictions prevent you from making a move. You’ll have to do some fine tuning, perhaps adding to your schedule, or extending your reach to move past it; even going out on a limb with only your faith to guide you.

Neptune in Pisces also adds ambiguity to the situation, questioning which moves to make, what to scrap, what to keep in order for it all to feel right and to fit into place.  It may all seem so unclear, overwhelming or even hopeless.  Don’t give in to despair but instead focus on essentials and what can be done; prioritize and organize, roll up your sleeves and get to work.  You got this!

The days surrounding this Full Moon hold some important and rare influences which have been operating in the background all of 2019, shaping generations to come.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces are all strong in their own signs and acting on your behalf.  This is a very spiritual influence full of hope and expectation but also grounded in reality; in fact, these are the tools to create it.  This can help you to gain knowledge on things happening behind the scenes, to develop faith even if the outcome is unknown and to use your wisdom and experience to create results that you want.   There may be a deeper understanding of some of life’s mysteries and the finer interconnectedness of all that is- but you’ll have to come to your own conclusion on what is truth and what is illusion.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

NEW!!  Now Booking for my energy healing package                                               Wisdom of the Woods

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Sagittarius Full Moon

8 Jun

truth2This is the time of year when facts and logic faces off with faith and knowing. This Full Moon in Sagittarius brings to light the beliefs which shape our life and how this has an impact on our perception. You may be able to clarify and define some of the limiting beliefs that have stunted your growth and held you back. This is as good a time as any to learn how to think differently and make space for new thoughts and beliefs. Additionally, legal issues may come to a head or there could be a turning point with matters traveling abroad or with an advertising, broadcasting or publishing campaign.

Saturn is close to this Full Moon injecting the atmosphere with an emotional reserve.  The vibe is serious and conservative with feelings kept under wraps. Saturn has been in Sagittarius now since late 2014, and we’ve been getting ‘schooled’ in the areas of truth, beliefs, growth, opportunity, luck and success; just to name a few.  At times, this has tested our faith, judgment and worldview or required us to show up with more discipline, accountability, maturity and responsibility. More adulting.  This has also enabled you to concentrate your energies, narrow your focus and gain in experience, expertise and professionalism.  Saturn so close to this Full Moon can also provide us with an awareness of our options and the ability to find the opportunity within an apparent setback. There may be a reconciling with your grasp of a situation and knowing the deeper meaning of the experience.

Jupiter, the ruler of this Full Moon turns direct less than an hour after the exact fullness of the Moon at a critical degree in Libra.

I’m always amazed at how the Universe sets up these Celestial events.

Balance is key. Since early February, Jupiter has been backtracking through Libra working to ensure that the relationships or agreements that we enter are in alignment with our Truth and the truth of who we are becoming; that things are fair with equal give and take.  This presented the opportunity to dive deep and explore outgrown relationships and patterns and move on from them. You may have gotten a glimpse of the naked truth and even your own doing as your role is not exempt from the equation here either.  There is an accountability, acknowledgement acceptance, forgiveness, correction and growth.

If the scales have been tipped too far to one side in the past, the pressure got unbearable and you had to even it up.  We can no longer keep up associations that are not a vibrational match. Some may have had to move beyond certain relationships whether or not it was by choice and some may experience growing pains which are not always easy. Jupiter’s forward movement suggests that you can increase your contacts and connections now, even with people at a distance or foreign relations.  Now you may start to see some progress regarding your associations, agreements or legal negotiations.  These alliances and allies will be the right kind of connections, in alignment and mutually beneficial.  There won’t be the need to compromise too much just to maintain the association.

Ceres is also close to the Gemini Sun at this Full Moon and she pulls in the energies of other Asteroid Goddesses, Juno in Capricorn and Vesta in Leo.  This Trio engages in a Finger of God pattern, a Yod.  This presents a dilemma and the need to adapt and modify.  This rings of the climate deal; suggesting there are adjustments to be made with a treaty or contract (Vesta) and the environmental or climate (Juno) regulations (Capricorn) with the workforce, farmers and ecology (Ceres).  Pluto is in the mix so perhaps there will be a restructuring of the agreement. Or is this Sagittarian optimism?  Jupiter in Libra is at a critical degree emphasizing the importance in the balance of Natural Law.  Other topics that may be spotlighted and in need of adjustments could involve early education and child care, nutritional information and labeling and farming restrictions, or making adjustments and commitments with diet, exercise and personal health routines.

