Tag Archives: health

Virgo Full Moon

28 Feb

March holds some of the biggest planetary shifts of our lifetime. A pivotal month lies ahead, taking you to a new level.  March is the most eventful month of the year astrologically with lots happening in the Heavens.  Here’s a bit of a breakdown…

The Virgo Full Moon March 7th brings matters of Health, Wellness, Healing and Healers into the spotlight.  Perhaps you’ve been on the mend or have implemented particular practices or protocols into your routines and now things are turning a corner in your efforts toward Wellness or recovery.   On the other hand, it could be that a health issue, prognosis or diagnosis is brought to light, calling your attention. Or it may be that you’re on the lookout for or working with a new practitioner, healer, treatment, modality or remedy during this phase.  This influence especially favors remedies that are natural as Virgo is an Earth sign and associated with purity.  This time also favors detoxification, purification, flushing out, cleansing, sanitation, decontamination, etc.

Virgo is also associated with our day-to-day routines and goings about (y)our day.  It’s not the most glamourous or exciting area, but the importance of it is not to be overlooked, as this is where most of life is made and spent.  Give some thought to the programs that run your daily life, how well things are functioning and if things are running along smoothly or not and see where and how you can make any corrections or improvements in practical ways so you can live your best life.   This phase allows for small changes that can make a big impact. 

Uranus in Taurus connects favorably to this lunation bringing stimulating shifts that are evident in your everyday, changing things in a material way. It may be that there are changes to your job, employment or skillset that has a bearing on your earnings, income or payments.   Or it may be that there are changes in banking, markets, costs or currencies impacting your daily life.  This influence also assists you in getting out of your comfort zone, enabling useful, constructive changes, making a difference to your daily routine. 

On another level, there’s an awakening awareness to the state of situations and circumstances.  This phase allows for a bit of excitement and spontaneity to pull you out of any ruts that you’ve comfortably carved. 

Venus in Aries also connects with this lunation, shifting some of your personal values, perhaps related to your occupation, skills and earnings.  Additionally, you may be more direct in your desires and in the pursuit of things that appeal to you, there’s a stirring awareness of the things that you want in life and willingness to make the practical and necessary adjustments in order to make those things part of your everyday world. 

Mars in Gemini triggers the Moon in Virgo and the Pisces Sun, creating some conflict and stress with a rushing flow of ideas and plans, envisioning and imagining, discussions, conversations, news, information and disinformation,  that insists on your discernment, active questioning, or direct responses and messages spurring you to clear up confusion, learn more, and come up with workable solutions, corrections and problem solving, or to clean up, flush out or detoxify, organize, prioritize, making things workable or doable. Make the world make sense again.   

Jupiter and Chiron are moving closer to their meetup in Aries – they’ll be closely connected for most of the month.  This influence brings a deep healing experience or a deeper understanding of a painful experience, enabling you to move beyond it.  Perhaps you’re coming to a better understanding of or utilizing the application of self-healing and alternative healing techniques and practices such as – energy healing, crystal healing, vibrational, frequency or sound healing, acupuncture, massage, CHIROpractic, or perhaps there’s some new healing, health or medical technology introduced now.

Additionally, this phase may bring an event or situation that acts as a catalyst for growth, understanding and development, enabling you to tap into your Higher Guidance or Intuition.  Perhaps a Mentor, Guide, Guru, Galactic, Wisdom Keeper or Way Shower enters the picture now- it appears that someone or something illuminates a bit of knowledge, enlarging your views and way of life. There could even be some sort of Ceremony and Initiation to this new way of life.  This phase provides the opportunity for a big level-up enabling a quantum leap in consciousness. 

This Full Moon heralds the arrival of Saturn into Pisces.  Saturn hasn’t seen this slice of the Heavens in nearly thirty years – think back to 1994 -1996 to see if a similar theme from back then is relevant to your life now.  Saturn will be in Pisces for quite some time – until February 2026, so there are several ways that this energy may manifest over that time span. 

