Tag Archives: psychic sensitivity

Pisces Full Moon

8 Sep
Awakening to the Subtle Realms

The Pisces Full Moon September 10th is a highly emotional and psychically sensitive phase.  Neptune, the ruler of this Full Moon, on Pisces home turf is closely connected to this lunation, making you more reflective, introspective, meditative and creative or secretive, adding to the enchantment and mystery of this phase.    

On the other hand, this phase could feel overwhelming or confusing, disappointing or deceiving – the Virgo Sun across the sky with super-powers of discernment, and ability to put things in the proper place will assist in getting things ordered and sorted out. 

Uranus in Taurus also favorably connects to the New Moon, bringing its share of surprises.  You may gain an awareness of the more subtle realms now as your senses awaken and come online.  Tune in. 

Changes are evident in your everyday world – you can feel that some situation is coming to the end of the line and reaching a conclusion.  This Full Moon may reveal to you something that’s baffled you, or where you’ve been kept in the dark on some matter, or something that was lost on you, that you just couldn’t grasp or were oblivious or unsuspecting, and suddenly, you see.  In a flash of insight and inspiration, direct knowing and intuitive communication, you see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit, the inner and outer workings and mechanics of a situation, on a very deep level, and it all makes perfect sense. 

These changes could concern your job, work, skills or services, payments, earnings and expenses.  Or perhaps the changes are related to health matters, routines and regimens, healers and health professionals, or technology and advancements in healthcare. 

This is a perfect period for flushing out, cleaning out, cleansing, purifying and detoxifying.  There could be healing at a very deep level as you surrender, let go and go with the flow.  Additionally, there could be matters involving poisons, toxins, overdosing or reactions to meds. 

This phase highlights water, oceans, high tides, marine life, flooding and leaks as well as Earth and Sky anomalies. 

This period can bring a culmination to matters set into motion at the Pisces New Moon back in March, regarding some of your deeply held dreams and fantasies. 

Mercury in Libra is stationing retrograde for the rest of the month until October 2nd.   

Mercury hangs in a bit of holding pattern with Jupiter, also Retrograde, across the sky in Aries, from the beginning of September until about mid-October, when it’s all said and done, highlighting discussions, negotiations or making deals. 

There’s lots to say and you have big plans and ideas, strong opinions and feel the need to get your message across, even if that means having it out with someone. You certainly aren’t scared of a confrontation or competition. This influence encourages you to speak your truth while at the same time, advises you to consider alternative or opposing views.  Everyone has their own opinions, so keep an open mind and look for opportunities for compromise, cooperation and collaboration as Unity is what’s needed now. There may be a bit of going back and forth and deliberating before settling on solutions that everyone involved is happy with and coming to terms.  You may have to reassess a situation, going back over previous conversations, messages and information. Or perhaps you have to renegotiate, renege on or revoke an agreement or contract.  This could bring up legal issues, lawyers, judges and courts.  Additionally, with this influence, people from your past pop into your Universe.  Or perhaps it’s a relationship replay situation.   

Also worth mentioning is the tussle between Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, Ceres in Leo and Hygiea and the South Node in Scorpio, causing tons of tension, bringing up a number of triggers and challenges relating to nurturing, nutrition and food or farming related issues, natural health, food as medicine, herbal cures, etc. and discipline, control, regulation.  As well as women’s health issues- periods, irregularities, interruptions, menopause, reproductive health, fertility, childbirth, OB/GYN, sexual health, etc.  This also brings up topics relating to children’s early education, wellbeing, social engineering and changing values.    

On another level, there’s a need to reparent the inner child, to change your sense of self-worth and self- acceptance, to find your place of belonging, letting go of any resentment, disappointment, abuse or other intense emotions related to the past and liberating stagnant energies in order to move forward. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Virgo Full Moon

11 Mar

The Virgo Full Moon March 18th puts matters of health and healing front and center.  Maybe you’re on the mend, or you see a turning point to a health matter, or to a diet or routine set-in motion at the Virgo New Moon back in September.   

