Tag Archives: Cancer

Cancer Full Moon and Christmas

21 Dec

The Last Full Moon of 2023 falls in Emotional and Sentimental Cancer on December 26th, coming on the heels of the Christmas holiday, highlighting matters revolving around Family and Tradition, Home, Property and Land, Nurturing, Care, Protection and Support. There’s a Connection and a Remembrance of the Past, while this phase could also pave the way for a few New Traditions.

Jupiter in Taurus aligns favorably with this Full Moon sending blessings of Abundance and Prosperity.  You may feel Full of Gratitude as your cup is overflowing – and this shows up not just in material things, but also Emotionally and Spiritually, as there is a feeling of having and/or Being Enough.  Take a pause and appreciate how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown on several levels as the year comes to a close.    

Saturn in Pisces also aligns beautifully with the Full Moon, giving form to some of your imaginings and visionary goals, modeling and constructing your life and lifestyle with more feeling, awareness and sensitivity.

This period could call on you to reflect on your part and purpose, recalling situations, scenarios and memories of long ago, replaying out on the movie screen of your mind’s eye, you may recognize the illusion and that things didn’t happen the way you remembered, or things aren’t as you thought they were, or perhaps you feel differently than you once did.  Time seems to fade away as this sensitive phase brings a feeling of nostalgia and the mood to reminisce about old times with familiar faces.  This period gives space for pause and reflection as if you’re taking a last look around before departure as you prepare to step into a New Year which has a faster and more futuristic flavor.       

On another level, time feels timeless as you could be slipping in and out of timelines and realities.    

Mercury retrograde and Mars in Sagittarius meetup and give a knock to Neptune in Pisces, suggesting that there’s a repeated message, that you may have initially missed, or overlooked or something that you’d gotten wrong, or misunderstood, or were misled to believe, that you may have to take another look at, gaining a deeper understanding of the bigger picture and its’ multilayers.   

On another level, there’s a message coming through in your dreams, or from your Intuition and Higher Guidance, nudging you in a particular direction.  Tune in as these Heavenly Bodies are hovering close to the Galactic Center, stirring Direct Communication from Divine Source during this period.   

Venus in Scorpio also adds her allure, attraction, beauty, charm, and magnetism to the mix making for a magickal phase with meaningful encounters and soul connections. 

As 2023 closes, be mindful that it’s a year number Seven, a year of Spiritual Focus, Reflection, Introspection and tapping into your Intuition, a year to go within and do the real work on oneself– if you dare.  While it may appear that you haven’t achieved or accomplished all that you set out to do on an outer level, there’s been much going on under the surface, it’s been a year of Deep Healing, of tackling long-standing issues, no longer able to be avoided, dodged or to pretend and sweep it all under the carpet. No. Instead, matters were to be faced as they are, which potentially is a painful process at times, but gives rise to personal paradigm shifts which aids in shifting the whole collective consciousness as the work done on an individual level ripples out into the Cosmos touching us ALL.    

One of the biggest takeaways of the year was that 2023 introduced a New Level of Love – Self- Love – as Venus met with several Heavy Hitter planets during the first quarter of the year, burning through those obstructions keeping you from it, helping to restructure relationship boundaries and eliminate walls, learning to love your uniqueness, knowing your worth and understanding your place and level of importance and priority within your connections and aligning with who or what supports you,  having the courage to be honest with yourself about your needs and to go after your desires, acting in your own best interests, being authentic and making peace with wounded parts. As if that wasn’t enough, the Goddess of Beauty and Love spent the Summer retrograde in Leo, taking a Deep Dive Vision Quest exploration of Self-Love or the lack of and why – urging you to get in touch with the Inner Child and Heart’s Desires, acknowledging those things that light you up and Inspire.  By the Autumn Equinox, there was a new program running based on Honesty and Authenticity, following a Purge and Purification.    So, Know that this indeed is an important Accomplishment in and of itself and that will become more evident if it’s not already.  No Worries. 

Chiron in Aries is also moving to Direct motion during this phase, giving the green light, moving you forward in your Healing Journey and taking you to the Next Level. 

Have a Merry Christmas, Yuletide Blessings and a Happy New Year!