The energies of these two influences, Saturn and Pisces couldn’t be more distinct from each other.  Saturn is form, structure and limitation while Pisces is formless, boundless and infinite.  This influence may bring a reality check, deep shadow work, recognizing your illusions, delusions or self-deception, and an acknowledgement of (y)our mistakes and the ownership of the error of your ways.

While Saturn may dull the sparkle of the Pisces illusion, it can also give form to your creative imaginings and enabling manifestation. As co-creators , this influence gives the opportunity to construct your reality just by visualizing and feeling it.  This is powerful stuff that comes with immense responsibility. 

Saturn provides the backbone that your life is structured around, while Pisces is a spiritual, mystical, mysterious and Divine influence, suggesting that you find ways to realize the sacredness and magic in ALL and weave such devotional practices into the tapestry of your reality constructs, making practical use of Spiritual Truths.

On another level, As an old paradigm dissolves, things that seemed to be set in stone may come to an end, while simultaneously, we bear witness to and participate in New Earth’s construction.  At times it may feel like there are porous boundaries as you shift between realities and timelines. 

These are times of fast-moving massive changes – work on the things that you can controltake care of your body, mind and soul.

As if all of this isn’t enough packed into one month- there’s more!

Coming up – the Equinox on March 20th, the Aries New Moon on the 21st and the history making movement of Pluto into Aquarius on the 23rd but more about that next time. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

P.S.  If you want to hear more join me for First Fridays! Sign up on my Star Chat Live page for notifications and for listening to previous broadcasts.  

The Last New Moon of the Year

19 Dec

Capricorn New Moon 2022

The Last New Moon of 2022 on December 23rd is in Capricorn.  This is the second New Moon hosted in the sign of the Mountain Goat, as 2022 opened with a Capricorn New Moon back on January 2nd

A New Moon always signifies new beginnings, but this last New Moon of the year is in the early degrees of Capricorn, coming on the heels of the powerful Winter Solstice signifying increasing Light, new starts and establishing new structures.    

Several planets are concentrated in Capricorn now, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto, emphasizing the importance of this period, calling attention to Truth, Consequences and Accountability.

During this period, timelines are aligning with Earth’s Energies and the Natural Law and Order of things.

During this phase, the mood is reserved and restrained, your mindset is on things that matter, small talk will not suffice, ideas, plans and conversations are measured and controlled, while you appreciate quality and substance and what’s real in others, enabling you to restructure things on a new level, while at the same time, scrapping what no longer serves and what is no longer in alignment.  

This phase opens you to new goals and recognition for accomplishments and experience(s) where responsibility, discipline and commitment are key.  Although it seems a bit premature, this phase is appropriate for setting your resolutions and goals for the year ahead.  Manifestation could be almost instantaneous, so be mindful of thoughts and creations as there’s longevity to whatever (y)our focus is on. 

Your aims and ambitions have a lot of oomph behind them during this phase, as Jupiter recently Re-entered Aries just prior to the Winter Solstice, sending vibes out to this New Moon, providing the energy to achieve what you set out to do.  The wind is at your back enabling progress, advancement, success and luck. 

Jupiter toured Aries for a short stint from May to October, but before that, it hasn’t seen this slice of the Heavens since June 2010.  Take a look back on that period to see if there’s a big new beginning that took place then, as Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, marking the start of a new 12 -year cycle.    Read more on Jupiter in Aries in a previous article.

Health is also highlighted at this New Moon, as Hygiea is closely connected to this New Moon, while also connecting with Ceres in Libra and Jupiter in Aries.  This influence suggests taking responsibility for health choices and decisions, making more of an effort to bring things into balance and alignment, having disciplined routines, considering foods, herbs, supplements and alternative self-care practices you’re implementing as well as integrating mental, emotional and spiritual health practices.  This may also bring up women’s health issues such as childbirth, fertility, ob/gyn, menopause, etc.   

Mercury in Capricorn connects Neptune in Pisces enabling you to work with intellect and intuition, bringing form to some of your deeper visions.  You may be able to communicate with others almost telepathically as tangible messages come through in images and feelings.    