Maybe you’re looking to begin a new regimen now or to step up your game with your current routine or you’re on the lookout for a new doctor, healer or practitioner. This period is favorable for flushing out, detoxing, cleansing and purifying.  You could go on a juice cleanse, or a fast, or take part in a sweat lodge or sauna, you could do reflexology or a foot bath detox as just a few examples. 

Several planets are positioned across the sky in illusive Pisces, The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune are influencing this Full Moon, bringing waves of emotional or psychic sensitivity and even feelings of overwhelm, despair or hopelessness, for some, it may be that you’re sensitive and picking that up from the collective. 

It could be that this influence is creating confusion, there’s a lack of clarity – all is not as it seems -perhaps due to being flooded with information. This may also be health related.

Maybe you’re dealing with a mystery illness, something hard to pin down, with subtle symptoms, or symptoms that seem unrelated, perhaps there is a misdiagnosis or something that’s gone undetected or mistreated. Maybe you feel fatigued lately and require more sleep- pay attention to your dreams during this phase. Pisces rules over the dream state and the subconscious.  Perhaps there are allergies or adverse reactions to medications that were previously unknown, or there’s poisoning or toxicity.  Maybe there is medical misinformation, malpractice or details, data or information that was lost, unknown or obscured.  This lunation brings things to a head and helps to get things sorted out. 

The Full Moon in Virgo likes practicality, productivity, functionality, and efficiency and will work at problem solving and finding solutions. 

It may be in the workplace that you experience this Full Moon especially if you work in Health care. 

On another level, you could be tuned in intuitively and sensitive to subtleties while making sense of the seemingly nonsensical, as this period presents you with some practical magic.   

The Pisces party present during this period also highlights liquids of all kinds so water, oceans, sea animals, floods or leaks as well as oil are significant now.

Pluto in Capricorn aligns with the Full Moon in Virgo bringing evident changes to your everyday life.  There are changes to rules, regulations, policies, procedures, protocols, systems or programs.  There could also be changes to management and higher-ups. 

Perhaps it’s how you manage your life, schedule, itinerary or timeline that’s getting a make-over in order to make the most of your day.  This serves to do away with obstacles or habits that keep you from feeling accomplished and successful, so things flow effortlessly.

This period is also perfect for cleaning, organizing and clearing the clutter and all that no longer serves you – in your physical space, your mental space, heart space, etc.  Let it go – surrender – let it flow. 

The Cosmic Lovers, Venus and Mars, still closely connected in Aquarius, receive a jolt from Uranus in Taurus, triggering shake-ups and break-ups in relationships.  This influence can pull you out of a rut and get you unstuck as there are spur- of- the- moment actions and spontaneous attractions. You’re in the mood for something daring and different. 

Alternatively, you could feel this financially as market fluctuations and instability or changes to your income, earnings, expenses or currency value.    

On another level, senses awaken stimulating freedom of expression of will and gratitude, arousing strength, energy, potency, needs, desires and desirability, while directing and drawing energies.  

Chiron and Pallas connect in Aries bringing about holistic healing approaches such as chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, kundalini yoga, crystal and energy healing, and many others. 

Additionally, an activation or initiation is presented and underway as you’ve leveled up; this serves as an opening, a portal, a way out of the matrix and the will to create your own reality.  Mentors and Guides may arrive now. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Scorpio New Moon

27 Oct

The Scorpio New Moon November 4th is an extraordinary phase that may shake you to the core, being full of unsettling surprises and unpredictability, as Uranus in Taurus sends an electrifying beam to the New Moon from across the sky. 

This New Moon has a Full Moon feel, and emotions will be intense.  You could be highly sensitive to what’s seen and unseen, said and unsaid now, as you can feel the undercurrent of what’s happening all around you, able to read the vibe of the room or the situation.

Neptune in Pisces also aligns favorably with this lunation, upping the otherworldliness, and supernatural sensitivity.

 Both Scorpio and Taurus like security, comfort and control, in an emotional sense and financially, and this New Moon will test all of that and more.    

Both are also financial signs, so you may be dealing with changes to earnings, income and costs, market instability, or changes in the value of currencies, as well as taxes, insurance, loans, banking, inheritances, wills and estates. 

