Tag Archives: health matters

Virgo Full Moon

28 Feb

March holds some of the biggest planetary shifts of our lifetime. A pivotal month lies ahead, taking you to a new level.  March is the most eventful month of the year astrologically with lots happening in the Heavens.  Here’s a bit of a breakdown…

The Virgo Full Moon March 7th brings matters of Health, Wellness, Healing and Healers into the spotlight.  Perhaps you’ve been on the mend or have implemented particular practices or protocols into your routines and now things are turning a corner in your efforts toward Wellness or recovery.   On the other hand, it could be that a health issue, prognosis or diagnosis is brought to light, calling your attention. Or it may be that you’re on the lookout for or working with a new practitioner, healer, treatment, modality or remedy during this phase.  This influence especially favors remedies that are natural as Virgo is an Earth sign and associated with purity.  This time also favors detoxification, purification, flushing out, cleansing, sanitation, decontamination, etc.

Virgo is also associated with our day-to-day routines and goings about (y)our day.  It’s not the most glamourous or exciting area, but the importance of it is not to be overlooked, as this is where most of life is made and spent.  Give some thought to the programs that run your daily life, how well things are functioning and if things are running along smoothly or not and see where and how you can make any corrections or improvements in practical ways so you can live your best life.   This phase allows for small changes that can make a big impact. 

Uranus in Taurus connects favorably to this lunation bringing stimulating shifts that are evident in your everyday, changing things in a material way. It may be that there are changes to your job, employment or skillset that has a bearing on your earnings, income or payments.   Or it may be that there are changes in banking, markets, costs or currencies impacting your daily life.  This influence also assists you in getting out of your comfort zone, enabling useful, constructive changes, making a difference to your daily routine. 

On another level, there’s an awakening awareness to the state of situations and circumstances.  This phase allows for a bit of excitement and spontaneity to pull you out of any ruts that you’ve comfortably carved. 

Venus in Aries also connects with this lunation, shifting some of your personal values, perhaps related to your occupation, skills and earnings.  Additionally, you may be more direct in your desires and in the pursuit of things that appeal to you, there’s a stirring awareness of the things that you want in life and willingness to make the practical and necessary adjustments in order to make those things part of your everyday world. 

Mars in Gemini triggers the Moon in Virgo and the Pisces Sun, creating some conflict and stress with a rushing flow of ideas and plans, envisioning and imagining, discussions, conversations, news, information and disinformation,  that insists on your discernment, active questioning, or direct responses and messages spurring you to clear up confusion, learn more, and come up with workable solutions, corrections and problem solving, or to clean up, flush out or detoxify, organize, prioritize, making things workable or doable. Make the world make sense again.   

Jupiter and Chiron are moving closer to their meetup in Aries – they’ll be closely connected for most of the month.  This influence brings a deep healing experience or a deeper understanding of a painful experience, enabling you to move beyond it.  Perhaps you’re coming to a better understanding of or utilizing the application of self-healing and alternative healing techniques and practices such as – energy healing, crystal healing, vibrational, frequency or sound healing, acupuncture, massage, CHIROpractic, or perhaps there’s some new healing, health or medical technology introduced now.

Additionally, this phase may bring an event or situation that acts as a catalyst for growth, understanding and development, enabling you to tap into your Higher Guidance or Intuition.  Perhaps a Mentor, Guide, Guru, Galactic, Wisdom Keeper or Way Shower enters the picture now- it appears that someone or something illuminates a bit of knowledge, enlarging your views and way of life. There could even be some sort of Ceremony and Initiation to this new way of life.  This phase provides the opportunity for a big level-up enabling a quantum leap in consciousness. 

This Full Moon heralds the arrival of Saturn into Pisces.  Saturn hasn’t seen this slice of the Heavens in nearly thirty years – think back to 1994 -1996 to see if a similar theme from back then is relevant to your life now.  Saturn will be in Pisces for quite some time – until February 2026, so there are several ways that this energy may manifest over that time span. 

