Tag Archives: Mercury Retrograde

Pisces Full Moon

8 Sep
Awakening to the Subtle Realms

The Pisces Full Moon September 10th is a highly emotional and psychically sensitive phase.  Neptune, the ruler of this Full Moon, on Pisces home turf is closely connected to this lunation, making you more reflective, introspective, meditative and creative or secretive, adding to the enchantment and mystery of this phase.    

On the other hand, this phase could feel overwhelming or confusing, disappointing or deceiving – the Virgo Sun across the sky with super-powers of discernment, and ability to put things in the proper place will assist in getting things ordered and sorted out. 

Uranus in Taurus also favorably connects to the New Moon, bringing its share of surprises.  You may gain an awareness of the more subtle realms now as your senses awaken and come online.  Tune in. 

Changes are evident in your everyday world – you can feel that some situation is coming to the end of the line and reaching a conclusion.  This Full Moon may reveal to you something that’s baffled you, or where you’ve been kept in the dark on some matter, or something that was lost on you, that you just couldn’t grasp or were oblivious or unsuspecting, and suddenly, you see.  In a flash of insight and inspiration, direct knowing and intuitive communication, you see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit, the inner and outer workings and mechanics of a situation, on a very deep level, and it all makes perfect sense. 

These changes could concern your job, work, skills or services, payments, earnings and expenses.  Or perhaps the changes are related to health matters, routines and regimens, healers and health professionals, or technology and advancements in healthcare. 

This is a perfect period for flushing out, cleaning out, cleansing, purifying and detoxifying.  There could be healing at a very deep level as you surrender, let go and go with the flow.  Additionally, there could be matters involving poisons, toxins, overdosing or reactions to meds. 

This phase highlights water, oceans, high tides, marine life, flooding and leaks as well as Earth and Sky anomalies. 

This period can bring a culmination to matters set into motion at the Pisces New Moon back in March, regarding some of your deeply held dreams and fantasies. 

Mercury in Libra is stationing retrograde for the rest of the month until October 2nd.   

Mercury hangs in a bit of holding pattern with Jupiter, also Retrograde, across the sky in Aries, from the beginning of September until about mid-October, when it’s all said and done, highlighting discussions, negotiations or making deals. 

There’s lots to say and you have big plans and ideas, strong opinions and feel the need to get your message across, even if that means having it out with someone. You certainly aren’t scared of a confrontation or competition. This influence encourages you to speak your truth while at the same time, advises you to consider alternative or opposing views.  Everyone has their own opinions, so keep an open mind and look for opportunities for compromise, cooperation and collaboration as Unity is what’s needed now. There may be a bit of going back and forth and deliberating before settling on solutions that everyone involved is happy with and coming to terms.  You may have to reassess a situation, going back over previous conversations, messages and information. Or perhaps you have to renegotiate, renege on or revoke an agreement or contract.  This could bring up legal issues, lawyers, judges and courts.  Additionally, with this influence, people from your past pop into your Universe.  Or perhaps it’s a relationship replay situation.   

Also worth mentioning is the tussle between Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, Ceres in Leo and Hygiea and the South Node in Scorpio, causing tons of tension, bringing up a number of triggers and challenges relating to nurturing, nutrition and food or farming related issues, natural health, food as medicine, herbal cures, etc. and discipline, control, regulation.  As well as women’s health issues- periods, irregularities, interruptions, menopause, reproductive health, fertility, childbirth, OB/GYN, sexual health, etc.  This also brings up topics relating to children’s early education, wellbeing, social engineering and changing values.    

On another level, there’s a need to reparent the inner child, to change your sense of self-worth and self- acceptance, to find your place of belonging, letting go of any resentment, disappointment, abuse or other intense emotions related to the past and liberating stagnant energies in order to move forward. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Pisces New Moon

4 Mar

high tideThe New Moon in Pisces March 6th can be a time of inspired imagination and creativity as Neptune, the ruler of Pisces is closely connected to this lunation.

Emotions and psychic sensitivity are finely tuned now which can feel enchanting and magical or confused and delusional.

Water may also play a major role at this time, bringing any of the following into focus – oceans, marine life, flooding, leaks, the availability or quality of water, as well as oil or other liquids; also, Fukashima.

Just one day prior to the New Moon, Mercury retrogrades in Pisces March 5th – 28th clouding your mind and you may be back-pedaling on conversations, information and news, revisiting old stories and reflecting.

The New Moon brings considerable Cosmic shifts not experienced in quite some time as Uranus enters Taurus.