This phase my shake you out of your comfort zone, forcing you to face your demons, testing what you’re made of, challenging your competence and capability, your constitution and foundation.   Things could seem scary or exciting and thrilling.  It certainly won’t be boring.  The depth of your emotions may take you by surprise as you’re moved to let go, and trust at a very deep level.  You may become suddenly aware of things that have eluded you or that you’ve been avoiding, leaving you with profound insights, flashes of intuition and moments of discovery coming from deep reflection and breaking into liberation.

Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth.  This doesn’t necessarily mean death in a physical sense, but death of a situation, of what once was, as a part of you dies, you’re then reborn out of the ashes, renewed, but left with the scars of experience of having been to hell and back.

This New Moon is for shedding an old skin and setting intention for a new, up-leveled version you – as your senses awaken and come online, triggering a shift in your position and the constructs of your existence. 

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation reads, “an inventor inventing” suggesting that the time is ripe with plenty of opportunity to recreate things on a new level, a period to revitalize, restore and renew.  The area in your chart that this lunation falls will show where you need to cut out the dead wood and regenerate. 

 Juno aligns with the Galactic Center, while linking with Venus in the last degree of Sagittarius, and with Mercury in Libra, hinting to uniting with a Divine force of Love.  People you meet now may seem cosmically aligned, speaking your love language and sharing your views, granting a meaningful relationship.   It’s as if the Universe has plucked them out of the Ether and put them front and center, saying things that need to be heard or showing things that need to be seen.   

This phase will be fast moving and unpredictable, and even weird and peculiar as we head into Eclipse season.  Buckle up buttercup!

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Cancer New Moon

2 Jul

The Cancer New Moon July 9th opens you to nurturing, care and support.  This misty New Moon has all the feels, as Cancer is a sign known for its sensitivity and empathy.  Cancer is also associated with the past, but there’s this feeling of knowing that yesterday’s gone, bringing a bit of a nostalgic vibe. 

There may also be new starts on the domestic scene.  Maybe you’ve just moved or renovated or decorating your new digs or perhaps you plan to do so.  Maybe you’re selling or looking to buy Real Estate and property.  Perhaps you’ve got new habits or a revamped schedule.  What new seeds are you planting in your personal world?

Uranus in Taurus connects to the Cancer New Moon, awakening your senses, enabling you to do things differently. You may begin to notice that you even feel differently about things now.  You appreciate that there’s a change in your awareness, and your mindset, changing your reactions and responses. 

Neptune in Pisces also connects to this lunation assisting you in diving deep into an ocean of emotion, while reflecting on memories of the past.  Psychic sensitivity is cranked up now as you tune into the subtle, hidden and mysterious realms. Being in and around water now is especially soothing to the body and soul.  Float. Drift. Dream. Surrender. Flow.

Powerful Pluto is across the sky in Capricorn, staring down the New Moon, forcing a confrontation with your shortcomings, blocks, limitations and resistance, along with any defense or protection patterns, programs and mechanisms that are no longer valid. 

On another level, it’s as if whatever is keeping you from feeling at home is coming to a close.  Any vague sense of homesickness or missing something you can’t quite define, or the longing to be held, supported, and taken care of, to feel that you belong- whatever it is that has been keeping you from that, is now revealed and unraveled.  You’re able to get to the root of a situation, eliminating whatever’s been holding you back, freeing you up to a whole new world of emotion, and restoring your personal power. 

There is also a reconciliation about family ideals, and the image that you project onto those closest to you, or what you think family should look like or should be like vs. the reality of who they actually are and what it actually is as well as what it means to you. 

Other topics that may also arise during this phase may involve bloodlines, ancestry, hereditary, inheritance, race, lineage, origins, maternity, paternity and DNA. 