Mercury turns retrograde December 29th through January 18th, beginning the year with a bit of backtracking and reviewing the foundation of some of your plans and ideas.  The typical Mercury Retrograde rules apply here which is to be clear in your communication, don’t sign documents as you may be obligated for a long time to come, review your emails, texts, messages, etc. BEFORE you hit the send button, don’t buy electronics, gadgets, appliances or cars during this phase.  Mercury retrograde is a period to revisit, revise and review, not for starting something new.  It’s not uncommon for people from your past to pop in during this phase too. 

Venus in Capricorn connects with Uranus in Taurus bringing noticeable changes with lasting outcomes to long held relationships and associations or to your financial framework and long-term investments.    

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidaze!

Pisces Full Moon

16 Sep
Seeing though the darkness

The Pisces Full Moon, September 20th is full of magic, mystery and misty otherworldliness as Neptune, the ruler of this New Moon, is also close by, upping the enchantment.  This phase is full of heightened emotions and supernatural sensitivity.  Tune into your Higher Guidance and Intuition and pay attention to your dreams as there’s likely a message for you.  This lunation sheds light on things that have been kept under wraps, out of sight and going on behind the scenes. 

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is, “light breaking into many colors through a prism”, hinting that there’s more than meets the eye, as all isn’t as it seems, so you’ll need to look at things through a different lens, and use your discernment to break it down and sort it out.  The Sun across the sky in Virgo assists in coming to terms with the finer points and particulars.  The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is, “a man gaining secret knowledge from a scroll he is reading”, suggesting that much is being revealed and brought into the light now. 

This Full Moon may bring a turning point to visionary schemes and ideas, artistic designs, or meditative and spiritual practice initiated at the Pisces New Moon back in mid-March.  Take a look at how far you’ve come and all that you’ve accomplished since then. Which of your dreams has made its way into your reality?

The Pisces Full Moon, in close connection to Neptune, deepens the disorder, chaos, confusion, misconceptions and even deception, while facing the Virgo Sun, which is intricately linked to Hygiea during this phase, once again, highlighting health matters, healing, cures, therapies, toxins and poisons.  This phase brings matters to a head regarding a new health, diet or exercise regimen or protocol, or perhaps your encouraged to start one.  Maybe you decide it’s time to give up a bad habit or vice, or to detox, cleanse or purify. 

Water will also be significant now, there could be high tides and floods, or the need for a clean-up. 

A few of the Sun in Virgo super- powers are being able to analyze, scrutinize, dissect, discern, categorize, examine, inspect and label.  This phase reveals the error of your ways, lending a hand in cutting the confusion and correcting mistakes and mix-ups.  You’ll see what’s what and call it what it is. 

Mars in Libra also has a run in with the Full Moon, perhaps causing conflict, confrontation or opposition while kicking over the apple cart as there’s a push for justice and equality. If you’ve been on the fence about some matter, this influence has a way of knocking you off of it.  It’s difficult to keep the peace with this influence, although you can air out grievances and begin working on coming to a compromise. 

During this phase, you could initiate contact and connect with a potential partner, make collaborative efforts, or join forces on some project.

Mercury in Libra is busy engaging with several major players- Jupiter in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, pointing to connecting and conversing with many others, sharing ideas and plans, broadening your outlook and worldview, having an attractive message and getting it out there to be heard, triggering an end to any blocks or resistance, your own as well as others, letting go of fear and doubt, as you’re able to just go with the flow, being adventurous, open minded, original and free, intuitively knowing how to speak to what others are feeling.   You could be doing an advertising or marketing campaign, broadcasting to a large audience or group via a website or social media platform.

 On another level, connecting and sharing your thoughts and ideas with others enables the gathering of like-minded souls and the growth of collective consciousness.  This influence supports mass awakenings, rapid advancement and raising your vibration, along with sudden revelations and understanding, deeper insights and meaning as to the larger workings of things, while whatever has been in your way, preventing this, is now dissolved, while there’s a fine tuning of intellect and intuition, suddenly you see – and it serves as a reminder that we are all one, bringing forth a state of balance and peace of mind. 