Uranus hasn’t been in these parts since 1942 other than the brief stint from May- November 2018 and remains through April of 2026. This is a longer influence, shaping a generation as events occur over time.  As with any transit, there are always several levels of manifestation.  Uranus is an erratic influence while Taurus is unwavering so these are two very different energies which will get you out of your comfort zone.  This influence can awaken the senses or alter who or what attracts you as your tastes may change.  You could experience changes with the throat, throat chakra, thyroid or voice as well as fluctuations in weight. You may awaken to your own worth stimulating your earnings and wealth.  You could see changes in earnings, fluctuating finances, unexpected costs, market instability and/or currency changes.

Additional topics that may arise involving the cost of electricity, tech or internet security, air travel, space or geoengineering.

On another level, the new frequency experienced the past few years is being grounded into Gaia.  We can see it manifesting as Earth anomalies and geological changes.  Remember all the volcanic activity last year while Uranus dipped into Taurus? 

Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn connect favorably to the New moon lending some Earthy stability and discipline in unsettling times while sustained efforts in pursuit of your visionary goals have potential for lasting results.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!


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Gemini Full Moon

21 Nov


The Gemini Full Moon November 22nd -23rd brings attention to your perceptions, your ways of thinking or the way you see a situation. You can expect a few truth bombs to be lobbed into your thought bubble during this period.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Monthly Moon Circle here.

Jupiter in Sagittarius sits across the sky, close to the Sun giving a broader view and more understanding, while faced with beliefs, opinions and judgments of yourself or others that provokes or upsets some of the thought patterns and mental tapes rolling in your mind.

Mars in Pisces also takes a stab at this Full Moon.  Mars has spent most of the year in Capricorn and Aquarius due to being retrograde for some time and has just recently made his way into the emotional depths of Pisces.  Mars is fiery action and assertion – and in watery Pisces, can seem to lose his way.  This phase could arouse some of your self-destructive actions, doing things that aren’t good for you, fueling feelings of futility, doubt and uncertainty, bringing awareness to your mistakes, weaknesses and blind spots.    If this happens, know that it is being brought into your awareness so that you can make corrections.

Gemini also rules communications and information, there could be news you receive that runs counter to some of your beliefs.  There may be confusion now as there are twists and turns to a story or a multifaceted issue or situation with many players or moving parts containing undercover actions or moves behind the scenes that challenges ethics, the law or your sense of right and wrong.  It may be that something just doesn’t sit well with you.

This period could also bring a culmination to some of the plans and intentions set back in mid-June at the Gemini New Moon.  News, information or something you learn could add to your growing knowledge and wisdom, broadening horizons, increasing your opportunities and exploring your options stirring your imagination and distant vision inspiring you to act on intuition and faith.  Your dreams motivate you to encompass more and fit it into your daily comings and goings and surroundings.

Siblings, in-laws and neighbors are also highlighted now.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is the ruler of this Full Moon and suggests some backtracking on your big plans for the future.  Mercury in Sagittarius is a “big picture” kind of thinker and if you’ve overlooked details, you may need to review and revise them now. Perhaps something you hear or learn has you doing an about face on some of your views and assumptions.  You know what they say when you assume.  Keep an open mind.  Mercury retrogrades from November 16th through December 6th, just in time for the holiday shopping season.  It’s not the best time to buy electronics, automobiles, appliances or anything with moving parts so save those purchases until Mercury is moving forward.

Additionally, Venus in Libra, now in forward motion as of November 16th is moving into a direct confrontation with Uranus in Aries, for the third and final time this year on November 30th.  Both are in critical degrees making this a grand finale of sorts. This brings shake-ups and break-ups to relationships and pocketbooks.  Look at September 11th -12th and October 30th – 31st to see if there is a common theme for you.

New Moon blessings and good vibes to all and Happy Thanksgiving!

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Monthly Moon Circle here.


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Virgo Solar Eclipse

26 Aug


September starts off with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo.  Eclipses are very significant in Astrology and can bring important changes that seem to come suddenly or surprisingly.  Time and events seem to speed up during Eclipse season.  Knowing which part of your chart is activated by the Eclipses will give clues as to what area of your life is being energized and transformed.  This is a New Moon Solar Eclipse, a time of new beginnings.  For many of us, the New Moon is a time to seed our intentions out into the Universe and a Solar Eclipse puts a lot of power behind them.  It’s an extra powerful New Moon that reaches far into the future since it is also a North Node Eclipse.

Virgo is in charge of our our everyday affairs; how we take care of ourselves, our health, our healers and doctors, our diets, exercise as well as our work, our daily routines and chores and how we order our lives.  Virgo and the 6th house get the label of “mundane” but really, isn’t this just life??  It will be with these matters that we are to seed a new cycle.

