Tag Archives: Lunar Eclipse

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

30 Apr

The Scorpio Full Moon May 5th is also a lunar Eclipse – Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology, acting as powerful portals that propel events forward rapidly, often bringing endings and new beginnings, by way of a single incident, or a series of events, causing a chain reaction, changing the trajectory of things.  It’s one of the ways the Universe re-shuffles the deck and puts you on your path.   The energies during the Eclipse Portal can feel chaotic and unpredictable for some, so give yourself some grace and allow yourself some space in the days surrounding these potent periods. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is highly sensitive, both emotionally and psychically.  Lunar Eclipses often bring closure to matters and this, being a South Node Eclipse, is connected with the past, giving a karmic and fated feel as ways of life and Soul Contracts come to their conclusion.   

Scorpio is the sign associated with the Cycles of Life, Death and Rebirth.   There’s a sense of the psychological realm with Scorpio, making things complex, complicated and intense, sometimes with a murky undercurrent, or something mysterious and unfathomable.  This sign is linked to the Underworld, the unmentionable, personal demons, torments and terrors.

This period can point to your trigger issues in an emotional and material way, drawing attention to areas of trust and security, perhaps showing up as anger, grief, resentment, jealousy, betrayal, as well as sharing, intimacy, deep connections, sex, union, bonding and exchanging with another. 

There’s also the financial side to the Taurus – Scorpio axis bringing Big Banks, loans, credit, markets, inheritance, taxes, insurance, settlements and shared resources into the picture while surrounding situations regarding these are unsettling and unstable. 

This phase shines light in dark places, bringing shadows to the surface, revealing what’s been hidden, enabling the shedding of an old skin, resulting in revitalization, restoration, revival, renewal, recovery and liberation.

In terms of healing, you may be spiraling upwards in your journey, perhaps following a phase of total emotional meltdown and release. In many ways it’s a phase for removing, discarding or extracting the dead wood and decay, anything that no longer serves- making room for many new opportunities, possibilities and experiences.     

Whatever is revealed now – whether personally or ‘out there’ in the world, even if it feels problematic, threatening, horrid or alarming, know that it serves a purpose and by bringing things to light, it assists in raising the vibration, so those things that are not a vibrational match melt away quickly as the lower vibe and density cannot exist in a higher frequency – things are lighting and leveling up quickly.    

Pluto, the ruler of this Lunar Eclipse, just turned retrograde on May 1st in the earliest degree of Aquarius – after making a historic move into Aquarius in March, the first time it’s been in this slice of the Heavens in nearly 250 years.  Pluto retrograde insists that transformation is an inside job, while Aquarius represents Humanity – signaling that the rebirth of Humanity is underway, beginning, perhaps with a collective purging and dark night of the soul. 

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is, “children playing on five mounds of sand”.  This degree of the zodiac symbolizes the emergence of other realms, while being between worlds – as we are now, and can now be seen and felt by many with the thinning of the veil.    While HUmanity finds itself on the precipice of a new era, and a new paradigm, it’s time to remember who you are and feel into what you love, and what sparks your child-like wonder, igniting the fire of creativity within, as you may be called upon to show others how to be and do things differently in the up-and-coming world. 

Mercury retrograde and Uranus are closely connected to the Taurus Sun, bringing some shocking revelations and stunning disclosures or discoveries. You can take another look at a situation, coming out on the other side of things with a completely different perspective and mindset. This influence carries a lot of spontaneity, freedom of thought and unconventionality.   Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to learn something new – things may not be what you thought they were. Awakening is well underway.

You might receive unexpected news or visitors or take part in stimulating conversations, breakthrough ideas and plans, perhaps involving technology, communication networks or large groups of people.  Maybe you catch up with someone out of the blue that you haven’t seen in quite a while. 

Additionally, there may be financial news and sudden economic shifts, changes to banking, costs, currencies, earnings, payments, market fluctuations and instability, that requires review, discussions, planning or revisions.    

Venus in Gemini links up with Jupiter in Aries and Neptune in Pisces, bringing multiple social opportunities, with all the makings for a few magical moments of creativity, camaraderie and connection. Speaking your Truth attracts the right people while the others tune out. Perhaps there’s someone that speaks your love language, saying all the right things – just be sure it’s not insincere, empty talk.  Or it may be that you’re able to communicate with someone on an intuitive, telepathic level – you just get each other in a way that flows. You feel optimistic, hopeful and self-assured as you branch out into new areas, making considerable and honest efforts, inviting conversation with a mixture of contacts and acquaintances, or on a number of topics, developing rapport with a deeper understanding, compassion and meaningful exchanges.