One last mention about Mercury- Mercury will retrograde September 27th – October 18th in Libra. This period is to retrace your steps, repeat, review, revamp, redo, revise, but don’t start anything new. Re-evaluate and look at alternate views.  As a general rule, Mercury retrograde is NOT the time to sign papers or enter into agreements ((unless it was in the works before retrograding)).  Avoid buying electronics, appliances, cars or things with moving parts.  Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods, ruling over communication, so these things get a bit wonky while Mercury is retrograde, usually in the form of electronic glitches, miscommunications, misunderstandings, misdirection, and sometimes delays, setbacks and cancellations.  Double check and re-confirm everything.  Mercury retrograde also has a way of bringing people from your past into your orbit for some unfinished business. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Virgo New Moon

29 Aug

The Virgo New Moon September 6th centers around matters of health and healing.  With Hygeia closely connected, this period is an opening for those things we do in our daily routine in order to keep healthy.  This is a good time to begin a health regimen, a new diet or exercise program or to find the right doctor, healer or protocol.  This influence also emphasizes health professionals, healers, cures, therapies, treatments or remedies.

Virgo is a sign of practicality and functionality, wanting to compartmentalize, organize and categorize, to label things and put them in the proper place.  Virgo wants to make sure things run along smoothly, it’s all about efficiency, efficacy and productivity – how well something works or doesn’t and to figure out what to do to correct it. 

Virgo is an Earth sign, favoring things that are natural and pure, and from the Earth like fresh fruits, veggies and herbs.  This is a perfect time to detox or cleanse.  This also means cleaning, organizing and purging your environment or even your headspace, perhaps you’re in need of a mental decluttering. 

You’ll have the motivation to get it all sorted with the help of Mars in Virgo.  This is “get your shit together” energy.

Although, Neptune in Pisces is across the sky creating some confusion that you’ll have to use your selectivity to sort through as some things may be vague or misleading. 

Uranus in Taurus connects favorably with this Virgo New Moon putting things on the fast track in very real-world ways.  This influence brings surprises, shaking you out of your comfort zone.  There could be changes with work or employment affecting your earnings or income.   For some, it may be that the appreciation of freedom and choice in health matters impacts employment and income.  Perhaps people find value in your unique skillset, ability or craft bringing unexpected or sudden profits or maybe you’re starting a new job and your earnings fluctuate and/or skyrocket.  This is a mostly positive influence, though it does bear some uncertainty, excitement and instability. On another level, there are senses awakening and coming online, influencing your discernment, having an effect on your everyday life, becoming noticeable and evident now. 

Mars in Virgo connects favorably with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, while nudging Jupiter in Aquarius, granting an immense power and force, with precise and practical moves to remove or extract any obstacles, blocks or barriers standing in your way while making rapid progress and advancements, discoveries, or breakthroughs, possibly involving science, technology or big tech.  On an inner level, this is shifting some of your beliefs that have kept you stuck.  This could be a period of great achievement as you’re motivated to get to work and get things done.  There’s a push to restore order, restructure, rebuild or to reschedule, re-arrange, revamp and repurpose, while making amendments to correct, improve and come up with innovative solutions. On another level, there’s an upgrade that shifts things for the better as a mass awakening is underway, enabling you to take practical action and specific steps that produce transformational results and consequences in your everyday life.   

Venus in Libra links with Jupiter in Aquarius pointing to connecting with the right people, those that align with your values, share your interests, and those that are vibing at the same frequency as you.    You attract others of like mind right now, and friendships and relationships develop quickly.  As there is an increase and elevation in frequency and vibration, Humanity is on the rise, gathering in loving peace and agreement in their desire for fairness, equality, liberty and justice for all- all over the world. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Virgo Full Moon

26 Feb

The Virgo Full Moon February 27th puts the spotlight on health matters, jobs and the goings on of your day to day.  Health matters come to a head now and you could see a turning point regarding diagnosis, cures, therapies, and protocols. Healthcare practitioners are also featured now. 