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Cancer New Moon

10 Jul

The Cancer New Moon July 17th is an opening for new emotional states, new habits and practices, new nurturing, caring and supportive situations and for making new memories.  This phase also brings new starts on the domestic scene or with family matters. 

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn sits across the Sky from this New Moon bringing the next level of renewal your way.  There’s been an ongoing reconstruction underway, both from within and in the outer world, possibly showing up on the personal level as a restructuring of your boundaries, eliminating roadblocks and walls, the things keeping you stuck, while creating an opening to new patterns of behavior without the same old automatic responses, reactions and conditioning perhaps developed due to feeling the need for protection or defense.  As your new level of awakening and awareness is sharpened, there’s a call to acknowledge that old coping methods no longer work, they’re no longer needed nor appropriate at this new stage in the game and that it’s your responsibility to make the necessary changes and to rise accordingly.  In other words, own your shit and do something about it, step into your personal power or stay where you are – if you keep doing as you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you always got. The choice is always yours.

In more mundane matters, you could be remodeling or revamping the way you live in and use your home and personal space.  Real Estate and property can be important now. 

On another level, there’s an unearthing of deep levels of corruption and abuse of a consolidation of power.

The Universe is very creative in getting our attention and showing us what it is we need to learn in order to grow and live out our potential and purpose, and this phase has no shortage of occasions and opportunities presenting.

Uranus in Taurus connects favorably with the New Moon carrying refreshing changes enabling you to get out of comfort zones without too much discomfort as you’re ready and willing to shed a few old habits.  There could also be financial and economic changes and fluctuations in income, earnings, costs, expenses and currencies, also with real estate and property values. 

Neptune retrograde in Pisces also favorably connects to the New Moon amping up emotional and psychic sensitivity.  You could feel reflective and nostalgic, remembering long – ago scenarios and situations long forgotten, playing old movies of your life in your mind, remembering how you felt at the time.  Being in and around water is beneficial now.  Flow.

Your intuition, instincts and enlightened insight blend beautifully now. 

Mars in Virgo is moving into an opposition with Saturn in Pisces suggesting you roll up your sleeves and do the hard work, concentrating efforts to your goals, practicing patience and discipline and keeping your eye on the prize.  You’re in it to win it for the long haul -try not to get too frustrated if the rewards aren’t immediate. 

As if all of this wasn’t enough- wait there’s more….

This New Moon heralds the shift of The Lunar Nodes from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra.  This is Big Cosmic News as the Nodes stay in a sign for about eighteen months providing a backdrop to the Energies.  While the Moon’s Nodes are not planets, they’re important points in the Sky representing Karma, Destiny and Fate.  They act as the Cosmic GPS System with the South Node showing where you’ve been and the North Node where you’re headed.  As we move from the Security axis into the Relationship axis, one of the big takeaways over this period, is how to be a True-to-Yourself, Authentic, Sovereign Being while still maintaining your connections, cooperating with and including others, being a team player while maintaining your independence and individuality, and letting go of people pleasing and projection.  Don’t be afraid to DO YOU. 

Just a few days later, Venus, the Goddess of Beauty and Love goes retrograde, taking a Deep Dive in Leo, a sign that’s all about matters of the Heart.  Venus is retrograde July 22 through September 4th.  This phase is for getting in touch with people and things near and dear to you.  Spend some time reflecting on your heart’s desires and those things that stir your soul, make you feel alive and express your very essence. Re-connect with your Inner Child and feel into what gives you joy, pleasure, and ignites your passion and desires. What makes you feel like a kid again? What makes you feel special, loveable, loved and appreciated? Do that.

This period holds LOVE Re-connections, HEART Re-calibrations and Deep Levels of Healing.

On another level, this is also a time to evaluate your relationships- how you really feel about someone and how the other makes you feel – as relationships are often a reflection of how one feels about oneself.  What are you putting out there and what’s boomeranging back to you? Do you love yourself enough to allow yourself to be loved by another?  Enough to create healthy boundaries or to say no? or do you just give in, comply and accept unacceptable behavior in order to keep the peace? Or to be liked?  Just food for thought. 

Relationships from the past could surface now, to complete some unfinished business, showing up as a reconnection or a larger lesson.  Or it could be that you face a particular relationship – same old situation – the feeling of a familiar pattern, providing you with a lesson and opportunity to perhaps behave differently. 

