Tag Archives: Sagittarius

Sagittarius New Moon

6 Dec

The last Full Moon of the year is in Sagittarius, falling on the 1212 portal December 12th, opening you to Faith, new Beliefs and listening to your Higher Guidance, carrying a search for Meaning, Knowledge and Truth. 

This lunation also emphasizes the Law, Natural Law, Legal Action, Courts, Lawyers and Judges.

Mars in Sagittarius activates this New Moon calling to your adventurous side, firing up your energy, enthusiasm and hutzpah, stirring the pursuit of freedom, open honesty and genuine authenticity. It’s also possible that you get bitten by the travel bug and want to get away.  This influence propels things forward, suggesting that you’re making significant strides and continued progress in your undertakings and endeavors.  Whatever you begin now has the potential to go far fast or to be blown out of proportion in some cases. 

Uranus in Taurus engages with this New Moon, hinting to awakening senses coming online and a recalibration and fine tuning, giving rise to the development of your Next Level of Knowing, Understanding, Innerstanding.    There may be moments of Inspiration and Discovery that also enable you to dislodge and disengage Beliefs that you’ve been attached to that no longer serve as you shift and evolve. 

There could also be shifts in economic markets, costs, currencies, digital currencies, earnings, spending, inflation, etc.  

Neptune in Pisces nudges the New Moon blurring the lines between Truth and Illusion, although these two forces can also be a dynamic duo when it comes to Spirituality and Intuition.  This influence provides the space for honest reflection.  Tune in.  There could be a situation or something that your mind doesn’t’ grasp on a logical level but instead insists you tap into a Depth of Knowledge on another level.   

Jupiter in Taurus, the ruler of the Sagittarius New Moon, aligns with Mercury in Capricorn, along with Venus and Pallas in Scorpio – supporting an open mind and optimistic attitude that’s realistic and down to Earth, with an ability to pan out and see things in a wider context and get to the bottom of things while taking notes of the complexity of patterns and plans and which approach is called for.  This influence grants the ability to magnetically attract all of the abundance you wish to manifest by being in Gratitude and aligned with Natural Laws.   

There’s also an emphasis on Truth, Media, Broadcasting, Communications, along with the power to influence and control the masses with psychological strategies. 

Mercury is also stationing retrograde, retracing his steps throughout the remainder of the year, turning to direct motion just in time to get the New Year started moving forward on January 1.  During this backtracking period, you can revisit, revise and review some of the things you thought you knew- while you may also reconsider some of your goals, objectives, standards and norms for the year ahead.  This is a period for slowing down and giving serious thought to matters important to you. 

Additionally, it’s also not advisable to buy electronics, appliances or automobiles while Mercury is retrograde.    

Chiron in Aries aligns with Mars and the Sagittarius New Moon, serving as a reminder that the truth may hurt but granting you the courage to honestly face things and the motivation to move beyond painful episodes or to take the high road in some matter and level up in a Big Way.    

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Sagittarius Full Moon

1 Jun

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Sagittarius New Moon

17 Nov

The Sagittarius New Moon November 23rd opens you to Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge.  This phase introduces you to new areas of growth and opportunity, sowing seeds of optimism and faith for your future.   

This New Moon is in the early degrees of Sagittarius, giving a feeling of freshness to the energies.  There’s a new awareness and knowing, a new way of viewing situations from a deeper level of understanding.  You’re able to grasp the larger lesson or deeper meaning of an experience, see it for what it is and move beyond it.  It may feel as if you’re traveling a bit lighter, a bit more buoyant, after facing the darkness, doing shadow work, shedding layers and scrapping those things that no longer serve and are no longer in alignment during the recent powerful Eclipse season.  Things are improving now; you’re leveling up and rising above situations as you now have a broader outlook.    

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is, “an ocean covered with whitecaps”, suggesting deep waters, huge waves and unstable conditions which you must navigate. 

Jupiter, the ruler of this lunation, is stationing direct in the late degrees of Pisces after being in retrograde motion since late July, while connecting with the New Moon, further emphasizing the enormity and depth of these now moments.  The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s position at this lunation is, “light breaking into many colors through a prism” implying a deeper understanding of situations and the many colorful facets contained within the whole.  Jupiter re-enters Aries December 20th, just before the Winter Solstice. 