While the Moon is full in Virgo, it reflects the Sun across the sky in Pisces, illuminating things that have been undetected, operating below the surface, a blind spot or something that’s been unclear and a source of confusion, overwhelm or uncertainty.  Virgo energy enables you to call in the clean-up crew, bring order, and to problem solve, make corrections and put systems in place so that things run smoothly. 

You can use this time to change up a few of your routines, making your day more productive.  Make a point to take better care of your health and implement better practices, step up your regimen and course correct if you’ve gotten off track.  You could use this phase for a cleanse, detox or purification of toxicity of all kinds, including thoughts, habits and patterns.  In your work, you can make changes to keep on task and improve efficiency.  This period could bring you the assistant, apprentice, helper, handyperson or healer you’ve been waiting for. 

This Full Moon aligns with Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries, forming a pattern called the Finger of God.  What presents now could be a bit of a catch as things that influence your day to day, requires you to alter and adjust between societal say so and warrior wayshower.  Healthwise, this brings up alternative, holistic and non-invasive forms of healing vs. experimental and untried means, along with healthcare workers and the choices and decisions placed upon them. 

Uranus in Taurus connects favorably to the Full Moon bringing opportunity that shakes you out of comfort or complacency, supporting you in making real and noticeable changes in your routines, along with your work or job, income and expenses. 

Mars in Taurus connects with Pallas in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn cuing brilliant strategies, deliberate moves and sustained efforts to remove blocks, obstacles and whatever stands in your way.  This is a powerful phase when you can see exactly what needs doing and get it done.  You can make an impact bringing quantifiable changes and measurable results that are quite plain and visible. 

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon reads, “an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing’ speaking to you being the creator of your future.  Expressionist art evokes feelings; give some thought to what your future feels like. 

 The Sabian Symbol for the Sun reads, “the race begins, intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed” pointing to a win at all costs attitude as plans are fast tracked and moving along quickly.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!

Virgo New Moon

18 Sep

compassion1Health and healing –on all levels- is at the essence of this New Moon in Virgo.  True Wellness only exists when we’re physically, mentally and spiritually healthy and each affects the other.

Matters concerning health may come to light or turn a corner now.  Maybe you’re on the road to recovery or perhaps you have found or are in search of the right doctor, healer, treatment or course of therapy and the best medicine for you.  This is also an appropriate time to begin a new diet or exercise regimen.

Although the New Moon is the time for seeding, this New Moon, to me, also has the feel of a Full Moon; there is something coming to a head.  There is a lot of energy building as half of the planets are now gathering in Virgo, and across the sky we have Chiron, The Wounded Healer in Pisces.  At this New Moon, we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars in Virgo.  This is putting a huge emphasis on the need for order, purging and purification of toxicity, unfinished business, past damage, and old karma.   This may call attention to many of your sore spots and vulnerabilitiesThe scope of which is quite vast, besides any physical ailments, you could be feeling inferior, second- rate, not being enough, victimized, disadvantaged, disregarded, discarded, disappointed, disillusioned, duped, overlooked, ignored, snubbed, abandoned, addicted, abused, used, taken advantage of or taken for granted as a few examples.  Large doses of compassion and forgiveness are in order, even toward yourself.  Especially toward yourself.

Saturn in Sagittarius further aggravates the situation by piling on the responsibilities and sizable obstacles, demanding discipline and accountability and reminding you of all the ways you don’t measure up or how you’re not meeting the test.  Saturn and Chiron have been at odds all year but this New Moon increases the tension.

This can be a tough time for a lot of people with feelings of overwhelm, despair, failure and loss; trying to bring order to the chaos. The good news is that this phase can shed light on the ways in which you’ve been victimized by limiting beliefs and imprisoned by programming that keeps you wounded and weak.