Venus also rules values, worth and self-worth so these matters may be top of mind now as it’s time for self-assessment. Do you love and value yourself enough that it’s reflected in your earnings? What do you love to spend your money on? Is what you do to earn a living in alignment with your heart and soul essence or is it just a soul-destroying means to an end? How much value do you place on your talents and skills? Your happiness?  What’s it worth to you?

This may also be a time of financial re-evalution – showing up in the markets, banking or the values of currencies and Gold. 

Venus retrograde is traditionally not the best time for buying and selling or making dramatic changes to your looks.  Hold off on changing your hairstyle or doing a makeover when the planet of Beauty is backtracking – this includes domestic designs too.  You may not be happy with the results, or maybe you change your mind when this period is over and wonder what you were thinking.  While shopping, it may be tough finding things you like, or maybe your size isn’t available or not in the color you’d prefer, or maybe you pay too much, or you pay full price only for items to be discounted after the fact.  When selling, you could get less than your asking price.  It’s best to wait until this time has passed if at all possible. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Cancer Full Moon- First Full Moon of the Year

3 Jan

The First Full Moon of the year on January 6th is in Cancer.  This sensitive Full Moon may have you reflecting on the past while at the same time looking toward the future. 

This phase marks a turning point to things put into practice at the Cancer New Moon back in June last year.

 It may be that some of your habits, patterns or conditioning are calling your attention now, revealing what’s stood in your way or kept you a bit stuck in some area.

Mercury retrograde is closely connected to the Sun in Capricorn suggesting that there’s something that you need to take another look at, to see in a new way or to revisit or redo something, especially pertaining to your goals and aspirations, and how you feel about your position, role or purpose or your accomplishments and achievements.

Which patterns and habits no longer serve you creating the life you envision? What small changes can you make in creating new habits that take you another step closer to the life you’re intent on creating? 

Uranus in Taurus also connects with this lunation, adding some excitement and surprise while putting matters on the fast-track and bringing constructive changes that may be evident in your earnings, income, or self-worth.

There may be also changes and fluctuations to property values or perhaps you want to change-up your surroundings and the way you use the space in your home, rearranging, remodeling, repurposing, etc. 

On another level, your awakening senses are in harmony with your emotional responses and gut reactions. 

This influence helps to draw out the typically private and protective crab energies, shaking you out of any comfort zones, complacency or ruts. 

And you’re ready for it as…

Venus in Aquarius connects favorably with Jupiter in Aries.  This influence is full of energy, enthusiasm and a willingness to reach out and connect.  It’s time to widen your social circle and branch out into other areas of life, meet new friends, people that share your interests, or people from other cultures and walks of life, different from your norm.  You may travel to new places, go on new adventures, learn something new or do something you’ve never done before.  Catch this wave of Optimism and Opportunity and Enjoy!

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!


Join me Friday evening January 6th for a chat about the energies of the upcoming year.  

Cancer New Moon

24 Jun
Unpacking the Past

The Cancer New Moon June 28th is a departure from the past, opening you to new ways of nurturing, care and support that you haven’t known before as there’s a strong push for personal and emotional freedom. 

This lunation could be highly sensitive, perhaps triggering automatic responses, gut reactions or deep-rooted patterns in your relationships, blowing them out of proportion, grabbing your attention so they can be dealt with, allowing you to move on, leaving you feeling emancipated and liberated.  

Jupiter in Aries nudges this New Moon, moving you beyond things that are familiar.  You’re outgrowing some old ways and patterns of the past, releasing co-dependent tendencies, acting in your own interests of what you feel is right, having faith in yourself, your own knowledge and Higher Guidance, not concerned with the opinions or approval of others, while reacting and responding differently than you once did.  It’s as if you’re now traveling lighter, leaving baggage behind, creating space for fresh feels, emotions and sentiments. 

Additionally, Cancer rules home, property, and land, so these things could be front and center for you now.  You may be moving to a bigger house, or to a distant location, or perhaps you feel the need for room to roam.  You could be doing repairs, improvements or remodeling, perhaps you’re creating more space with an addition, an outdoor living space or a garden.  Maybe you have a growing family that now needs larger accommodations, or it could be that your mother comes into focus during this phase.     

