Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

5 Nov

Change is in the air at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus November 8th.  A Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon times ten.  Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology as they seem to accelerate events, fast tracking you forward.  It’s the way the Universe puts you on your path, often bringing with it sudden endings and new beginnings. It could be a single event or a series of events acting as a catalyst in bringing you to the next chapter.  During this period, something, someone or a certain situation may be eclipsed from your life, making space for something more in alignment.  Often situations are revealed and laid bare in a sudden or unanticipated way.  Eclipses can bring highly charged and erratic energy so it’s best to give yourself some space in the days surrounding Eclipses.  Those with planets or points in 15 – 19 degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius will feel this the most. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is especially electrifying as Uranus, the planet of awakenings, occupies the same degree as the Moon.  Surprises are in store for sure – you can expect the unexpected. 

Mercury and Venus sit across the sky, close to the Sun in Scorpio, aligning heart and mind with a focus on the more profound and weighty aspects of life.  Thoughts and conversations are stimulating, diving deep, cutting to the core, surface level small talk will not suffice now. Your mind is penetrating and thorough, taking you to unexpected places, coming up with mind-blowing moments of insight, ideas or discoveries.   There may be startling or unsettling word coming your way, possibly due to shake-ups and break-ups involving your finances and personal affairs.  There’s lots of news, information, communications coming through, and sudden twists and turns to stories and narratives.  You may have to wait for the Cosmic dust to settle a bit before understanding the full picture as situations seem so changeable, outrageous, unusual or unpredictable at the moment, while things are moving at breakneck speed. 

Financially speaking, there’s market volatility, economic instability, along with fluctuations and changes affecting banking, credit, costs, currencies, loans, earnings, income, payments, taxes, insurance, inheritance, wills and estates. 

Or perhaps it’s your relationships and dealings with others that you experience these stirrings.  It’s possible that certain relationships end suddenly, without warning, catching you off guard as Eclipses have a way of clearing the deck to allow room for something new.  Alternatively, you may experience spontaneous encounters that seem by chance yet feel fated, where there’s an instant attraction and soul connections as if you’re magically, magnetically drawn to one another.  You can sense kindred spirits and those that speaks your love language.  It could be that you have a change of heart about someone or something desired, or perhaps there’s a flutter of feelings rekindling existing relationships or maybe you hear from someone out of the blue, becoming reacquainted and realizing you still have a bond, able to pick up where you left off as if no time has passed.

On another level Awakening senses transform your perception of love, appreciation, sex, trust, substance, worth, significance, intimacy, connection and vulnerability, which rocks your sense of apparent security as outcomes are uncertain with no guarantees.  There’s an awareness of the difference between commonalities, comfort, compatibility and deep soul connection. 

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is “a symbolic battle between swords and torches” implying a point of definitive choice between two distinctions – good vs evil, light vs dark, black vs white, intellect vs. emotions, security vs. freedom and so on. 

Saturn in Aquarius is also in play at this lunation, perhaps lending a bit of detachment and objectivity, even defusing and dulling some of the intensity and volatility of situations.  Saturn can also bring delays, setbacks, hinderances, and cancelations. 

Saturn and Uranus have been in a tense aspect for more than a year.  These are social shaping planets creating a backdrop of sorts, marking the sign of the times, the collective and social shifts.  I’ve written more about that in several previous posts. 

It’s beyond worth mentioning that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse also falls on Election Day here in the U.S.  It appears that nothing will be normal about this election with Uranus in play.  Uranus rules over things like electronics and technology, irregularities and anomalies, as well as upsets and uprisings.  It’s an erratic influence that’s difficult to predict. 

There’s an edginess and tension during this phase, pushing security buttons on the emotional, material and spiritual levels, testing what you’re made of.  Try and keep yourself centered and when decisions arise, ask yourself what moves you and stirs you and does it come from a place of love or fear?  Let Love Rule.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

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