This lunation finds itself in the ongoing tension between Saturn and Neptune.  While Saturn represents our boundaries and limits, Neptune has none.  Saturn represents structure and what we call reality and Neptune has been blurring the lines all year long.

What is real and what is an illusion?

 During this time our faith has been tested, we’ve had to get at the truth – our own truth, or get real on some issue, to be accountable, to discover what success means to us personally but also to go for our dreams.  That’s the thing, though these two energies are so very different, they need each other.  We can manifest our visions and deepest dreams.  Dreaming it into being.  We may have also needed to sort through our illusions and fears and there’s a lot coming to the surface to confront and deal with. Most of us are straddling amid these two energies.  It may go something like this:  at times feeling high on life’s possibilities and then overwhelmed with responsibilities, details and the sheer amount of work that lies ahead, being all too aware of our shortcomings wondering if you can measure up or make it happen then wanting to escape or to go back to old familiar ways. Or some version of this.  Go ahead and write your own story there.  Mars in Sagittarius is still close enough and continues to energize this pattern– pushing for freedom and honesty.

The good thing is that we’ve had help from Jupiter in Virgo all year giving our powers of discernment a boost and assisting us in moving beyond unproductive programming.  We can be aware of our shortcomings and flaws without letting it unravel us. Jupiter will move on to Libra on September 9th and won’t return to Virgo for twelve years.  There’s that number 9 again!  The ninth day of the ninth month in a nine year.

Number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine…


Recalibrating our perception

According to “The Zodiac by Degrees- 360 New Symbols” by Martin Goldsmith, the Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo reads,

“Balancing on a high rocky outcropping, a master surveyor argues with his apprentice about what they are actually seeing. Pulling the apprentice to his own position, the master surveyor hands him a pair of binoculars”

This suggests the need and/or ability to see things differently. Perception creates reality and here we’re given the opportunity to be the co-creators of our lives. Yay!  But scary too huh? Be mindful of your thoughts.  This is hard work and takes practice and integration into our everyday lives. What will you manifest? 

Pluto in Capricorn is in a supportive aspect to this lunation allowing a reformation of structures.

Mercury, the ruler of this Eclipse has just gone retrograde in his own sign of Virgo just two days before this Eclipse.  This suggests back tracking and covering old ground.  This may be with health issues, matters with work, co-workers or employees, an apprentice or handyman; maybe there is a need to re-organize or re-do something.  Reprogramming perhaps??

 Mercury Rx and Jupiter are also paired up giving us a broad overview and seeing how everything fits together.  We’ve been problem solving and troubleshooting and may finally have some solutions. It’s like before his departure, Jupiter bestows the wisdom he’s gathered during his stay in Virgo on to Mercury Rx so he can re-organize.

Chiron in Pisces is across the sky allowing for an awareness, confrontation and integration with some of our deeper wounds, our flawed parts. You know, that one thing that’s always lurking in the background ready to trip you up?  Yeah that.  Perhaps there’s an unknown or misdiagnosed illness or something illusive that you couldn’t quite pin down. There could now be health questions, answers, solutions and forms; there may be conversations reiterating, retelling of symptoms, effects, allergies and complaints. There could be re-checking and researching information or for the right doctor or healer or perhaps a plan or program of treatment.

May the Stars shine upon YOU and bless your life with health and happiness at this Virgo Solar Eclipse!


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Leo Full Moon

24 Jan

We could see things coming to a head with matters of the heart, children or creative projects at this first Full Moon of the year.   With the Full Moon in Leo, we may be made more aware of the things that make us feel special, to feel our life pulse and to follow a path with heart.

Mercury Rx is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn at the time of this Full Moon.  Our thoughts continue on subjects of importance, conversations tend to be serious.  We can have powerful and penetrating thoughts and talks now.  Some of us may be talking of death, wills, estate planning, retirement planning or even talks of divorce.  We may be going over paperwork for taxes, insurance forms, mortgage or loan documents.  Mercury is also square to Uranus in Aries so some piece of information or news that we receive may come as a surprise or be unsettling in some way and it could change everything.  On another level, we could now have a deep and penetrating perception into a situation and get to the core of any blockages and break free.

Lilith squares off this Mercury Pluto conjunction and is quincunx Chiron in Pisces.  We may have to cover old ground on some agreement to resolves a conflict that catches us off guard and trips us up.   So it may be that what we thought was settled actually isn’t.