All this Virgo energy stresses the importance of being discerning, discriminating and prioritizing.  Virgo likes organization, efficiency, productivity and a streamlined process. Virgo also wants perfection but it is likely that everything that is not perfect is underscored now.  This time marks a turning point, a threshold, as any programs or processes that fumble or fail or conditioning which serves no purpose other than to keep you small and full of self-doubt can be relinquished now.  As uncomfortable as this may be, use it as an opportunity to get clear on any missteps and oversights and to course correct.

Silver linings, right?

Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces and there may be confusion or difficulty thinking clearly.  You may have to fine tune some plans and details to match your vision.  It’s important to be clear in communications as there could be misunderstandings so don’t just assume or imply; documents dealing with facts and figures may be off perhaps having information that is missing or omitted. There may be an absence of communication, or things that are left unsaid.  There could even be lying and deceit.  Alternatively, you could be thinking and imagining your next best steps to sorting out, problem solving and reorganizing.  You can imagine what your perfect world would look and feel like and take practical steps in creating it.

There’s more good newsKinda sorta.  Uranus in Aries also aspects this New Moon suggesting that we can shift gears by initiating changes, even changing directions that brings forth liberation, allowing you to break free.

Relationships and money may see some shake-ups and surprises or there could be romantic sparks, fun and excitement as Venus trines Uranus in Aries.

Jupiter in Libra is also moving in to an opposition with Uranus in Aries and you may be walking the tightrope; straddling between the need to assert your freedom, independence and individuality and needing some space and autonomy vs. getting on well with others, being tolerant, inclusive and cooperative.  Jupiter has been in Libra for the past year helping to ensure that you enter relationships and agreements that are fair and in alignment with your truth and that you can move beyond outgrown relationships and patterns.  It is a challenge to gain center and balance in this new vibration and frequency.  On another level, there may be increasing opposition, competition and the need for equality antagonizing rebellion and revolution, sudden moves and unexpected actions.  These two planets have faced off earlier in the year and we witnessed many protests and uprisings.

Asteroid Goddess Ceres, positioned in Cancer makes her presence felt as she engages in aspects with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Chiron.  This may needle your sense of belonging and urges you to enlarge your contacts and connections with those that are more in alignment, get involved with new friends, join groups, networks and with those of like mind. This readily assists in healing a void and feelings of separateness or isolation.  On another level, this is about nurturing, nutrition, care, patterning and habits and the changes we initiate, in the everyday to heal and bring things into balance.  This is especially relevant to women and their cycles, phytotherapy, food as medicine and herbs.

Blessings and Good Vibes to All on this Healing New Moon!


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Virgo Solar Eclipse

26 Aug


September starts off with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo.  Eclipses are very significant in Astrology and can bring important changes that seem to come suddenly or surprisingly.  Time and events seem to speed up during Eclipse season.  Knowing which part of your chart is activated by the Eclipses will give clues as to what area of your life is being energized and transformed.  This is a New Moon Solar Eclipse, a time of new beginnings.  For many of us, the New Moon is a time to seed our intentions out into the Universe and a Solar Eclipse puts a lot of power behind them.  It’s an extra powerful New Moon that reaches far into the future since it is also a North Node Eclipse.

Virgo is in charge of our our everyday affairs; how we take care of ourselves, our health, our healers and doctors, our diets, exercise as well as our work, our daily routines and chores and how we order our lives.  Virgo and the 6th house get the label of “mundane” but really, isn’t this just life??  It will be with these matters that we are to seed a new cycle.

This lunation finds itself in the ongoing tension between Saturn and Neptune.  While Saturn represents our boundaries and limits, Neptune has none.  Saturn represents structure and what we call reality and Neptune has been blurring the lines all year long.

What is real and what is an illusion?