If you have a concept to promote, you can come up with an attractive message that strikes a chord of truth on a deeper level. 

May also holds other energetic shifts and events…

Mercury moves to Direct motion on the 14th, ending its retrograde phase.

Jupiter moves into Taurus on the 16th – for the first time in twelve years and immediately tangles with Pluto in Aquarius bringing about a ten-day period of rapid change and growth and major shifts in society – but more about that next time.   

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

5 Nov

Change is in the air at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus November 8th.  A Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon times ten.  Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology as they seem to accelerate events, fast tracking you forward.  It’s the way the Universe puts you on your path, often bringing with it sudden endings and new beginnings. It could be a single event or a series of events acting as a catalyst in bringing you to the next chapter.  During this period, something, someone or a certain situation may be eclipsed from your life, making space for something more in alignment.  Often situations are revealed and laid bare in a sudden or unanticipated way.  Eclipses can bring highly charged and erratic energy so it’s best to give yourself some space in the days surrounding Eclipses.  Those with planets or points in 15 – 19 degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius will feel this the most. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is especially electrifying as Uranus, the planet of awakenings, occupies the same degree as the Moon.  Surprises are in store for sure – you can expect the unexpected. 

Mercury and Venus sit across the sky, close to the Sun in Scorpio, aligning heart and mind with a focus on the more profound and weighty aspects of life.  Thoughts and conversations are stimulating, diving deep, cutting to the core, surface level small talk will not suffice now. Your mind is penetrating and thorough, taking you to unexpected places, coming up with mind-blowing moments of insight, ideas or discoveries.   There may be startling or unsettling word coming your way, possibly due to shake-ups and break-ups involving your finances and personal affairs.  There’s lots of news, information, communications coming through, and sudden twists and turns to stories and narratives.  You may have to wait for the Cosmic dust to settle a bit before understanding the full picture as situations seem so changeable, outrageous, unusual or unpredictable at the moment, while things are moving at breakneck speed. 

Financially speaking, there’s market volatility, economic instability, along with fluctuations and changes affecting banking, credit, costs, currencies, loans, earnings, income, payments, taxes, insurance, inheritance, wills and estates. 

Or perhaps it’s your relationships and dealings with others that you experience these stirrings.  It’s possible that certain relationships end suddenly, without warning, catching you off guard as Eclipses have a way of clearing the deck to allow room for something new.  Alternatively, you may experience spontaneous encounters that seem by chance yet feel fated, where there’s an instant attraction and soul connections as if you’re magically, magnetically drawn to one another.  You can sense kindred spirits and those that speaks your love language.  It could be that you have a change of heart about someone or something desired, or perhaps there’s a flutter of feelings rekindling existing relationships or maybe you hear from someone out of the blue, becoming reacquainted and realizing you still have a bond, able to pick up where you left off as if no time has passed.

On another level Awakening senses transform your perception of love, appreciation, sex, trust, substance, worth, significance, intimacy, connection and vulnerability, which rocks your sense of apparent security as outcomes are uncertain with no guarantees.  There’s an awareness of the difference between commonalities, comfort, compatibility and deep soul connection. 

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is “a symbolic battle between swords and torches” implying a point of definitive choice between two distinctions – good vs evil, light vs dark, black vs white, intellect vs. emotions, security vs. freedom and so on. 

Saturn in Aquarius is also in play at this lunation, perhaps lending a bit of detachment and objectivity, even defusing and dulling some of the intensity and volatility of situations.  Saturn can also bring delays, setbacks, hinderances, and cancelations. 

Saturn and Uranus have been in a tense aspect for more than a year.  These are social shaping planets creating a backdrop of sorts, marking the sign of the times, the collective and social shifts.  I’ve written more about that in several previous posts. 

It’s beyond worth mentioning that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse also falls on Election Day here in the U.S.  It appears that nothing will be normal about this election with Uranus in play.  Uranus rules over things like electronics and technology, irregularities and anomalies, as well as upsets and uprisings.  It’s an erratic influence that’s difficult to predict. 

There’s an edginess and tension during this phase, pushing security buttons on the emotional, material and spiritual levels, testing what you’re made of.  Try and keep yourself centered and when decisions arise, ask yourself what moves you and stirs you and does it come from a place of love or fear?  Let Love Rule.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

9 May

The Scorpio Full Moon May 16th is also a Lunar Eclipse, promising to be a transformative period, full of emotional intensity and psychic sensitivity as you plunge the depths during this phase.  This Eclipse is connected to the past signaling that it’s time for letting go and going with the flow.  There’s something that needs to come to a close now. 