Both Jupiter and Sagittarius have a connection to the Law, Courts, Judges and Legal affairs, as well as Natural Law- this phase could bring attention to these matters.  Or perhaps there’s a moment that calls attention to your judgement, morality, ethics, sense of right and wrong, honesty, integrity, conscience or moral code.

Mercury and Venus join the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, enabling you to see the bigger picture, providing a more optimistic outlook and attitude, aligning your heart and mind in faith and a sense of knowing what you feel to be true and right deep in your heart of hearts. This influence hints at meaningful conversations and connections, along with good news and announcements or encouraging messages.   

Mars retrograde in Gemini nudges Neptune in Pisces and connects with Saturn in Aquarius; under this influence, you could be playing catch up on previous information or conversations, that were perhaps confusing, or left something concealed, mistaken, taken the wrong way, open-ended or misinterpreted, misleading, misinformation, disinformation, deceptive or fraudulent. Things may not be what they seem so use caution and discernment with the things you hear.  On the other hand, you could be playing catch up with old friends or maybe doing a bit of imaginative and inspirational brainstorming, coming up with original ideas and far off visions that you easily manifest. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse

29 Nov

The Sagittarius New Moon December 4th is also a Solar Eclipse.  Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology, a Solar Eclipse is a powerful New Moon, its influence reaching into the year ahead for a period of six month or more, giving your intentions extra oomph.   Eclipses have a bit of a wild card feel to them, with the sense of propelling events along quickly, often bringing sudden endings and new beginnings.  This is one of the ways the Universe reshuffles the deck and puts you on path. 

Paradigm Shifts and Leveling Up

This New Moon Solar Eclipse provides openings revolving around your truth and beliefs, your Higher Guidance and Natural Laws. 

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation reads, “a widow’s past brought to light”.  This symbolism suggests being honest with yourself and owning up to your role and participation in the events of your life.  You may be doing a reckoning and review while acting as your own judge and jury.

Sagittarius also has a connection with courts, judges, lawyers and legal issues, so it’s possible these topics come into play during this phase. 

Mercury is closely connected to this Eclipse giving a growth mindset and an optimistic outlook.  You see the potential, possibilities and opportunities in situations.  This influence supports you in speaking your truth and giving voice to your opinions.  Additionally, You could be promoting a message, launching a new blog, website or communications, broadcasting, marketing, publishing and advertising campaign. 

Uranus in Taurus sends a vibe to the New Moon Solar Eclipse showing the shift in your beliefs as your senses awaken and come online.  This shift shows in your sense of self- worth, your tastes or style, and even your earnings, wealth, and gratitude. 

Jupiter in Aquarius, the ruler of the Eclipse has an exchange with Mars in Scorpio and with Venus and Pluto in Capricorn- there’s an intensity with this influence as it compels leveling up in a big way regarding your connections, long term commitments and relationships.  You’re shedding an old skin, along with outgrown relationships and patterns while on the lookout for more meaningful connections that resonate with your truth, earn your trust, and support your growth and development.

You could feel this on the financial level as it highlights loans, taxes, insurance, wills, estates and long-term investments, and economic restructuring.   

This is a powerful and penetrating influence which can be somewhat forceful in removing blockages or resistance, getting right to the core and extracting it, liberating energy, triggering an elevation in the vibration and mass awakening. 

Chiron in Aries connects favorably with the New Moon Solar Eclipse, providing an opening for the Spiritual Warrior to navigate the New. 

New Moon Solar Eclipse Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

3 Jun

earth chainsThe Sagittarius Full Moon June 5th is also a Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses are a big deal in Astrology, they’re powerful energy portals giving the fated feeling of fast-tracking events into the future.  It’s the way the Universe puts us on path.  A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon, while a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon.  A lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon times ten as energies are amplified more than a typical Full Moon. Eclipses often come with a hint of drama, unexpected turns or sudden beginnings and endings so it’s best to keep your schedule flexible and your mind open during “Eclipse Season”.  Eclipses usually come in pairs a couple times a year.  This         go-around we even get a bonus third Eclipse- but hey, it’s 2020 right? Although they’re not visible everywhere, symbolically, they hold an important influence, especially over the area of the Eclipse path.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius highlights topics involving Honesty, Morality, Integrity, Judgement and doing what’s right; Also, Natural Law, and the Rule of Law. This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius opens the energies of Sagittarius and Gemini for the next year and a half; the last time these signs were emphasized was 2010-2013.  Think back to what you were up to then and how it relates to now.    You may experience development, advancement and understanding in these areas on another level now.