To top it off, the Cosmic Lovers, Venus and Mars are moving into a meetup in Leo while taking a hit from Uranus in Taurus; things get heated, sparks fly, and surprises are in store.  It may be that you act out of character, showing your playful and passionate side.  It appears that someone or something gets your attention and stirs your heartstrings.  Perhaps you’re the one turning heads and experiencing a sudden surge in popularity. This influence is bold and creative, daring you to step out of your comfort zone and take center stage.  It could be that a skill, talent, hobby, labor of love or creative business pursuit inspires appreciation, perhaps in the form of payments, adding to your income and/or feelings of self-worth.  This influence could also heat up the stock markets and speculation triggering wild fluctuations and instability, changing costs, prices or the value and worth of currencies. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Scorpio Full Moon

5 May

behind the veilThe Full Moon in Scorpio May 7th may have you in a stormy mood, feeling emotionally turbulent and unsettled as this lunation brings a turning point to the process of transformation and restoration.  It’s a bit of a messy make-over eh?

Mercury’s close connection to the Taurus Sun may have you going back and forth between being of sound mind, focusing on the material and being an emotional wreck.

This phase can push your (in)security buttons, financially and emotionally; while you focus on things like income, resources, support and sustenance.  The emphasis will be on wealth, banks, borrowing, credit, debts, mortgages, taxes, insurance, wills and estates.

On another level, your thoughts circle around relationships, self-worth and worthiness, physical and sensual appeal and attractiveness, love and affection, sexual passion and deep connection, intimacy, closeness and sharing.

Neptune in Pisces favorably connects to the Full Moon providing inspiration and the perfect escape from thinking about money or matters of life, death and survival.  Just breathe.  Do something creative. Meditate.  Be near water.

This influence also lends a hand in tuning into the realms of the spiritual, intuitive and mysterious as sensitivities will be heightened, creating a vibe that feels out of this world.

Scorpio is wrapped in intensity, complexity, vulnerability and things deep, dark, hidden and unspeakable.  This phase sheds light on matters kept secret, suppressed, covered or concealed involving things like power, control, corruption, abuse, violence, lust, envy, and all kinds of wickedness that dwells in Scorpio’s realms.

Pluto the ruler of Scorpio, has recently gone retrograde in Capricorn for the next five months suggesting that there’s an unearthing of things deep below and buried, even the resurfacing of an old passion, along with an inner restoration, reset and revival that’s underway.

Many of the beliefs you’ve held, behaviors or measures you’ve organized and built your life around may be put to the test or done away with altogether if found to be invalid or no longer necessary to who you’re becoming.  Others may be reinforced because, over time, its proven to be so and you know what you know. And that’s ok.  Don’t be afraid to reassess – it’s the perfect time to do so! In just a few days we have a slow-down in the sky as Venus, Jupiter and Saturn turn retrograde and cover old ground.

Venus is retrograde in Gemini from May 12th through June 25th– a time for reconnecting, getting in touch and exchanging thoughts and ideas.  During this period, old friends and lovers could make an appearance, or it may be that a familiar situation arises.  It may be time to re-assess some of your associations.  Traditionally, it’s not a favorable time to begin relationships or to get married but I’ve seen some make it work.  It’s also not the best time for shopping or changing your looks by doing a dramatic make-over with your hairstyle, cosmetic surgery, etc., the results may not be what you had in mind.  Maintenance is ok though. I can see people eager to catch up and flocking to their stylists after being quarantined for weeks.

Jupiter in Capricorn Retrograde May 14th through September 12th  and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius – Capricorn May 10th through September 29th – during this phase, review your beliefs and assumptions, check your preconceptions, judgements, viewpoints and philosophies about success and achievement, authority and rules, limitations and restrictions; take another look at social standards and norms, redefine your goals, acknowledge your resistance and  re-establish your position. Don’t be afraid to change old paradigms and belief structures so that it aligns with the model for your future.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


Pisces Full Moon

12 Sep

ocean mist

There’s magic in the air on the Pisces Full Moon September 14th.  Your sensitivity and intuition are amplified now, and experiences are at a profound level, touching the depths of your soul.

Neptune, ruler of this Full Moon is closely connected, adding to the enchantment or perhaps, bewilderment of this phase feeling as if you’re held in a haze of unreality.

Dreams and visions seeded at the Pisces New Moon in early March hit a high point now.  Water and other liquids like oil are also featured now- oceans, tides, marine life, flooding or leaks, cleaning up or the purity, quality or availability of water.  It can also be a time to detox and purify or visit a sweat lodge, sauna or float tank.