Eclipses are powerful portals in which there’s an immense amount of Cosmic Energy shifting, often bringing about sudden endings and new beginnings.  This is one of the ways the Universe puts us on path.  Things can feel unsettling and unpredictable during Eclipses as events seem to be fast-tracked.  It’s good practice to keep your schedule lighter the days surrounding the Eclipses. 

The Lunar Eclipse is in Scorpio, the sign associated with The Underworld, things that are taboo, unmentionable and unthinkable, situations involving things like power, control, manipulation, violence, abuse, lust, jealousy, betrayal, resentment, and trust.   

This phase tests what you’re made of, calling you out to face your shadows, darkness, personal demons or issues of life and death, bringing forth deep transformation, resulting in a revival, resurrection and renewal after culling and scrapping what no longer serves, removing what holds you back. 

Additionally, Scorpio is a financial sign, emphasizing big banks, loans, credit, taxes, inheritances, insurance settlements, or recurring payments like royalties, commissions, annuities and subscriptions.

Both of Scorpio’s rulers, Mars and Pluto connect with this lunation, amplifying the raw power and transformative energy of this Eclipse.   This period is a major turning point and will be strongly felt.    

Mars and Neptune in Pisces favorably connect to this Eclipse, enhancing the mystery and secrecy as well as the psychic and spiritual activity or otherworldly happenings.  You can be deeply reflective and meditative, highly tuned in to the undercurrents in your surroundings or things that have gone on behind the scenes, in the shadows and below the surface come to light now.  Secrets are revealed.  Ghosts of the past and skeletons in the closet arise in this Now.

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn also connects with this lunation, pointing to the past being dug up, as an inner evolution is underway, restructuring, reforming and removing what’s blocking you, preventing you from being whole.   It’s as if you’re open for business while under construction – please pardon our appearance -things are messy, there’s excavation and demolition in progress, while scaffolding is in place supporting anything still salvageable and viable.  

Venus and Chiron connect in Aries during this period, portending that the way through this is Love – Love beats the demons.  This influence also brings about self-love and healing relationship rifts. 

The Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is, “Indians making camp after settling a new territory”, suggesting that you learn to tune into nature and go with the flow, to adjust and adapt to your new way of living, being reborn of your ashes like the Phoenix, which is also represented by Scorpio. 

Saturn in Aquarius puts the pressure on this Eclipse and the Nodal Axis, implying a crossroads, a point of choice, and the collective responsibility in anchoring the frequency of (y)our timeline.  As much is coming to the surface, being revealed, to be faced and reflected upon, you’ll decide if you rise up and rise above or stay where you are.  The choice is yours.  Every moment presents a choice – so ask yourself if your choice supports and brings you closer (or not) to where you wish to be in your end game. 

This influence also hints at the formation of communities of like-minded individuals, having shared values and responsibilities as well as social order, engineering and restrictions. 

Lastly, Mercury Rx in his home sign, Gemini connects with Jupiter, newly in Aries, suggesting that you take another look at some bit of information, story or scenario, seeing things in a new light, grasping a larger view, gaining a new perspective from your recent knowledge. Jupiter here gives you the strength and courage to face certain truths.   There are new plans and ideas, boldly branching out in new directions.  Alternatively, there’s a push promoting and selling an old story.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

14 Nov

The Full Moon in Taurus November 19th is also a Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses hold a lot of weight in Astrology, it’s like a Full Moon times ten.  Eclipses have a Uranian vibe to them, bringing an element of surprise, while seeming to propel events forward at an accelerated speed, often bringing about sudden endings along with new beginnings, so it’s best to give yourself some space during this powerful portal of time. 

There will be several stunners surrounding this phase as it holds a shock and awe vibe. 

Eclipses run on a nineteen-year cycle, so this Eclipse echo’s back to 2002.  If you’re old enough to remember, reflect back to that time and see if you spot a familiar theme in your life.   

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse puts the spotlight on your values, income and earnings; you could be dealing with issues surrounding banking, loans, taxes, insurance, wills, estates, and inheritance. 

On another level, this phase also brings to light matters involving love, self-worth, beauty, attraction, trust, sharing, and appreciation, comfort, security and risk. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse has lots of surprises in store as Jupiter in Aquarius pressures the luminaries triggering an awakening for leveling up the vibration, sparking new discoveries, ideas and plans that take you outside your norm, transforming your take on things. This influence pushes you to open your mind to all sorts of exciting possibilities- you don’t know what you don’t know, so be open to grow, be willing to do away with a mindset or views when you learn something new or contrary to what you think you thought you knew.  There’s a lot of unexpected opportunity in this influence to sharpen your awareness, going beyond expectation.  Things may seem incredibly strange and peculiar. 