Venus in Taurus is also in favorable alignment to Mars in Cancer.  Venus is now in the early degrees of Taurus, a place she is very much at home in. Since early February, peace loving Venus was touring Aries, the sign of aggression. While that’s not such a comfortable place for her, it enabled us to get in touch with the things we want, and to be willing to act in our own best interest or fight for it if need be.  Now on her home turf in Taurus, things should easily appeal to our liking.  Mars in Cancer could fire up your affections and acting on your emotions could attract what you desire. Conversely, there could be family feuds or rifts or maybe a certain patterning is instigated producing gut reactions and responsiveness and seeking comfort and security in spending and indulgences. This influence may also bring some hoopla on the home front. Maybe you’re involved in purchasing property, moving or rearranging, redecorating or remodeling your home to make it more comfortable. Or maybe you’re living it up, entertaining family and friends at home.  Enjoy!





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May 25 Lunar Eclipse

25 May

May 25 Lunar Eclipse

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is at 4’ 08” Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is the sign of the Sage, the seeker, the adventurer on a quest for Truth.  It also governs over religion, faith, foreign matters and higher education, as well as publishing and legal matters.  There may be an ending or turning point in regard to any of those matters. Because this eclipse is in Sagittarius, Jupiter is the ruler of this eclipse. Jupiter has been in his opposite sign of Gemini for all of 2013 and a good bit of 2012 too. This Eclipse is a kind of a ‘farewell’ party in his honor from the cosmos as Jupiter will leave Gemini in mid June. During Jupiter’s stay in Gemini, we’ve had some time to think about our beliefs, faith, religion, life’s philosophy; we’ve been questioning assumptions, prejudices and our worldview.  The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity was receiving eclipses since 2010, and accelerating us along this path of growth in consciousness and allowing us to encompass other viewpoints or to be tolerant of other viewpoints and beliefs at the very least.  It could be a time of discovery while learning our own personal truth and adjusting our lives accordingly in this process. 

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at this eclipse is “an old owl up in a tree”.  The owl symbolizes wisdom, mystery, transition (since it’s associated with death and death is a transition), messages, secrets and clairvoyance. The owl is able to see things that are hidden, its nocturnal and has the ability to see in the dark and most people are afraid of the dark; it is a place that we fear.  But a Full Moon is bright and brings illumination and this one is especially bright since it is a “Super Moon” making it at least 17,000 miles closer than usual to Earth.  It may light up certain dark crevices and shed light on things that have been hidden from us. 

This Full Moon is challenged by Neptune making things highly sensitized or emotional. This could also be a very spiritual or creative time. Neptune rules water and the ocean.  Since this is a Full Moon, tides could be even higher with potential for flooding.  Also marine life like dolphins and whales could be brought to our attention for some reason.  The Sabian symbol for Neptune is “officers on dress parade”   and it might be that we are able to see through certain illusions and cover ups and “the right image” that is presented before us. We may have to have faith in our own truth and discard certain illusions that have been the cause of our own undoing.  The biggest illusion being that of separateness.

 Mercury, The Messenger and Venus, the Lover meet up in Gemini at this eclipse joining our hearts and minds and having us enjoying conversations and socializing.  Jupiter is close by too possibly making it a big event with a lot of people such as a wedding or graduation.    It is a holiday weekend here in the U.S. and the kickoff to the summer season so maybe you are enjoying a BBQ or vacationing. Watch with alcohol.  Alcohol and ‘altered states’ of consciousness fall under the domain of Neptune who is very prominent at this Eclipse. 


In the News:   A bridge in Washington State collapses plunging cars into the water.  And military misconduct as officers are accused of secretly spying on cadets and taking pictures while they were undressing.