This lunation could bring a turning point to events set in motion back in November last year at the Sagittarius New Moon. Perhaps you were doing an advertising or marketing campaign, a podcast or promoting a cause or a message important to you.   It’s possible that you had a court case or obtained legal counsel. More importantly, this may take place on an inner level for you, as your own personal truth and worldview, resulting from your growth, inner development, faith, belief and inner knowing takes a turn as deeper truths are revealed.

Mars in Pisces triggers this Full Moon and inquiring minds want to know. This phase may have you questioning what you hear, see, what’s being said and what you believe or choose to believe, while needing to get at the Truth, you’re now willing (or forced) to take a deeper dive at what’s going on behind the scenes or in the shadows.  A bigger picture emerges complete with storyline and dialogue.

There’s information warfare and a secret skirmish with a flood of subconscious assaults and images flung out there that challenge what you think you know, testing your perceptions and judgment.   You will need to use your discernment arriving at what is true for you.  It’s also important to be able to communicate your views without subversive tactics.

The verdict is in….

This time could test your faith, perhaps feeling you’ve lost your way, that you’re chasing illusions or that your efforts are futile or attempts fruitless.  There can be the feeling of hopelessness, a subconscious struggle, a deep pain, questioning the meaning of suffering and the Human condition, life’s existence, and God.  This period highlights an opportunity to examine your subconscious motivations helping you to arrive at another level of understanding.   This energy can also be channeled creatively and be a time for curiosity, wonder and imagination.  Your intuitive guidance together with reason and common sense may inspire a leap of faith and pursuit of a dream.

Venus Rx close to the Gemini Sun influences the Lunar Eclipse asking you to take another look at your relationships, your associates and what you find appealing and attractive.  You might also consider the mental connections you have. Do you appreciate conversations with your comrades? Do their values resonate with you? You may spend time re-evaluating what’s important to you.

Financially speaking, it may be time to re-assess or re-budget.

During this phase, you may run into old friends or lovers and people from your past.  Or perhaps a lesson, through a familiar situation or circumstance is presented, giving an opportunity to respond differently, demonstrating your growth and maturity.

Jupiter Rx in Cap is the ruler of the Full Moon maintaining a meetup with Pluto Rx, continuing the process of a major overhaul and restoration, a personal search for truth and meaning, an inner reconstruction of systems of belief, removing  obstacles, limitations, doubts and fears.

Mercury in Cancer, Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries exchange energies during this phase, bringing a period for uncomfortable conversations that are necessary steps toward healing.  Recalling the past may trigger sore spots but can also inspire courage to move through shifting certainties.

Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!

Sagittarius New Moon

22 Nov

wise owlThe Sagittarius New Moon November 26th is an opening for growth, expansion, opportunity and success for the future.  It’s a time to honor your truth or to check in on your beliefs and assumptions and tweak them according to your changing values and tastes if need be.  Perhaps you’re seeking counsel or involved in legal matters now.  Or maybe you’re beginning an advertising or marketing campaign, promoting something meaningful to you or making a formal announcement.

Uranus in Taurus connects with this New Moon bringing both progress and instability.  You may feel a bit wonky now as you stretch yourself into unfamiliar territory, moving out of comfort zones, but at the same time, appealing to your adventurous side leaving you feeling liberated and loose.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is, “an old owl up in a tree”, hinting at wisdom and the perspective from a bird’s eye view.   Pallas is also closely connected to the New Moon reminding you of the bigger picture and nudging you to stand up for what you feel is right.

Jupiter, the ruler of this Sagittarius New Moon, is still in the last degrees of its own sign, hovering close to the Galactic Center; the Sun of our Solar system and a place where it is said that Divine Energies, knowledge and guidance come through.  Tune in.

Just days after the New Moon, on December 3rd, Jupiter will exit expansive Sagittarius where he’s spent the past year and moves along into restrictive Capricorn, bringing a major energy shift for the year ahead.  Jupiter hasn’t seen this slice of the heavens since December 2007-January 2009.  This won’t be a subtle influence and may feel as if your leash has been yanked.  Jupiter in its own sign was a phase for unearthing and discovery that felt expansive and optimistic as you went out on a limb to push your luck and see how far you could get.  Now it’s time to curb your enthusiasm and do some full-sized adulting.  Perhaps there are career advancement opportunities, or a way to put yourself in a better position; maybe you expand a business or receive a promotion, which of course brings more responsibility, limiting your freedom. Your schedule will be tighter as your calendar fills up, adding to your commitments. You may be held to a higher standard or you’re regarded accountable far and wide, perhaps even legally so.  You have loads of ambition and aim high, but you’ll have to be patient; success can be yours although it will develop over time. And in the meantime, you’ll have to demonstrate your experience, expertise and professionalism.  In some instances, you may have to take a few steps back in order to move forward or to scrap and cut some things in order to grow.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!  Happy Thanksgiving!