If this period leaves you perplexed, puzzled or confused, let not your heart be troubled; there is plenty of planet power across the sky as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Juno are still gathered in Virgo enabling you to dissect and discern matters.  Things that were hidden, obscured or secret or too confusing or complicated come to light now allowing you to get things sorted out.

Mercury and Venus share the last degree of Virgo and are set to move into Libra shortly after the Full Moon transpires.  Hearts and minds align, and you can appreciate the specifics when it comes to conversations, plans and information as you’re evaluating, pouring over material and prioritizing.  The Sabian for this degree is “Having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn’t look to distractions”.  This symbol needs little explanation as the theme of getting to the nitty gritty and getting things under control continues.  Once this pairing moves into Libra, then begins negotiations and conversations and putting finishing touches to your recent toil.

As Mars and Neptune face off in a critical degree, energies are aimed at making order from chaos, cleaning up a mess, problem solving, acknowledging your mistakes, course correcting, and seeing that things are put into their proper place and all runs smoothly.  That’s what this period is about.  You’re working hard and the vastness may feel overwhelming at times, the dream too big or the vision too vague but your efforts are not futile.  Keep going.  You’re getting it together and putting the pieces in place.   The Sabian symbols read, “two girls playing with a Ouija board” and “in a huge tent, a revivalist conducts his meeting” hinting at messages from unseen worlds or unknown sources for you to make of what you will and an audience to share them with.  While the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon reads, “a man bringing down the new law from Sinai” implying that there are new models and new ways of being now.

Mars instigates the tension that’s been brewing all year long between Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces.  This aspect perfects the third and final time this year on September 21st.  It’s not every day that these slower moving planets connect in such a way, influencing a generation.  This is a very spiritual influence where faith, intuition and knowledge come together, sparking wonder and exploration in your search for Truth.  You want to gain a deeper understanding of things long unknown, unseen, kept in the dark and hidden from sight.  There’s a lot of uncertainty that tests your faith as well as undercurrents and things going on behind the scenes that you’re gaining awareness of as a light of Truth shines into those dark crevices, exposing the shadows and cobwebs for what they are.  You may find that Truth is stranger than fiction.

If you’re held hostage by beliefs and doubts that cause you to worry that you’ll slip-up, or be considered inadequate and inferior, the Virgo energies assist in flushing out and revealing the error of your ways while aiding in getting you on the right track. There are plenty of opportunities to work on developing and perfecting your techniques and systems and correcting your mistakes.

Saturn shifts into direct motion, just a few days after the Full Moon on the 18th; in a critical degree where it remains for a couple weeks.  It drops the hammer and calls for accountability or aids in establishing your credibility and expertise, cementing your position, enabling you to define and accomplish your goals.

Pluto in Capricorn favorably connects with the Full Moon allowing you to remove resistance – your own or others and to eliminate obstacles and what’s holding you back so that you can restructure, reform, remake and reorganize.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


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Pisces New Moon

4 Mar

high tideThe New Moon in Pisces March 6th can be a time of inspired imagination and creativity as Neptune, the ruler of Pisces is closely connected to this lunation.

Emotions and psychic sensitivity are finely tuned now which can feel enchanting and magical or confused and delusional.

Water may also play a major role at this time, bringing any of the following into focus – oceans, marine life, flooding, leaks, the availability or quality of water, as well as oil or other liquids; also, Fukashima.

Just one day prior to the New Moon, Mercury retrogrades in Pisces March 5th – 28th clouding your mind and you may be back-pedaling on conversations, information and news, revisiting old stories and reflecting.

The New Moon brings considerable Cosmic shifts not experienced in quite some time as Uranus enters Taurus.

Uranus hasn’t been in these parts since 1942 other than the brief stint from May- November 2018 and remains through April of 2026. This is a longer influence, shaping a generation as events occur over time.  As with any transit, there are always several levels of manifestation.  Uranus is an erratic influence while Taurus is unwavering so these are two very different energies which will get you out of your comfort zone.  This influence can awaken the senses or alter who or what attracts you as your tastes may change.  You could experience changes with the throat, throat chakra, thyroid or voice as well as fluctuations in weight. You may awaken to your own worth stimulating your earnings and wealth.  You could see changes in earnings, fluctuating finances, unexpected costs, market instability and/or currency changes.