But wait, that’s not all!   

Mars in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus face off at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, while connecting with Venus in Capricorn bringing surprising changes to the foundation of your funds and relations.  The atmosphere is alive with excitement and spontaneity and perhaps even reckless impulsiveness.  There’s a volatility in the air as if things could be set off at any moment.  Take care while driving, using machinery or working with electricity. 

Mars runs on a two-year cycle and is currently reaching a culmination to its cosmic dance with Uranus that began at the conjunction which transpired earlier this year on January 20th.  This pair suggests spontaneous actions, bizarre behavior, unusual activity, anomalies, and volatility.  This pairing is also fiercely independent and rebellious, wanting to do things their own way, no matter how reckless.   

This is also an influence that brings forth breakthroughs – you can get right to the core of a matter, facing it fearlessly while offering the impetus to do things differently, breaking free and liberating yourself from well-worn paths, ruts and complacency.

There’s a lot of passion, desire and sexy spontaneity with this influence and you could find yourself fascinated by someone, magnetically drawn and wanting to get close to them, though it may run counter to one’s independence and individuality.    

Financially, there could be unexpected expenses or earnings, fluctuating funds or changes to prices and costs or currencies.  Additionally, there could be interruptions to electricity or the internet, affecting banking and markets.

Things will be unusual, interesting and fast moving during this phase.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Gemini Lunar Eclipse

24 Nov

2020 has been a year unlike any other and it just keeps on giving as we’re nearing the close of what has been a year for the books.  2020 still holds a few more Celestial events.  Next up is the November 30th’ Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. 

Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology, giving a sense that events are moving in a fast forward fashion and sling shotting you ahead on your path.  There’s a hint of unpredictability as there’s a lot of cosmic static buzzing in the atmosphere the days surrounding eclipses.  A lunar eclipse is like a Full Moon times ten and can often be a time of heightened emotions that brings things to a dramatic climax, perhaps bringing situations, circumstances or relationships to an end.  If that happens, always keep in mind that this is the way the Universe clears the way for something better aligned with your soul’s purpose and with your vibrational frequency.  Eclipses can be powerful enough to deliver their lesson a month before or after the actual Eclipse. 

During this phase, news and information is brought to light, perhaps revealing to you some actuality or bringing some clarity to a situation.  There may be a few plot twists in the story line.  The media and publishing are also highlighted during this period.  It’s possible that you’re promoting a message, propping up a point of view, advocating a cause or belief or doing an advertising and marketing campaign.   Maybe you’re launching a new website, podcast or some other form of broadcasting. 

This lunation also calls attention to your siblings, neighbors, neighborhood and your community as these all fall under the territory of the Twins. 

This cycle could bring a turning point to new beginnings set into motion around the Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse back on June 21st

Venus in Scorpio connects with this Lunar Eclipse suggesting that information you may learn could alter some of your closest connections, bringing up a matter of trust. Communicating some of your deeper feelings could bring more intimate bonds. Or perhaps it’s your shared savings, finances, credit, debts and loans that are highlighted. Or maybe you’re dealing with wills and estates or insurance settlements. Exchanging ideas could also attract resources and support.   

Uranus in Taurus also weighs in on this lunation proposing that your awakening awareness of sense perceptions, impressions and consciousness leads to centering on truth and understanding.   Your shifting values or tastes may cause you to adjust some of your views and opinions.  On another level, there are changing markets, prices or costs, unexpected expenses or shifts in your earnings requiring you to modify any speculative or projected growth, development and progress.   This influence could also highlight big tech, imposing views and shifting from publisher to platform.   

Mercury in Scorpio is the ruler of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and makes favorable connections to Jupiter, Pluto, Pallas and Saturn in Capricorn pointing to your powerful perceptions to problem solve, see through obstructions and to remove blockages and systematize in order to advance, progress, reform and renew; although the process feels quite destructive and messy for now. 

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reads, “a quiver full of arrows” suggesting that you’re armed and ready with the skills, knowledge, means and methods in which to obtain your goals, objectives and aspirations. 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

3 Jun

earth chainsThe Sagittarius Full Moon June 5th is also a Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology, they’re powerful energy portals giving the fated feeling of fast-tracking events into the future.  It’s the way the Universe puts us on path.  A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon, while a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon.  A lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon times ten as energies are amplified more than a typical Full Moon. Eclipses often come with a hint of drama, unexpected turns or sudden beginnings and endings so it’s best to keep your schedule flexible and your mind open during “Eclipse Season”.  Eclipses usually come in pairs a couple times a year.  This         go-around we even get a bonus third Eclipse- but hey, it’s 2020 right? Although they’re not visible everywhere, symbolically, they hold an important influence, especially over the area of the Eclipse path.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius highlights topics involving Honesty, Morality, Integrity, Judgement and doing what’s right; Also, Natural Law, and the Rule of Law. This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius opens the energies of Sagittarius and Gemini for the next year and a half; the last time these signs were emphasized was 2010-2013.  Think back to what you were up to then and how it relates to now.    You may experience development, advancement and understanding in these areas on another level now.