Jupiter in Aries also connects favorably with Venus in Gemini bringing multiple opportunities to meet, mingle, connect, converse and exchange ideas allowing full expression of your views, even if they’re a bit contentious, you should be able to find much common ground. There could be lots of admiration and appreciation directed your way. There may even be money making opportunities. 

Mars in his home turf, Aries connects with karmic heavy-weights, Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.  This influence enables you to check yourself, your goals and objectives, your role and responsibilities, your position and boundaries, with a certain amount of detachment, holding yourself accountable for your behavior, your actions or inaction in measuring up to your own standards, while being willing to wholeheartedly remove any internal resistance holding you back from accomplishing what you set out to do. 

On another level, this phase brings power moves, perhaps even simmering anger, rage, resentment or force, giving the impetus to permanently eliminate limitations, restrictions and transform the social order.  There are, of course, several high or low vibe ways that this potent energy can manifest, as we collectively witness and experience the destruction, reconstruction and co-creation of social norms, models of behavior and frameworks of the vibrational timelines and collective reality constructs. 

This influence alludes to your role and part you play in supporting or thwarting the formation or inception of these things by way of grassroots communities and social movements driving these far-reaching changes.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Cancer Full Moon

13 Jan

The first Full Moon of the year falls on January 17th and it’s filled with emotional intensity as there’s an unearthing of the past, of things long buried and deeply rooted and many of the memories and feelings that go along with it.

This influence puts the spotlight on family and parents- particularly the mother, as well as patterns rooted in childhood, protection, safety and security, care, support, feelings of belonging, nurturing and early conditioning.  This phase can bring to the surface things to be purged and transmuted, things like anger, resentment, jealousy, power, control, abuse, trust and betrayal. 

This phase could be a bit rough, but as the Cosmic dust settles, leaving you with a renewed emotional outlook, eventually feeling freer, traveling lighter and liberated from all that’s held you back. 

The Sun, Pluto and Juno sit across the sky in Capricorn putting a focus on transforming the makeup of many of your relationships. 

On another level, there may be changes on the domestic scene.  Perhaps you’re doing renovations or rearranging your personal space. 

Neptune in Pisces also sends an ethereal vibe to the Full Moon allowing space for you to be reflective and meditative, playing out mini movies in your mind. 

Mars in Sagittarius close to the Galactic Center, is motivated by Divine Wisdom and Truth to get past illusions, giving the guts to delve into, explore and to alter emotional states and patterns of relating. 

Venus in Capricorn is still retrograde until the 29th enabling you to assess the framework of your relationships, your finances and your sense of self-worth. 

Venus and Uranus in Taurus clash and are in a holding pattern through the first week in February due to Venus being retrograde and Uranus moving to direct motion after several months of traveling retrograde.  This influence serves as a wake up and shake up to get you out of complacency and comfort where your love life, relationships, values and earnings are concerned. 

As Uranus in Taurus moves to direct motion, events will accelerate, and senses continue to awaken at a rapid rate. 

Also worth mentioning, the first Mercury retrograde of the year starts just a few days before the Full Moon, on the 14th through February 4th.  Some general rules of Mercury retrograde are to repeat, revise and review; this is a period for covering old ground not for starting something new.  During this phase, you could reconnect with people from your past or breathe new life into an idea or plans that have been placed on the back burner. 

The Lunar Nodes also change signs, moving into Taurus and Scorpio for the next eighteen months.  While the Nodes of the Moon are not planets, they’re mathematical points in the sky which are likened to the Cosmic GPS, symbolizing the past and the future, Karma and Destiny.  While they traversed Gemini and Sagittarius the past eighteen months, the focus was on communications, information, beliefs, ideas and worldviews.  Now, for the next year and a half, they will highlight areas of comfort and security, material matters and Earthbound things, values, banks, loans, currencies and credit, trust, intimacy, sex, secrets, things taboo and matters of life, death and rebirth. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Cancer New Moon

2 Jul

The Cancer New Moon July 9th opens you to nurturing, care and support.  This misty New Moon has all the feels, as Cancer is a sign known for its sensitivity and empathy.  Cancer is also associated with the past, but there’s this feeling of knowing that yesterday’s gone, bringing a bit of a nostalgic vibe. 