Additional topics that may arise involving the cost of electricity, tech or internet security, air travel, space or geoengineering.

On another level, the new frequency experienced the past few years is being grounded into Gaia.  We can see it manifesting as Earth anomalies and geological changes.  Remember all the volcanic activity last year while Uranus dipped into Taurus? 

Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn connect favorably to the New moon lending some Earthy stability and discipline in unsettling times while sustained efforts in pursuit of your visionary goals have potential for lasting results.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!


NEW!!  Now Booking for my energy healing package                                               Wisdom of the Woods

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Sagittarius Full Moon

25 May

transparencyThe Sagittarius Full Moon on May 29th may bring to light certain truths, putting an emphasis on your faith and beliefs. Alternatively, legal matters could also take a turn during this period, or perhaps affairs concerning higher education or publishing, broadcasting, promoting and advertising have your attention now.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.

There is a lot of psychic sensitivity now as Jupiter in Scorpio, the ruler of this Sag Full Moon, has a magickal meeting with Neptune in Pisces on May 25th, just days before this Full Moon and still in effect.  This is a very special influence full of enchantment, astonishment and wonder.

Jupiter has been in Scorpio for several months now prompting peeling back layers, getting to the core truth of the matter, exposing and bringing to light some of life’s darker, taboo qualities.  Jupiter in Scorpio requires a thorough investigation or exploration and examining options, but it also requires a growing trust and faith in your own knowing, guidance and wisdom.  Now, you may glimpse the truth beyond an illusion or smoke screen.  It’s a deep dive and the veil is thinning now. You may even feel blissed out as opportunity, luck, imagination, inspiration and your creative muse flow together.

Just a few days later, June 1st and 2nd, Venus in Cancer forms a glorious Grand Trine with Jupiter and Neptune.  No doubt you are feeling the love on a higher level now. Your cup runneth over.  Home, family and the things that are familiar are emphasized. Property values may also be a key point.

Water and liquids may also be prominent now.  This can be a time to eliminate excess, a great purging, or cleansing, releasing toxins, even sweat lodges and steam baths. This could be an actual cleanse or surrendering beliefs and victim consciousness.

The Gemini Sun has a brush with Saturn in Capricorn suggesting tweaking your perceptions and plans in establishing frameworks, outlines or the formation of structures, timelines, schedules, rules, policies, limits and boundaries.

Mars in Aquarius makes a favorable connection, energizing this Full Moon.  There may be changes of direction, new friends, or group involvement that add promise to your growth and progress.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!

Personal Note:  I am so excited that Sibella Publications has included me in their circle of wonderful women writers in their online magazine,

 “Luminous Wisdom: SOFIA” for 2018-2019 and I look forward to this journey. 

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.


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Pisces Solar Eclipse

18 Feb

waves-and-lighteningThere is so much happening during this block of time February 20th through the first week of March, that if it is at all possible, give yourself some space and room to breathe and open yourself to change and revitalization.

Many celestial bodies are gathered in Pisces for this New Moon Solar Eclipse on February 26th; The Sun, Moon, Mercury, The South Node, Pallas and Chiron are all positioned in Pisces right now. Emotions and sensitivity, including psychic sensitivity will be heightened now. We could feel hopeless, helpless or victimized or alternatively, creative, inspired and connected to something much larger than ourselves; perhaps somewhere in between or all of the above. 

With so much energy in watery Pisces, liquids and Water itself will be important or featured in some way.  This may involve our oceans, the tides, marine life, floods or the quality, availability or protection of drinking water. Flint Michigan, Standing Rock and Fukashima come to mind as just a few examples.

Mercury has just moved into Pisces so our mental faculties may not be so sharp but our sixth sense may be in full force. It’s possible now to know something without knowing how you know it; perceiving images and feelings.  Of course, it’s also possible that contracts have information missing or omitted or you could be confused or misled by something someone says.  Perhaps there is someone trying to deceive you or maybe you are the one using colorful language to avoid, escape or deceive.

This is a South Node Eclipse linking it to the past, suggesting that there are still some issues to be dealt with but it is also a New Moon Solar Eclipse indicating fertile ground for the future and a new beginning.