 During this time our faith has been tested, we’ve had to get at the truth – our own truth, or get real on some issue, to be accountable, to discover what success means to us personally but also to go for our dreams.  That’s the thing, though these two energies are so very different, they need each other.  We can manifest our visions and deepest dreams.  Dreaming it into being.  We may have also needed to sort through our illusions and fears and there’s a lot coming to the surface to confront and deal with. Most of us are straddling amid these two energies.  It may go something like this:  at times feeling high on life’s possibilities and then overwhelmed with responsibilities, details and the sheer amount of work that lies ahead, being all too aware of our shortcomings wondering if you can measure up or make it happen then wanting to escape or to go back to old familiar ways. Or some version of this.  Go ahead and write your own story there.  Mars in Sagittarius is still close enough and continues to energize this pattern– pushing for freedom and honesty.

The good thing is that we’ve had help from Jupiter in Virgo all year giving our powers of discernment a boost and assisting us in moving beyond unproductive programming.  We can be aware of our shortcomings and flaws without letting it unravel us. Jupiter will move on to Libra on September 9th and won’t return to Virgo for twelve years.  There’s that number 9 again!  The ninth day of the ninth month in a nine year.

Number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine…


Recalibrating our perception

According to “The Zodiac by Degrees- 360 New Symbols” by Martin Goldsmith, the Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo reads,

“Balancing on a high rocky outcropping, a master surveyor argues with his apprentice about what they are actually seeing. Pulling the apprentice to his own position, the master surveyor hands him a pair of binoculars”

This suggests the need and/or ability to see things differently. Perception creates reality and here we’re given the opportunity to be the co-creators of our lives. Yay!  But scary too huh? Be mindful of your thoughts.  This is hard work and takes practice and integration into our everyday lives. What will you manifest? 

Pluto in Capricorn is in a supportive aspect to this lunation allowing a reformation of structures.

Mercury, the ruler of this Eclipse has just gone retrograde in his own sign of Virgo just two days before this Eclipse.  This suggests back tracking and covering old ground.  This may be with health issues, matters with work, co-workers or employees, an apprentice or handyman; maybe there is a need to re-organize or re-do something.  Reprogramming perhaps??

 Mercury Rx and Jupiter are also paired up giving us a broad overview and seeing how everything fits together.  We’ve been problem solving and troubleshooting and may finally have some solutions. It’s like before his departure, Jupiter bestows the wisdom he’s gathered during his stay in Virgo on to Mercury Rx so he can re-organize.

Chiron in Pisces is across the sky allowing for an awareness, confrontation and integration with some of our deeper wounds, our flawed parts. You know, that one thing that’s always lurking in the background ready to trip you up?  Yeah that.  Perhaps there’s an unknown or misdiagnosed illness or something illusive that you couldn’t quite pin down. There could now be health questions, answers, solutions and forms; there may be conversations reiterating, retelling of symptoms, effects, allergies and complaints. There could be re-checking and researching information or for the right doctor or healer or perhaps a plan or program of treatment.

May the Stars shine upon YOU and bless your life with health and happiness at this Virgo Solar Eclipse!


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Mars enters Virgo

15 Oct

October 15, 2013

Mars entered Virgo early this morning and will stay until December 6.  At this time our actions and energy is geared toward productivity, efficiency, and practicality. We’ll have nearly six weeks of this energy.  We can use this time to get clean and organized, or to de-clutter. So roll up those sleeves!  Virgo is the sign of work, service and health and it is a perfect time to start a new diet or exercise routine.  At this time we could be implementing a new schedule or creating new work habits in order to get the most out of each day.  We can use our powers of discrimination to see what works and what doesn’t.  Speaking of work, try to avoid any clashes with co-workers or it could be that you are doing some kind of activity or event, working on projects and spending more time with co-workers.  Virgo is also the sign of the craftsman (woman) so you may be working on a project of that nature.  With Virgo, practice makes perfect and it could also be that you are perfecting some sort of craft or technique.  We want to feel useful at this time.  If you fell a bit short on your goals at the Virgo New Moon back in September, you can certainly catch up now.  The last time Mars visited Virgo was back in mid November of 2011 for an extended stay (due to retrograde) until early July 2012.  You may want to think back to what projects you had going on back then.