This lunation could bring a turning point to events set in motion back in November last year at the Sagittarius New Moon. Perhaps you were doing an advertising or marketing campaign, a podcast or promoting a cause or a message important to you.   It’s possible that you had a court case or obtained legal counsel. More importantly, this may take place on an inner level for you, as your own personal truth and worldview, resulting from your growth, inner development, faith, belief and inner knowing takes a turn as deeper truths are revealed.

Mars in Pisces triggers this Full Moon and inquiring minds want to know. This phase may have you questioning what you hear, see, what’s being said and what you believe or choose to believe, while needing to get at the Truth, you’re now willing (or forced) to take a deeper dive at what’s going on behind the scenes or in the shadows.  A bigger picture emerges complete with storyline and dialogue.

There’s information warfare and a secret skirmish with a flood of subconscious assaults and images flung out there that challenge what you think you know, testing your perceptions and judgment.   You will need to use your discernment arriving at what is true for you.  It’s also important to be able to communicate your views without subversive tactics.

The verdict is in….

This time could test your faith, perhaps feeling you’ve lost your way, that you’re chasing illusions or that your efforts are futile or attempts fruitless.  There can be the feeling of hopelessness, a subconscious struggle, a deep pain, questioning the meaning of suffering and the Human condition, life’s existence, and God.  This period highlights an opportunity to examine your subconscious motivations helping you to arrive at another level of understanding.   This energy can also be channeled creatively and be a time for curiosity, wonder and imagination.  Your intuitive guidance together with reason and common sense may inspire a leap of faith and pursuit of a dream.

Venus Rx close to the Gemini Sun influences the Lunar Eclipse asking you to take another look at your relationships, your associates and what you find appealing and attractive.  You might also consider the mental connections you have. Do you appreciate conversations with your comrades? Do their values resonate with you? You may spend time re-evaluating what’s important to you.

Financially speaking, it may be time to re-assess or re-budget.

During this phase, you may run into old friends or lovers and people from your past.  Or perhaps a lesson, through a familiar situation or circumstance is presented, giving an opportunity to respond differently, demonstrating your growth and maturity.

Jupiter Rx in Cap is the ruler of the Full Moon maintaining a meetup with Pluto Rx, continuing the process of a major overhaul and restoration, a personal search for truth and meaning, an inner reconstruction of systems of belief, removing  obstacles, limitations, doubts and fears.

Mercury in Cancer, Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries exchange energies during this phase, bringing a period for uncomfortable conversations that are necessary steps toward healing.  Recalling the past may trigger sore spots but can also inspire courage to move through shifting certainties.

Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

23 Jul

change and uncertaintyThe Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius July 27th will keep you on your toes.  The change factor is cranked up now and this may have you feeling unsettled or anxious at the uncertainty and unpredictability.  Give yourself some space the days surrounding this Eclipse.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program

, The Magick Moon Circle here.

Eclipses are noteworthy events in astrology and can give the impression that matters are moving quickly and being propelled forward.  A single incident or chain of events could have you changing course.  A situation may reach a turning point or conclusion, or something is revealed and brought to light.

It is possible that some of the seeds planted at the Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse back in February may start to bear fruit now.

This lunation may bring matters to a head concerning some of your far-off goals. Situations involving friends, groups, causes, communities, networks and technology will be highlighted now.  Aquarius is a sign that has an interest in humankind and wants to create solutions that are a win win for everyone involved.  New trends may reach defining moments and milestones.

Mars Rx and the South Node are very closely connected to this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, bringing the past to light.  A time for reviewing past actions, or unexpressed anger or hostility.  You may have to do an about-face and regroup on some of the new directions you’ve taken recently.

Just one day ahead of the Lunar Eclipse, Mercury in Leo also turns retrograde on the 26th, adding to the slowdown in the sky and the need to cover old ground.  Reconsider and rediscover what’s in your heart, why you do what you do; talk to your inner child and see what warms you. Maybe you revisit some creative pastime or reconnect with childhood friends.  Of course, the typical rules of retrograde Mercury apply, like not buying electronics, vehicles, appliances or signing documents and communicate as clearly as you can.