The energies of these two influences, Saturn and Pisces couldn’t be more distinct from each other.  Saturn is form, structure and limitation while Pisces is formless, boundless and infinite.  This influence may bring a reality check, deep shadow work, recognizing your illusions, delusions or self-deception, and an acknowledgement of (y)our mistakes and the ownership of the error of your ways.

While Saturn may dull the sparkle of the Pisces illusion, it can also give form to your creative imaginings and enabling manifestation. As co-creators , this influence gives the opportunity to construct your reality just by visualizing and feeling it.  This is powerful stuff that comes with immense responsibility. 

Saturn provides the backbone that your life is structured around, while Pisces is a spiritual, mystical, mysterious and Divine influence, suggesting that you find ways to realize the sacredness and magic in ALL and weave such devotional practices into the tapestry of your reality constructs, making practical use of Spiritual Truths.

On another level, As an old paradigm dissolves, things that seemed to be set in stone may come to an end, while simultaneously, we bear witness to and participate in New Earth’s construction.  At times it may feel like there are porous boundaries as you shift between realities and timelines. 

These are times of fast-moving massive changes – work on the things that you can controltake care of your body, mind and soul.

As if all of this isn’t enough packed into one month- there’s more!

Coming up – the Equinox on March 20th, the Aries New Moon on the 21st and the history making movement of Pluto into Aquarius on the 23rd but more about that next time. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

P.S.  If you want to hear more join me for First Fridays! Sign up on my Star Chat Live page for notifications and for listening to previous broadcasts.  

Virgo New Moon

29 Aug

The Virgo New Moon September 6th centers around matters of health and healing.  With Hygeia closely connected, this period is an opening for those things we do in our daily routine in order to keep healthy.  This is a good time to begin a health regimen, a new diet or exercise program or to find the right doctor, healer or protocol.  This influence also emphasizes health professionals, healers, cures, therapies, treatments or remedies.

Virgo is a sign of practicality and functionality, wanting to compartmentalize, organize and categorize, to label things and put them in the proper place.  Virgo wants to make sure things run along smoothly, it’s all about efficiency, efficacy and productivity – how well something works or doesn’t and to figure out what to do to correct it. 

Virgo is an Earth sign, favoring things that are natural and pure, and from the Earth like fresh fruits, veggies and herbs.  This is a perfect time to detox or cleanse.  This also means cleaning, organizing and purging your environment or even your headspace, perhaps you’re in need of a mental decluttering. 

You’ll have the motivation to get it all sorted with the help of Mars in Virgo.  This is “get your shit together” energy.

Although, Neptune in Pisces is across the sky creating some confusion that you’ll have to use your selectivity to sort through as some things may be vague or misleading. 

Uranus in Taurus connects favorably with this Virgo New Moon putting things on the fast track in very real-world ways.  This influence brings surprises, shaking you out of your comfort zone.  There could be changes with work or employment affecting your earnings or income.   For some, it may be that the appreciation of freedom and choice in health matters impacts employment and income.  Perhaps people find value in your unique skillset, ability or craft bringing unexpected or sudden profits or maybe you’re starting a new job and your earnings fluctuate and/or skyrocket.  This is a mostly positive influence, though it does bear some uncertainty, excitement and instability. On another level, there are senses awakening and coming online, influencing your discernment, having an effect on your everyday life, becoming noticeable and evident now. 

Mars in Virgo connects favorably with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, while nudging Jupiter in Aquarius, granting an immense power and force, with precise and practical moves to remove or extract any obstacles, blocks or barriers standing in your way while making rapid progress and advancements, discoveries, or breakthroughs, possibly involving science, technology or big tech.  On an inner level, this is shifting some of your beliefs that have kept you stuck.  This could be a period of great achievement as you’re motivated to get to work and get things done.  There’s a push to restore order, restructure, rebuild or to reschedule, re-arrange, revamp and repurpose, while making amendments to correct, improve and come up with innovative solutions. On another level, there’s an upgrade that shifts things for the better as a mass awakening is underway, enabling you to take practical action and specific steps that produce transformational results and consequences in your everyday life.   