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Sagittarius Full Moon

14 Jun

full-moon-and-stars-galaxy-fbThe Sagittarius Full Moon June 17th makes a powerful impact.  It’s the most magical Full Moon of the year, paving the way for the Solstice and the Eclipses to follow in July. Tune in.  During this time, you could be in direct communication or contact with higher sources of celestial guidance as this Full Moon is closely connected with the Galactic Center- the center of our universe from which Divine energies pour forth.    

This Full Moon brings to light matters regarding your thoughts and beliefs and how one influences the other to create your reality.  You could hear things that run counter to your views, and it may be time to question some of your assumptions or to speak your Truth.  It could be that some bit of information now is made known.  Situations could come to a head involving broadcasting, publishing, advertising, marketing, promoting, or disseminating information via media, news and other avenues of communications.  Legal issues could also turn a corner now.  Freedom of speech comes to mind. 

There’s quite the show down in the sky now as several planets converge on one side of the heavens in Gemini and Cancer- intellect and emotion- while another collection sits across the universe in Sagittarius and Capricorn- wisdom and experience creating quite the conflict of contrasting energies.  Buckle up.

Mercury and Mars are closing in on their meetup while remaining close to the North Node in Cancer.  You’re filled with ideas and conversations that fire up your feelings, a message makes its mark, stirring gut reactions and automatic responses.  You may want to act on plans fueling the future and what’s yet to come.  You could be compelled to talk about your feelings, memories, anger and resentment from the past, built over time, especially involving family dynamics.  If these things bubble to the surface, it’s because it is long overdue and time to face it, let it go and to start new stories and fresh practices and habits.

Meanwhile, across the sky, sits Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn all putting their two cents in.  This very much suggests the dismantling of old ways, the establishment and old systems of thought. It’s time for letting go of the limitations and fears of the past, discarding all the things that no longer serve your purpose, they’re no longer relevant to who you’re becoming.  However, do keep what supports and reinforces you and use those bare bones as the framework for renewal.

This is all easier said than done of course and you could feel discouraged. You may want to act on some of your deeper ideas, visions, expectations and plans for the future, yet there are still obstacles to overcome.  There may be old fears, doubts and negative thinking standing in your way.  Notice your resistance.

Jupiter, the ruler of this Full Moon, at home in Sagittarius, suggests that shifting some of those things you accept with certainty can lead to deeper understanding and greater opportunities while enabling you to do away with stumbling blocks.  It could also be that obligations or time restrictions prevent you from making a move. You’ll have to do some fine tuning, perhaps adding to your schedule, or extending your reach to move past it; even going out on a limb with only your faith to guide you.

Neptune in Pisces also adds ambiguity to the situation, questioning which moves to make, what to scrap, what to keep in order for it all to feel right and to fit into place.  It may all seem so unclear, overwhelming or even hopeless.  Don’t give in to despair but instead focus on essentials and what can be done; prioritize and organize, roll up your sleeves and get to work.  You got this!

The days surrounding this Full Moon hold some important and rare influences which have been operating in the background all of 2019, shaping generations to come.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces are all strong in their own signs and acting on your behalf.  This is a very spiritual influence full of hope and expectation but also grounded in reality; in fact, these are the tools to create it.  This can help you to gain knowledge on things happening behind the scenes, to develop faith even if the outcome is unknown and to use your wisdom and experience to create results that you want.   There may be a deeper understanding of some of life’s mysteries and the finer interconnectedness of all that is- but you’ll have to come to your own conclusion on what is truth and what is illusion.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

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Sagittarius New Moon

4 Dec

stand in truthThe Sagittarius New Moon December 7th is time for expanding your horizons, stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone and standing in your Truth.  Be adventurous and brave – an abundance of opportunity awaits.