Uranus in Taurus is the ruler of this Eclipse and sends a jab to the Leo Sun and Moon and Mars Rx in Aquarius generating excitement and volatility.  This is an impulsive, spontaneous and unstable influence. There’s a charge in the atmosphere, a simmering unrest like the feeling of a ticking time bomb. Be careful driving, using machinery, tools and sharp objects or working with electricity.  On another level, you may have sudden break throughs or aha moments of genius and inspiration.  There are sudden moves and changes of direction that get you out of your comfort zone.  Additionally, there may be unexpected expenses, pricing changes and fluctuating markets.  There could also be technological breaks or a breach in security.

Mars and Uranus had a confrontation back on May 16th.  Think back to the days surrounding and see if a theme is revealed for you. Events that took place then may be relevant to what is happening now.

Chiron in Aries connects with the Sun in Leo and the Moon, Mars Rx, and the South Node in Aquarius symbolic of the simmering unrest over things from long long ago, a group memory, perhaps even from lifetimes ago; hinting to a collective arousal and awakening leading us into unfamiliar territory. Everyone, in your own individual way, is experiencing this within and around you.  Some may be taken by surprise or irritated and incensed. This stirring of Humanity reminds us of infinite potential; that we can be more and do better by recognizing your creator-self, your inner essence and radiance and to follow a path with heart.  This influence may assist in healing the past while at the same time, bringing a sense of being at the threshold of something new.

The axis of Leo and Aquarius wants integration and reconciliation of one’s individual nature and talents contributed and reflected upon that of the larger society.

Uranus, the ruler of this Lunar Eclipse also makes a favorable connection to Saturn retrograde in Capricorn providing a bit of a stabilizing influence amidst rapidly changing circumstances. This suggests that the changes happening are constructive even if it doesn’t seem so. There’s a merging of the old and the new, focus on the essential, on what’s relevant, discard the rest and get down to the bare bones of a situation, altering and shifting outmoded frameworks, structures, paradigms, templates, forms, rules, policies and guidelines. You don’t have to scrap everything, just what’s proven no longer sustainable and rework it, so things are more doable.  Use this time to reconsider what’s socially acceptable or to redefine your goals and standards and to measure things on your own terms.   You don’t have to follow the crowd or seek approval, be true to you.  As old models shift and merge with fluctuating feelings and changing desires, tastes and values you’re able to make alterations without giving up essentials and things of importance, able to be firm in your position without being too rigid.

Markets, costs and pricing fluctuations and instability is also included here.

Venus in Virgo connects favorably to Pluto in Capricorn favoring reforming structures and schedules and getting organized; getting things like form and function or time management and productivity to join forces.  Now you can oil your machine and initiate the necessary changes on several levels, whether this is your business, your work or your everyday world like your schedule, chores, your health routines, regimens, diet and exercise.  Introduce adjustments, corrections and improvements and get out of comfort zones.  An appropriate time to clear out closets and cupboards and give a once over to your processes, procedures and systems to make things run more efficiently. You could hire and train employees, an apprentice or assistant now.  You may hire a handyman, make cosmetic improvements and transform or reform your space.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program,

The Magick Moon Circle here.


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Super Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse

29 Jan

projected imageThe first month of 2018 ends with a rare and powerful celestial event; a Blue Moon- Super Full Moon- Lunar Eclipse.  A Blue Moon is when two Full Moons occur within a single month; a Super Moon is when the Moon is closer to Earth and appears larger in the sky and a Lunar Eclipse is always a significant occurrence in Astrology.

Eclipses have a way of speeding up and accelerating events, activities and goings on; perhaps even changing the trajectory or course you were on through some incident or a series of happenings.  Don’t fear; this is one way that the Universe puts us on path. There is often a hint of the unexpected where Eclipses are concerned, emotions could be amplified so it is best to give yourself some space if you can.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.

This time could mark a turning point in any creative endeavors or affairs of the heart that were put into motion at the Leo New Moon in July or even the Great American Total Solar Eclipse back in August.

This Lunar Eclipse in Leo brings to light many attributes of the Lion; being confident, proud and big hearted, showing courage, leadership and follow through.  Beware of being an arrogant braggart, showing off too much or displaying a sense of entitlement.

The North Node so close to this Lunar Eclipse points to the path with heart.  Follow it.  This period brings attention to your Creator-Self.

There is a lot of Energy building in Aquarius, across the sky from the Moon.  This suggests the desire for change, awakening, revelation and inspiration.

Asteroid Goddess Ceres makes the closest aspect to the Moon.  Her prominence suggests the need to nurture your inner child, your creative genius and your inner essence.  Pay attention to the things that give you joy, make you feel special and warm you. Nourish your gifts and talents. Be proud of yourself. Accept yourself.  Know your worth.