There may also be new starts on the domestic scene.  Maybe you’ve just moved or renovated or decorating your new digs or perhaps you plan to do so.  Maybe you’re selling or looking to buy Real Estate and property.  Perhaps you’ve got new habits or a revamped schedule.  What new seeds are you planting in your personal world?

Uranus in Taurus connects to the Cancer New Moon, awakening your senses, enabling you to do things differently. You may begin to notice that you even feel differently about things now.  You appreciate that there’s a change in your awareness, and your mindset, changing your reactions and responses. 

Neptune in Pisces also connects to this lunation assisting you in diving deep into an ocean of emotion, while reflecting on memories of the past.  Psychic sensitivity is cranked up now as you tune into the subtle, hidden and mysterious realms. Being in and around water now is especially soothing to the body and soul.  Float. Drift. Dream. Surrender. Flow.

Powerful Pluto is across the sky in Capricorn, staring down the New Moon, forcing a confrontation with your shortcomings, blocks, limitations and resistance, along with any defense or protection patterns, programs and mechanisms that are no longer valid. 

On another level, it’s as if whatever is keeping you from feeling at home is coming to a close.  Any vague sense of homesickness or missing something you can’t quite define, or the longing to be held, supported, and taken care of, to feel that you belong- whatever it is that has been keeping you from that, is now revealed and unraveled.  You’re able to get to the root of a situation, eliminating whatever’s been holding you back, freeing you up to a whole new world of emotion, and restoring your personal power. 

There is also a reconciliation about family ideals, and the image that you project onto those closest to you, or what you think family should look like or should be like vs. the reality of who they actually are and what it actually is as well as what it means to you. 

Other topics that may also arise during this phase may involve bloodlines, ancestry, hereditary, inheritance, race, lineage, origins, maternity, paternity and DNA. 

To top it off, the Cosmic Lovers, Venus and Mars are moving into a meetup in Leo while taking a hit from Uranus in Taurus; things get heated, sparks fly, and surprises are in store.  It may be that you act out of character, showing your playful and passionate side.  It appears that someone or something gets your attention and stirs your heartstrings.  Perhaps you’re the one turning heads and experiencing a sudden surge in popularity. This influence is bold and creative, daring you to step out of your comfort zone and take center stage.  It could be that a skill, talent, hobby, labor of love or creative business pursuit inspires appreciation, perhaps in the form of payments, adding to your income and/or feelings of self-worth.  This influence could also heat up the stock markets and speculation triggering wild fluctuations and instability, changing costs, prices or the value and worth of currencies. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Cancer New Moon

17 Jul

transformative startsWhew! You made it through this Eclipse Season! Give yourself an “ata boy” pat on the back!  Eclipses bring a period of heightened energies, shifts and surprises, along with a feeling that things are suddenly moving along quickly, very often with sudden beginnings and endings.  It could be that a way of life, a job or relationship comes to its conclusion.  Just know that this is the way the Universe puts you on path to make room for something more suitable to you, although while it’s happening it may seem chaotic, emotional and not at all clear.  As they say, “when one door closes, another opens.” You just have to wait for the cosmic dust to settle a bit.

This time around, the Universe granted a rare bonus third Eclipse as they usually come in pairs. This concluded a series of eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn over the past couple of years closing out karmic clutter while providing space for figuring out feelings about fitting in and belonging, status and achievement, emotions and dependency, authority, measuring up and boundaries, rules and discipline, parenting and patterning passed along or developed early on,  your goals and the discipline to attain them.  It’s been a tall order!

On July 20th, the Universe delivers a rare second New Moon in Cancer!  Wow!

The previous Cancer New Moon June 5th  was also a Solar Eclipse, in the earliest degree of the sign; now we have a second Cancer New Moon in the later degrees of the sign, setting off a whole new cycle involving your home, family, domesticity, land and property.  Or on another level, there are fresh starts regarding your lifestyle, habits, practices and patterns.  You may feel you’ve found your place and discovered your role.