Mars is conjunct Juno in Scorpio and trine Neptune in Pisces.  There seems to be undercover actions by someone you’re involved with in some kind of partnership or collaboration; or there is some kind of secret or unexpressed aggression, anger or jealousy, or harboring resentment.  Issues could have to do with money, sex, sharing or trust. There could be infidelity, abuse or some kind of sexual dysfunction.  The Mars-Juno conjunction also makes a quincunx to Vesta in Aries.  There is an adjustment or modification needed in order with shared commitments. Counseling may be needed in some cases.  On another level, there could be a breach in security.

Jupiter is conjunct the North Node in Virgo and it seems that truth and purity of intention are the way forward.  We may be made aware of our future path of service.

Venus is also newly in Capricorn at the time of this Full Moon making relationships serious, important and committed. It may be that our approach to relationships is cautious at this time.  Or it could be that there is a barrier or coldness within a relationship.  We are also inclined to take the same mature approach in regard to our money.  We may be inclined to cut spending and conserve our money.  Objects that we buy now tend to be more practical, lasting or a worthy investment.  We need to structure our finances and spending.  Buying clothing at this time would be best for a career wardrobe, something ‘age appropriate ‘or classic pieces that stand the test of time.

On this first Full Moon of the year in the sign of Leo, the artist, the entertainer, I can’t help but to think of some of the great, memorable and iconic entertainers of our generation.  Many of us mourn their loss together but at least their music lives on.  We’ve just lost so many in such a short time; Scott Weiland, Lemme, David Bowie, Dale Griffin and Glenn Frey.  So much of their music makes up the soundtrack of our lives or has so many memories and feelings attached to them.  I guess heaven is rockin’ out with its brand new super group.  RIP great ones.


Blessings at this Full Moon!

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Sagittarius Full Moon

2 Jun

sag pic

This Full Moon falls in truth seeking, adventure loving Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is a sign associated with freedom, exploration, truth, our faith, our beliefs, philosophy and religion. The law and legal issues, and higher education as well as publishing, promoting, advertising and selling also fall in this category.  At this Sagittarius Full Moon we could see a culmination or turning point with any of those matters.  Also there could be dealings with people at a distance, foreign affairs, as well as matters of right and wrong, ethics, and faith. The Patriot Act seems to illustrate these energies.  It is set to expire just before this Full Moon and has been a hot topic.  It’s a Law where we have an invasion or interception of communications that must be modified to limit a consolidation of power and is also being debated as needing to make a trade off due to the necessity of gathering communications in order to block destructive forces.  That’s the debate in a nutshell with both sides of the argument in typical Gemini fashion.

Jupiter is the ruler of this Full Moon.  Jupiter has been in fun loving Leo since last summer and is in favorable aspect to this Full Moon.  During this period, we’ve been experiencing growth in the areas involving children, playing, creativity, our own inner child, love and romance. We may have had more opportunities to be playful and creative or expressive.  It has also given us growth in the area of our own inner sense of self, self-esteem and confidence.  We’ve been given the opportunity to get in touch with who we truly be; to grow into our own essence without apologies, without needing approval.  We are developing faith in ourselves and our abilities.   Jupiter is quincunx Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting there is an adjustment or modification needed.  We’ve been in the process of clearing away some of our old blocks and inhibitions and the things keeping us from being who we truly are in all of our authenticity.  While Jupiter is also in a good aspect with Uranus in Aries this is allowing for us to get in touch with a new frequency, raising our vibration to a new level.  We’ve been at this for some time now.  Saturn is a stabilizing influence is in Sagittarius, keeping us from going too far too fast.  The situation with Bruce Jenner unveiling himself as Caitlin Jenner is a good example of these energies.

Across the sky from this Full Moon we have the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Gemini where there seems to be an urge to communicate or debate. There could be heated words, aggressive moves, or fast talk, and it may be that someone is trying to push their point or to promote their agenda.  Be careful while driving.  There also seems to be a lot of comings and goings, twists and turns or many points and sides to a situation.

Mercury is retrograde right now, and again touches the 7th degree of Gemini and aligns with the North Node in Libra. It would seem that there is a message repeated that we may have missed, something we’ll need to re-learn, to listen or to hear again, listen.  We may be covering old ground with a certain conversation, or a piece of correspondence or information or perhaps our perception of any of those things.  We may have to look at things from a different perspective in order to see our path and to move forward.

Neptune in Pisces is challenging the clarity of anything said, or written so this is not a good time for signing anything.  Actions taken now may lead you to an unintended outcome.  Again, watch driving and water on the roads or flash floods.  On another level, Neptune could inspire nonverbal communications or visions; perhaps heightening and sensitizing our perceptions.  There could also be thoughts and conversations about religion, faith or spirit the days surrounding this Full Moon.