Neptune is also in a tense aspect with the Moon suggesting fine-tuning of one’s self-image and that its time to surrender the masks and illusions and trade them for authenticity.  Release those feelings of doubt, uncertainty, insecurity, inadequacy, anxiety, of being flawed, weak, abandoned or not enough and the things that keep you from love and from loving and fully expressing yourself and living your potential. This is also about body image, unrealistic ideals and being comfortable and confident with who you are, in your own right, in your own skin without the need for the approval of others.  CVS recently decided to ban photo retouching in their ad campaigns as just one manifestation of these energies.

Children and children’s issues are also front and center at this Lunar Eclipse.  Coupled with Ceres, this could illuminate matters involving child rearing and parenting, single parenting, custody, early education, child care, teachers or perhaps the arts in school or even meditation in classrooms. Maybe there is a child in your life that is feeling invisible these days and needs some extra attention.

This influence can also shed light on the need for making amends, alterations and corrections in situations involving the victimization of children. Especially things that are overlooked, ignored, secret or behind the scenes or if someone is turning a blind eye to and/or being complicit in inappropriate situations whether this is in Hollywood, the church, the Olympics or any other organized sports or schools.

Additionally, Ceres is also about family ties, feeling a sense of belonging and finding your tribe. This suggests that you should find yourself in the company of those that allow, accept and encourage you to be your most radiant, authentic self.  It is time to contribute and give your gifts and to know your place within a larger community.

On another level, this is tied to getting in touch with the natural energies of the Earth and the Solar energies.  Some could experience shifts and adjustments in the heart chakra or chest area or changes in sunlight that yields adaptations and modifications in the projection of images. Spend some time outside in natural sunlight and charge your batteries if you can.

Blessings and Good Vibes to All at this Super Blue Moon Eclipse!

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.


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Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius

2 Aug

eclipse hawksThe Full Moon on August 7th is a Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses are not only a site to behold in the sky if you’re lucky enough to catch it, in Astrology, they’re a big deal and they can affect us on the emotional, physical and spiritual planes.  Eclipses have a way of accelerating events.  It’s the way the Universe gets us on track.  Sometimes in a dramatic fashion by bringing something to an end.  If that happens, it is to make room for what’s to come. Energies are heightened and there’s a bit of excitement with a lot of cosmic static in the air during eclipse time. Some may feel the pull of this lunation strongly; especially those with planets or sensitive points in 14-17 degrees of the fixed signs Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio.  A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon but this is an extra powerful Full Moon in Aquarius.

Aquarius is a futuristic, humanitarian sign; a sign of brotherhood, sisterhood and friendships. It’s your social scene, supporters, networks and common causes.  You could now see any of those areas turn a corner now.  It may be that some of the things seeded at the New Moon back in late January have started to bear fruit now.  This may also involve science, technology and/or automation.

Mars the motivator is close to the Leo Sun and opposite the Moon at this Eclipse and we could see some creative initiatives or impulses coming to a head.  Mars in fellow fire sign Leo could have you acting on impulse, feeling fierce and feisty; nudging and egging you on to be your own creative, authentic, expressive self, standing out in a crowd.  It is time to do things differently, to be experimental, think outside the box and set a new trend or at least get in touch with future trends. What is your knack or special talent that you can offer up and inject into the collective?  It’s time to get co-creating!

At this point in the year, all the outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are now retrograde.  There is some collective backtracking to be done with our structures and systems, our innovations and break throughs, our spirituality and visions, our power and cycles of renewal.

The good news is that expansive Jupiter in Libra makes a favorable aspect to this Eclipse and you could increase your contacts and connections or improve relationships.  Now is the time for relationships that are in alignment and there could be opportunities through others or from collaborating and cooperating.  It could also be that you’ve outgrown certain associations or relationship patterns that no longer serve you; some of them are no longer in alignment with who you are becoming.

The other big news is that Jupiter in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn.  These two have gone at it throughout 2017 bringing momentous changes with it. The exact aspects were November 24th, 2016, March 30th, 2017 and August 5th, 2017. This suggests a growing opposition and need to even out the playing field that’s daring a consolidation of power or a potent resistance.  Over the course of the last several years, there’s been a break down in many of the structures within our lives; careers, status, marriages, goals, ambitions, parents and parenting, schedules and time just to name a few. This has been quite the process for many people; some may have had to cast out some demons and eliminate obstacles.  Now it’s a period of reform and renewal, and the challenge is to be inclusive and fair while being in alignment with your Truth.  No more one-sided deals; it’s even Steven or nothing at all these days. In fact, the imbalance has often become so great that it’s undeniable and unable to be ignored. If you’re experiencing that in your personal life, notice your own resistance.