Although this lunation is a New Moon, it has a Full Moon feel- feeling a bit emotionally heavy and restrictive and “under the thumb” courtesy of Saturn retrograde directly across the sky in Capricorn.  You may be met with responsibilities, obligations and restrictions.  You could be called to account or to own your authority, maybe you face consequences causing a confrontation with your feelings of doubt, limitation and insecurity.  Perhaps you encounter some aspect of yourself, recognizing emotional patterns.    You may need to set rules, boundaries and timelines that you can live with; be realistic about who you are on an inner level.  Perhaps you’re re-establishing your position, re-working your business or re-defining goals and aspirations more fitting with the lifestyle you’re creating.

Jupiter and Pluto are also across the sky in Capricorn and their powerful presence is felt at this lunation.  These social shaping heavy hitters continue their collaboration and the messy process of dismantling and reconstructing systems and beliefs that you’ve established your life and reality around. Long standing stumbling blocks that seemed permanent, can be gotten rid of now, melting away any resistance.

Synchronously, there’s progress as your wisdom develops out of experience and maturity, you’re able to come to an understanding of deeper meanings and truths, concerning the past, automatic responses and gut reactions, along with emotional blocks or dependency grown from overcoming disappointment or adversity, often as a means of protection and security.  While recognizing and owning patterns and conditioning, you possess an insight and sensitive awareness that’s transforming your views and restoring your faith.  All three of these planets are retrograde signaling that this current evolutionary adventure is an inside job for now.

Mercury in Cancer has dealings with Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus suggesting that talking about your feelings or thinking of times gone by may be uncomfortable and may bring a few tears, even fond memories may make you emotional but it’s a necessary step in moving forward in your process of healing and becoming.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

P.S Subscribe to Tales of Lunacy on my website – http://www.laurelhillshealingarts.com

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

1 Jul

clown tearsThe upcoming Cancer New Moon July 2nd is a Total Solar Eclipse.  Eclipses are significant in Astrology.  They’re like powerful portals of energy that propel life forward by shifting your trajectory and altering your path.  This can seem like a single incident, happenstance or perhaps a series of events that seem to put you right where you need to be.  This Eclipse is very close to the future oriented North Node suggesting that you’re about to land in a place that feels right at home.

“I’m on my way.  I’m on my way.  Home sweet home”

The Sabian Symbol for the Eclipse degree is, “a clown making grimaces” implying that masks are dropping as you express your emotions.

Cancer is the sign of home, family, feelings, moods and emotions and a solar eclipse is a powerful New Moon that sets the tone for the year ahead.  There could be new developments within these areas, perhaps starting new traditions and making new memories.

Across the sky, Saturn sits sternly, sharing the same degree with the South Node in Capricorn—representing what has once been the standard, the establishment, the old guard. Fears, doubts and uncertainties could have you clinging to status quo.  Now it’s time to learn what’s proved to be a reliable model or framework and to let go of what’s limiting and restrictive so that you can foster what feels right.

The pressure builds through July 9th.  A situation may call for striking a balance in caring for and looking after others while setting some boundaries and rules.   Perhaps obligations or scheduling crunches are weighing on you. There could be a culmination to goals set in the beginning of the year, especially those dealing with property, land, building or structuring business.

Mars enters Leo for the first time in nearly two years, firing up your feelings, sparking your spontaneity and encouraging your enthusiasm.  You may be pushing your luck, taking chances and operating from deep within your heart of hearts.

Mars and Mercury move closer to another meetup; this time in Leo, as Mercury pauses before backtracking for the rest of the month while extending the effects of their encounter.  You may want to act on creative plans, perhaps those that were put on the backburner for whatever reason.  During this period, you could revisit old favorites and pastimes. It’s possible you reconnect with childhood friends, long forgotten passions and even former flames.  You want involvement and participation, to play with ideas, to entertain or be entertained and to do things that make you feel vibrant and alive.  It’s as if something’s awakening your heart and mind as you’re feeling pleased with your mental musings. Alternatively, you could have heated conversations and strong words that may be full of hot air, bragging or self-importance.  Additionally, you could be enjoying time with children or children’s activities, playmates, teaching and learning may also play a role now.