For additional guidance through 2019, join the Monthly Moon Circle

The Moon briefly greets Jupiter, the ruler of this New Moon who recently entered his own sign, Sagittarius, just one month ago on November 8th, ushering in a new period of growth, evolution, expansion, luck and success.  The time is ripe to be future focused with high ideals, armed with a boat load of faith. Jupiter hasn’t been in his home turf since 2006-2007.

Read more about Jupiter in Sagittarius here.

Mars and Neptune, arm in arm in Pisces reach out and energize this New Moon. On the one hand, it’s a new seeding time for pursuing dreams and visions stimulating growth, understanding and opportunity. It’s a time to push your limits and stretch yourself a bit but watch for acting on blind faith alone.  On the other hand, there could be undercover actions or hidden motivations that nudge your sense of knowing, pushing you to follow your own intuition. Watch for undercover or shady moves that run into legal matters or the revealing of such things.

Mercury in Scorpio is ready for forward movement just one day later and connects with Uranus in Aries and Chiron in Pisces – also poised for forward movement.  This influence will last for the next week.  You can expect intense and deep healing conversations and questioning leading to break through moments.  There could be unexpected or shocking news and insights or even breaks or breaches penetrating communications and technology.

New Moon blessings and Happy Holidaze to All!


Join me New Year’s Day for a rundown on the energies of 2019

For additional guidance through 2019- join the Monthly Moon Circle


NEW!!  Bookings begin mid-January for Wisdom of the Woods

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Sagittarius Full Moon

25 May

transparencyThe Sagittarius Full Moon on May 29th may bring to light certain truths, putting an emphasis on your faith and beliefs. Alternatively, legal matters could also take a turn during this period, or perhaps affairs concerning higher education or publishing, broadcasting, promoting and advertising have your attention now.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.

There is a lot of psychic sensitivity now as Jupiter in Scorpio, the ruler of this Sag Full Moon, has a magickal meeting with Neptune in Pisces on May 25th, just days before this Full Moon and still in effect.  This is a very special influence full of enchantment, astonishment and wonder.

Jupiter has been in Scorpio for several months now prompting peeling back layers, getting to the core truth of the matter, exposing and bringing to light some of life’s darker, taboo qualities.  Jupiter in Scorpio requires a thorough investigation or exploration and examining options, but it also requires a growing trust and faith in your own knowing, guidance and wisdom.  Now, you may glimpse the truth beyond an illusion or smoke screen.  It’s a deep dive and the veil is thinning now. You may even feel blissed out as opportunity, luck, imagination, inspiration and your creative muse flow together.

Just a few days later, June 1st and 2nd, Venus in Cancer forms a glorious Grand Trine with Jupiter and Neptune.  No doubt you are feeling the love on a higher level now. Your cup runneth over.  Home, family and the things that are familiar are emphasized. Property values may also be a key point.

Water and liquids may also be prominent now.  This can be a time to eliminate excess, a great purging, or cleansing, releasing toxins, even sweat lodges and steam baths. This could be an actual cleanse or surrendering beliefs and victim consciousness.

The Gemini Sun has a brush with Saturn in Capricorn suggesting tweaking your perceptions and plans in establishing frameworks, outlines or the formation of structures, timelines, schedules, rules, policies, limits and boundaries.

Mars in Aquarius makes a favorable connection, energizing this Full Moon.  There may be changes of direction, new friends, or group involvement that add promise to your growth and progress.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!

Personal Note:  I am so excited that Sibella Publications has included me in their circle of wonderful women writers in their online magazine,

 “Luminous Wisdom: SOFIA” for 2018-2019 and I look forward to this journey. 

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.


BOOK YOUR PERSONALIZED CONSULTATION OR ENERGY HEALING SESSION WITH ME https://www.laurelhillshealingarts.com/my-offerings

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Sagittarius New Moon

15 Dec

Galactic-Center-1There is a major shift in energies at this last New Moon of 2017.

This final New Moon of 2017 on December 18th is in Sagittarius and is the most powerful of the year as it is conjunct the Galactic Center, where it is said that Divine energies pour forth.  The intentions you set now could have far reaching effects.

Sagittarius is a sign that deals with future and possibility, optimism, faith, beliefs, luck, success and expansion just to name a few.  For the last few years, you may have felt that some of these qualities were in short supply due to Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius which felt restrictive and limiting; limiting beliefs and hindered opportunities that tested your faith, slowed your growth and progress, urging you to use an abundance of caution and a whole lot of patience with responsibilities mounting all the while throwing some sizeable obstacles and major setbacks in the way.    It has been a tough road, but this is all coming to an end now.  You made it! Yay!