Neptune in Pisces is also sending vibes to this Eclipse suggesting that there may be some tweaking needed to will and direct some of your creative visions.  It could also be that there’s something that’s been obscured, overlooked or unnoticed that now gets your attention and is brought to light.

Mercury in Virgo is across the sky from nebulous Neptune in Pisces so thinking may not be clear, or there’s information missing or omitted; you don’t have all the facts.  Mercury will soon retrograde from August 12 through September 5th.   There may be backtracking and going over details, or needing to go over the finer points and plans of some distant vision.  As always, Mercury Rx is the time to review, revisit and reconsider and in Virgo, it may have to do with diet, health, your daily routine and chores or perhaps with your job, skills, and co-workers.  It’s a great time to re-organize and revamp.

Good Vibes to All at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!



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Libra Lunar Eclipse

22 Mar

libra 1At this time of year we are trying to strike a balance between “I vs. we “and how we can negotiate and come to an agreement.  There is a need for fairness, equality and diplomacy. We want things to be even Steven.  This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse shines its light- illuminating issues surrounding our efforts at compromise, cooperation and collaboration and also how we may feel about competition.  This is the time when our efforts at autonomy faces off with the need to partner up; whether this is in the romantic or business sense.  We may see negotiations come to a head at the time of this Lunar Eclipse or it could be that an important relationship turns a corner at the time of this Full Moon.  We could also see a turning point in some creative or artistic project we’re involved in.

Mercury in Aries is opposite this full moon and it may be that tact and diplomacy are out the window. There could even be angry words, or impatience in the tone of your voice or you are quick to voice your opinion.  It may also be that you have to make quick decisions or put together a plan of action.  It is best to think before speaking.  You may have to ‘bite your tongue’ in order to keep the peace.

Mars in Sagittarius is sextile the Full Moon lending some extra energy.  Things are spirited now and we could be feeling more adventurous and pushing our luck.  It could be that we are in the pursuit of knowledge or truth or fighting for freedom or rights.  There could also be an increase in aggressiveness or someone asserting their opinions and beliefs.  On another level, we may just want to get moving and get going; get outside into nature. It’s a good time to be active, do something physical like walking, running, biking or sports.

Jupiter in Virgo is square Saturn in Sagittarius at the time of this Full Moon suggesting that now it is time for improving our systems and techniques, perfecting our skills and expanding our knowledge of our craft in order to secure our future. Competence and efficiency are being challenged and tested.  Health and well-being can be improved now by cutting out any excesses. We’re now able to be focused, disciplined and to use good judgement. This is also a good opportunity to get organized since we’re also able to be scrutinizing now knowing what is essential. This can also be a time when the workload is piling up and the responsibilities are numerous.    This time also gives us an opportunity to move beyond limiting beliefs that may be the source of feelings of insecurity, inferiority, fears of success, etc.

Jupiter in Virgo is also still engaged in a trine with Pluto in Capricorn suggesting that if we are disciplined and work hard, we can eliminate obstacles and blocks; the things that have been in our way, the things that we’ve held on to for a long time now. This could be in the form of limiting beliefs, bad habits or perhaps you’ve collected a lot of ‘junk’ over time and just need to clean out your closets.  Either way it is a good time to clean house and transform structures.

Saturn will retrograde just two days after this Eclipse so we have until August to give a once over to our accomplishments, goals or ambitions.  This backwards motion may feel as if our progress is being slowed or that we are being deliberately held back.  We may also have to re-evaluate what success means to us in our very own personal way and it may be quite different from what it means to the rest of society or what is thought of as socially acceptable. It could be that we need to take another look at our public role, parental role or reputation; or perhaps we need to review which areas of our lives where we’ll need to cut back or to show more discipline, authority or accountability.

Ceres, Chiron and the South Node are still traveling together in the same degree of Pisces at the time of this Lunar Eclipse, reminding us how we are all connected to nature, the natural world and the natural cycles. We need to get back to that and incorporate that wisdom into our everyday lives; giving our lives practical wisdom and spirituality.  Knowing our place and our role within these natural cycles and rhythms helps to give meaning to our lives.  These are important things to learn and live and equally important to teach these things to our children.

Blessings to ALL at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!


I am also happy to report that the DARK act and efforts to block the labeling of our food was defeated in Congress last week!  YAY!


If you would like to book a reading or energy healing with me visit my website:  www.spellboundastrology.com Subscribe for free!  Stop by and say hi on Facebook and share with your friends!  Follow me on Twitter @christinastarz9