Venus enters Cancer just one day after the Eclipse and you may enjoy being with your closest loved ones, entertaining at home, or even spending money on decorating and design, making your home more comfortable and beautiful.   Real estate prices and home values may be important now.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces all connect with the Nodal axis, shaping the future for generations to come.  This influence suggests altering beliefs and widening your views as there is no room for limitation based on your fears and doubts, there is more opportunity and possibility than you can imagine.


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Winter Solstice Full Moon

21 Dec

full moon winterThe Cancer Full Moon on December 22nd comes on the heels of the Winter Solstice and is the last Full Moon of 2018.

Home, family, feelings of belonging, memories of the past and traditions are highlighted now.

Uranus in late degrees of Aries sends vibes to this Full Moon enabling you to introduce changes to familiar things and to break free of certain patterns and habits.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is, “a sailor, ready to hoist a new flag to replace an old one”.

It seems to be a fitting image to close out the year as 2018 required you to uncover and shed anything extraneous and focus on essentials.

Mercury and Jupiter meetup in Sagittarius and your mind is on big things and big news, full of optimism, plans and ideas about the future. Talks now are honest and straightforward and conversations can be lengthy, wanting to discuss your beliefs.  You may be running here and there or going a bit out of your way or out of town interacting with a variety of people, perhaps of different cultures or with different views.

Venus in Scorpio links with Neptune in Pisces creating a bit of magick and mystery and a desire to connect and share on a deeper level.

Full Moon Winter Solstice Blessings and Happy Holidaze to ALL!

Join me New Year’s Day for a rundown on the energies of 2019

For additional guidance through 2019- join the Monthly Moon Circle

NEW!!  Bookings begin mid-January for Wisdom of the Woods

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Cancer Full Moon

31 Dec

full moon winter2018 begins with a Full Moon in Cancer and starts the year in a more reflective, nostalgic and private mood.  This time of the year marks a turning point with all things domestic; home, property, food, family matters, roots and traditions, your patterning, habits, rhythms and things that are familiar.  Cancer is about who and what you care about, how you care for yourself and others and how you feel cared for by others.

You may feel very content to cozy up at home all day on New Year’s Day.  Neptune in Pisces makes a favorable connection to this Full Moon heightening emotions, sensitivity, including psychic sensitivity, loving care and compassion.  Alternatively, there could be a moody sense of loss of what used to be, feeling victimized, deceived, overlooked or ignored and wanting to withdraw and escape.

This Full Moon faces off with Venus in Capricorn highlighting your financial obligations, responsibilities and commitments to others, the things that you value and what you find worth in. Venus in Capricorn prefers quality over quantity and the things and people that stand the test of time when it comes to relationships and things you appreciate.  Alternatively, this may be expressed as feeling a lack of affection, support or means.

The Full Moon also goes up against Pluto in Capricorn which draws attention to the breakdown, decay and need to reform many of the structures, systems and frameworks, schedules and timelines that shape your life. It may also show your evolving role, career, authority, influence or expertise. This has been happening over a period of time.

We know things are different. They’re changing. They’ve changed. You’ve changed. And it’s never going back to what it used to be.  This isn’t necessarily a terrible thing; it just is. You may be thinking about what to keep, what to scrap, renew, restore, revive or re-establish as the year begins.

Mars and Jupiter are moving closer to their meet up in Scorpio and this suggests that there are tremendous efforts at transformation. That may mean transforming beliefs or a major uncovering of truth, peeling layers, building trust and a growing closeness.  There is a need to cut out excess, get down to the bare bones and focus on the essentials. On another level, this may have to do with benefits from joint finances and ventures, taxes, insurance, or an inheritance. This energy continues to build for the next week or so as it connects with the Pluto, The Sun and Venus becoming a powerful driving force in altering views on love, appreciation, worth and wealth and eliminating what stands in your way, enabling you to restructure your affairs, agreements, alliances and finances.

The next day, Uranus turns direct in Aries, inspiring and motivating change, innovation and acceleration.

This is a strong start to 2018 as the year begins with all planets in forward motion.  We haven’t had this kind of cosmic support in the last few years!

Happy New Year and Full Moon Blessings to ALL!

Join me on the Full Moon New Year’s Day to recap 2017 & a sneak peek at 2018

Check out my coaching program Magick Moon Circle and learn to

 Live by the Moon!



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