This New Moon can be a time for Regaining faith in life and receiving a lucky boost from the Universe after the heavy energies of Saturn in Sagittarius.

Just one day later, Saturn exits Sagittarius where he has toured since December of 2014 and enters his own sign of Capricorn for the next few years.  Saturn is the Manifestor and he is king of the 3D reality.  Manifestation and materialization are not only possible, it’s happening. 

It’s as if this New Moon ushers in this new energy, solidifying and cementing all the Sagittarian lessons of the past few years.   After all, Saturn transits may not always be pleasant, but they do serve a purpose.  There is wisdom and experience gained and some lessons and realizations that are invaluable.

Several of our heavenly bodies, (the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus) are in Sagittarius awaiting the once in nearly thirty-year departure of Saturn. This is a magickal time

Mercury Rx in Sagittarius is reviewing ideas and plans for the future, questioning beliefs, views, opinions and assumptions and seeking solutions, seeking the truth.  While Venus in Sagittarius loves freedom and adventure, she also appreciates honesty, integrity and things that are more straightforward and wants relationships that are meaningful.

Saturn is crossing into his home turf now, this late in the year, means that 2018 will be a year to narrow your focus, define goals and fortify your position.  This won’t just happen.  Saturn always requires discipline and effort and you may have to prove yourself by demonstrating accountability and commitment.  You may also see the effects and consequences of some undertaking or the achievement or realization of objectives.  Intentions are manifesting.

During Saturn’s transit through Capricorn, it will be a time to pull back, focus and concentrate on the things that are important, the things that matter and on what is essential, getting down to the bare bones.  It will be a time to set standards, rules, policies and boundaries and to establish schemes, structures, frameworks, timelines and schedules.

This New Moon connects favorably to Uranus in Aries bringing a sense of excitement, liberation, and wonder.  You could feel an awakening of possibility or a new vibration that makes you aware of your connection to nature or new intuitive insights and guidance bringing some peace of mind if only for a moment, but it would be a meaningful moment.

On another level, there may be situations involving new friends or groups that share similar views and philosophies, or perhaps friends or groups of another culture; maybe you are traveling to meet them, or they are at a distance, maybe there is a meeting of the minds, perhaps there are circumstances involving legal issues and law suits concerning a group, party, assembly, congregation, etc.

Pallas also combines her energies to Uranus and the New Moon highlighting revolutionary political activism and ethics.  This brings to mind the “woman in a man’s world” and the Me-too movement in our current culture and the steps taken in the near future.  Things will never be the same again.  Alternatively, this could involve new strategies and troubleshooting technology, networks and laws; net neutrality comes to mind.  Perhaps you are promoting, publishing or advertising and expanding your reach using technology and social media networks.

Venus in Sagittarius connects favorably with Uranus and Pallas in Aries and there may be some promising changes to relationships or money, there could be new friends or technology that aids in an increase in earning.  This is also about the revolution pushing for women’s equality, including equal pay.

Chiron in Pisces square the New Moon could put a slight damper to your enthusiasm as you are made aware of flaws, mistakes and vulnerabilities and some of the beliefs that our lives have been structured around, now is the time to surrender that to the past and put that old story to rest, use this time as a starting point for new beliefs, a new story…a new future.

Ceres pairs with the North Node in Leo and contacts Pluto in Capricorn suggesting there is a shifting happening, eliminating what holds you back from nurturing your inner essence, so you can radiate feelings of self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love and self-acceptance.  On another level, there is a shifting happening by means of the relationship with nature, earth’s energies and solar energy that allows the morphing and changing of fundamentals and frameworks.

The Solstice, another potent point of energy, is just days after this New Moon. The Winter Solstice represents the rebirth of the Sun so although this is the longest night, we celebrate the increasing light until the Summer Solstice.

Blessings to and Good Vibes to All at this potent Last New Moon of 2017!

Wishing you Happy Holidaze and a prosperous New Year!

Join me on the Full Moon New Year’s Day to recap 2017 & a sneak peek at 2018

Check out my new Magick Moon Circle and learn to Live by the Moon! https://christinacelona12.wixsite.com/livebythemoon


BOOK YOUR PERSONALIZED CONSULTATION OR ENERGY HEALING SESSION WITH ME https://www.laurelhillshealingarts.com/my-offerings

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