Eclipses are very significant in Astrology and have a way of speeding up events.  It’s the way the Universe accelerates our growth and puts us on path.  Sometimes it’s a bit messy at first.  All this Pisces energy points to a need to go with the flow.  All will not be clear just yet.

Things will be very unpredictable now as Mars in Aries squares off with powerful Pluto just days before this Eclipse; and at the time of this Eclipse, Mars is conjunct Uranus in Aries and opposite Jupiter in Libra. Changes, volatility and excitement fills the air.  Things are speeding up and changing at a very rapid pace and it will be difficult to determine which direction things are taking.  This is a very unstable influence yet it can also be exciting, thrilling and full of surprises.   Use caution when driving or operating machinery.

We could see break-throughs and break-downs where relationships and agreements are concerned.  There could be new friends or new groups, new technology, innovation and experimentation.  Perhaps there is a change of direction, erratic or unexpected actions and unusual alliances.  Deals and decisions may be made or broken now.  There could be ruptures, breaks and leaks.

This aspect of Jupiter opposite Uranus first formed at the end of 2016.  This is an aspect of social change, justice and revolution; and we’ve seen the rise of different social groups and causes fighting for Peace, Equality, a fair shake or share or to be heard and included.  There is also a new movement that’s formed as well as a growing opposition to this. Now Mars enters the picture and energizes or antagonizes this pattern.    We could see violence or volatility associated with any of these groups now.  It’s also possible that we see a new group or faction come into focus now.    This could be a very contentious time with confrontations difficult to avoid.

On another level, there is a stirring and swiftness to a great awakening that is taking place.  There is a new vibration or frequency that is pushing to bring things into alignment with Natural Law.

Jupiter in Libra is now retrograde for the next several months giving us the opportunity to backtrack, review and re-evaluate some of our agreements, relationships, decisions or laws.  We must weigh whether situations are in alignment with the Truth of who we are.  Some deals and decisions may need to be re-thought due to not being fair or ethical or on a more personal level, if something just doesn’t feel right to us.

Saturn, the Manifestor of 3-D reality is linked up to the Galactic Center for the first time in nearly three decades!  The Galactic Center is like the Sun of our Sun which divine wisdom and guidance is said to pour through.  This could be a very powerful time to give form to something with the inspiration coming straight from the center of the galaxy!  Pay attention now to your intuition. Manifestations are happening quickly now and it is especially critical to be conscious of what exactly we are creating at this time. This is our responsibility.

Saturn has been touring Sagittarius now since late 2014.  During this time, we have learned some big lessons, dealt with some major obstacles and setbacks, increased our responsibilities, discipline or accountability, our growth or progress has been slowed, our faith tested, our enthusiasm curbed; there has been a whole lot of adulting going on.  At the same time, we’ve been growing in experience and expertise and slowing down enough to really get the meaning of an experience.  Saturn still has more of his tough love to give and will move from this placement later this year.

Venus is currently in Aries and is the ruler of Libra. Peace loving Venus doesn’t feel quite comfortable in Aggressive Aries; and she is just one degree from the place she will retrograde just days after this Eclipse.  Venus will retrograde March 4th through April 15th. This suggests a re-evaluation of our motivations is in order and wanting or doing what is in our own best interests.  We may see some friction in our relationships or going back and forth in negotiations with no one wanting to make compromises or concessions in trying to come up with an agreement or arrangement that will work for all and it will be a struggle to strike a balance.

Venus is a planet that’s associated with art, beauty and design so if you are doing creative work, you may back pedal out of some of your choices and decisions.  It may also be that things must be roughed up, requiring some muscle or torn apart before we get to the beautiful result that we desire.

On another level, Venus Rx is not a good time to change your looks with a new hairstyle, clothes or cosmetic surgery. Buying and selling is also not advisable as you may pay too much for an item only for it to go on sale later. Or you could get a lower priced offer on something you are selling.  It is also not an ideal time to get married or to begin a new relationship.  Relationships from the past can also re-enter our scene when Venus is Rx.

Blessings to All at this New Moon Solar Eclipse!




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