Venus in Libra links with Jupiter in Aquarius pointing to connecting with the right people, those that align with your values, share your interests, and those that are vibing at the same frequency as you.    You attract others of like mind right now, and friendships and relationships develop quickly.  As there is an increase and elevation in frequency and vibration, Humanity is on the rise, gathering in loving peace and agreement in their desire for fairness, equality, liberty and justice for all- all over the world. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Aries Full Moon

24 Sep

full moon mountainsThe Full Moon September 24th in the early degrees of Aries highlights your approach to matters, the way you set things in motion and assert yourself, how you  act in your own interests and stand up for yourself or stand out in your individuality. You could also see a turning point to matters launched at the Aries New Moon back in April.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.

 Mars in Aquarius is the ruler of this Full Moon and connects favorably, energizing this Full Moon. Mars and Uranus continue their clash which perfected for the third time this year on the 18th; keeping things changeable, unpredictable, exciting or volatile.  There could be independent actions, sudden moves, changes of direction, initiating friendships, joining a team or leading a group with common goals and interests; acting on long range visions for the future.  Things seem to want to move along quickly.

This period brings a feeling of wanting to make changes and break free, to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want – but task master Saturn is in a challenging angle to this Full Moon calling for adulting, accountability and facing limitations.  Vesta is also closely connected to Saturn, further emphasizing firm commitments, focus and dedication to your goals. Responsibilities, obligations, time, delays and scheduling crunches can put a damper on what you want to do, slowing things down and forcing you to focus on what you need to do.

The Libra Sun across the sky from the Full Aries Moon always requires a balance and to find the middle way.

Chiron and Hygeia are also closely connected to this Full Moon bringing matters of health, healing, hygiene, self-healing and alternative healing into the spotlight.  The contact with Saturn and Vesta suggests slow-downs and setbacks requiring disciplined health routines and making modifications to bring things into alignment.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.


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Virgo Full Moon

11 Mar

virgoAt this Full Moon in Virgo we could see the culmination of job situation or work project, or perhaps there is an issue with a co-worker, employee, hired hand or apprentice that comes to a head now.  We could also see a health issue come to light or a turning point with a health issue we’ve been dealing with.  It may even be a good time to find the right healer for you.  Matters of health, health care and healing are highlighted at this time including mental health.

Virgo is a sign associated with our everyday lives; our routines, the chores the paperwork, getting clean and organized, establishing healthy routines with diet and exercise, being efficient and skillful, handling all the details and making sure life runs smoothly.  The thing is, at this Full Moon, we still have quite a bit of energy across the sky in other worldly Pisces which can make us feel overwhelmed and inept at managing our mundane lives as it may be in striking contrast to our high ideals and grand visions.  There can be a sense of depression, negative thinking and self-defeatist attitudes creating the feeling of wanting to run, hide and reach for a bottle of Fukitol.

Mercury the ruler of Virgo is also in Pisces; clouding our minds and confusing our communications.  Or perhaps we want to dream the day away or to just retreat into silence and not have to communicate at all. The brain fog will life when Mercury makes his way into Aries just one day after this Full Moon and we may be more inclined to initiate a conversation or to come up with a plan of action then.

This Full Moon is in a harsh aspect to Task Master Saturn slapping us with a big dose of Reality and a need to face things with maturity. There is a lot of work, loads of responsibility and accountability, big obstacles, limited opportunity and growth and a need to conserve.   We’ll need to muster up some more patience and perseverance and to focus on the things that really matter.

There is a lot of tension surrounding this Full Moon but it’s not completely hopeless. Virgo is a sign known for having powers of discernment. Virgo is a good problem solver because of it’s need for perfection, it can see what is wrong in a situation and how to correct it.  This Full Moon may shed some light on just where we’ve gone wrong and what steps we need to take. We may be able to sort things out and make sense of things in a way that is useful, practical and helpful.

Some of the seeds planted near the New Moon Solar Eclipse back in September may also reach fruition now.

It is also possible that this Full Moon could shed light on some of the programming that we’ve organized our lives around and we’ll have to discern what is valid and useful in furthering our goals and what is just causing stress by worrying over all our imperfections.

We also have Chiron and Pallas conjunct in Pisces so this could be a very healing time though not without a few distressing moments.  We may be able to perceive subtleties, undercurrents and the interconnections to a situation; and see where we’ve made mistakes or hurt ourselves or what is causing our pain and what is the way through and the next step.  In terms of alternative healing this is a very good placement.

The opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries also connects with the Sun and the Moon creating tension and a need for adjustments.  As we are correcting imbalances and bringing things into alignment, there may be a period of adjustment and maybe symptoms or side effects.  Watch side effects of medications too.  On another level, this can put a strain on relationships and agreements and we may be walking a fine line between asserting our independence and freedom and making compromises.

Meanwhile, Venus is retrograde in Aries until April 15th.  The goddess of beauty and love, has gone into the underworld in the sign of the warrior creating a passive- aggressive, push-pull vibe.  There’s anger and irritation regarding others. This is a time to re-evaluate and perhaps renegotiate as you consider what you’re putting into and getting out of some agreements and relationships or situations involving co-dependence/independence/inter-dependence and your interactions with others.

The good news is that Jupiter in Libra also wants relationships and agreements that are meaningful or beneficial to all parties, and in alignment with our Truth.

More good news! Mars and Venus are now in Mutual Reception or having a favorable exchange of energies and able to work together. Mars is now in the earliest degrees of Taurus lending us endurance and enabling us to make sustained efforts.  We are motivated to establish something tangible and of value; moving forward one step at a time, one foot in front of the other.  If we started to feel our energies burning out while Mars was in the last degrees of Aries, this can aid us in steadying out a bit.



Blessings to ALL at this Full Moon!



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Virgo Full Moon

21 Feb

virgoFMpicOn the Virgo Full Moon we could see matters concerning health come to a head.  Or it could be that we see a situation at work turn a corner. Mercury, the ruler of this Full Moon is in Aquarius and conjunct Pallas so information could be coming in quickly or it could be that it keeps changing.  Situations with information and technology in the workplace may be highlighted during this time and there could be trouble shooting needed. It could also be that you are now willing to look at things from another perspective and think outside the box.  Change your thinking change your life.  Pallas in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius could also represent a champion for a cause.

This Full Moon is opposite Neptune conjunct Ceres in Pisces and it could be that information is not clear or you don’t have all of the facts yet.  On another level, it is important now to nurture ourselves and others with compassion, in particular those that may be afflicted with addictions or mental illnesses. Instead of being overly critical or judgmental, we need to be able to see their wounds reflected in ourselves and our own imperfections and to be willing to walk in the shoes of another. In matters of health and healing, alternative healing is highlighted now and the use of herbs, supplements, phytotherapy or hospice could also play a role.  Also, healing through vibration and crystals is also suggested or implied at this time.  It may be that these types of therapies are brought more into our awareness now and we may gain more knowledge about the healing effects of diet and using food as medicine as well as energy medicine. On another level, it could be that there are flooded crops or crops that are poisoned or toxic due to the effects of pesticides and GMO’s. These types of subjects may be brought to light and become more of a mainstream topic at this time.

We still have Jupiter and the North Node side by side in Virgo offering opportunities and guidance to our future path of service and/or healing and how to live our everyday lives to the fullest. We could be improving our health; learning a craft or deepening our skills; it could also be that mentor/apprentice relationships can play a role now.  This is also facing off with an opposition to Chiron in Pisces indicating that we are asked to go within and find our own inner truth, move beyond fears, insecurities and feelings of inferiority and to reconcile those wounds from the past and to let them go.  We need to learn from our mistakes. A major theme throughout the year suggests that we go back and finish old business.  With Mercury now in Aquarius, we may be able to look at a situation differently and can be open to a new approach.

Mars in Scorpio quincunx Vesta in Aries indicates that our dedication to our own self-interests may have to give way to efforts toward getting to the core of an issue for constructive or destructive purposes or for our aims at sharing or closeness.

Blessings to All at this Full Moon!


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