Tag Archives: relationships

Libra Lunar Eclipse

22 Mar

The Libra Full Moon March 25th is also a Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses are headline news in Astrology, acting as powerful portals of change and acceleration.  Eclipses reshuffle the deck – as a way the Universe puts you on your path.  Eclipse season often brings about sudden endings and new beginnings, whether it shows up as a single incident that acts as a catalyst or a series of happenings that changes your trajectory.  Give yourself some space and some Grace during this period of fast-moving shifts.   

The area of your personal chart where this Eclipse is happening is where you’ll experience the greatest changes. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra highlights relationships and patterns of relating, calling your attention to Karmic Relationships, Soul Contracts, and connections from the past as the South Node is linked with this lunation.     

Pluto in Aquarius links with the Luminaries of this Eclipse bringing powerful changes to your associations and in your dealings with others.  In some instances, it may be time to cut ties or terminate soul contracts, thereby making room for those more in alignment.  It’s time to let go of whoever or whatever has kept you in a loop.  On the other hand, you could find yourself part of a powerful pairing that impacts your future or the future at large.  There could also be situations involving social media, your social networks and connections. 

This phase reveals things that you may have been unaware of, or something that’s been kept under wraps regarding your closest connections, bringing things out into the open. Or perhaps you’re confronted with an all too familiar pattern that you repeat like a broken record, or it may be shown to you through someone else, bringing it to light now and into your awareness, enabling you to acknowledge and understand it and do things differently, learning the larger lesson and upgrading to the next level.    

On another level, as there is a transformation in your vibration, you’ll notice that the people that are not on the same frequency as you, will no longer be engaged and involved in your life, at least for now, but no worries, you’re attracting others that are.

This period provides the space to restore balance to the relationship with yourself, setting the tone for the rest that follow.

Situations or circumstances that were one-sided, are taking a turn and the tables are about to be flipped. 

Venus, the ruler of the Libra Eclipse is positioned in Pisces, where she is at her best, while favorably engaged with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, making it possible for the development of more meaningful, honest and supportive connections, as there are several opportunities to meet those that you’re spiritually and soulfully aligned with- and they seem to pop up quite spontaneously and magically.   Big Surprises are on the Horizon while the energy builds as Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus are inching closer to their historic meetup mid-April.  Additionally, there could be creative money-making opportunities through a partnership or alliance.  Keep your eyes, ears and your Heart Open!

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse

7 Oct

The Libra New Moon October 14th is also a Solar Eclipse.  A New Moon Solar Eclipse is a potent portal for New Beginnings – it has the power of a New Moon times ten – and intentions set now can be far reaching, having an impact six months or even a year into the future, depending on where it falls in your chart and which planets or points it hits for you personally.  

Eclipses fast-track events and bring a feeling of unpredictability as new starts are in the air, often accompanied by sudden endings.  Eclipses pave the way as the Universe clears the decks, rearranging things and putting you on your path.  Give yourself some space and some Grace during Eclipse Season. 

Libra, the sign Symbolized by the Scales brings openings for Justice, Equality, Compromise, Relationships, Fairness, Balance and Alignment.   

Mercury is closely connected with this New Moon Solar Eclipse- opening the lines of communication while highlighting the importance of exchanging ideas, negotiations and agreements, whether in personal relationships or business relationships and contracts.  What you consent to is crucial. This influence should bring Peace of Mind, although Chiron in Aries sits across the sky facing off with Mercury – carrying news, information, or a conversation that could be a catalyst for bringing things out into the open, talking about painful episodes, enabling communication in relationships to repair rifts.  This phase also presents a way into or out of contracts or agreements.   

Uranus in Taurus engages with this New Moon Solar Eclipse bringing changes and stunning shifts in your some of your closest connections, concerning appreciation and reciprocation or rivalry and competition.  This phase can point out who is working for or against your best interests.  Who or what is revealed may take you by surprise. 

There could even be shifts in your bank balance along with fluctuations and changes in markets, economies, expenses, banking, costs and currencies. 

Healthwise, you may need to make adjustments to recalibrate and bring balance and equilibrium.  The Temperance card in the Tarot comes to mind here. 

On another level, the awakening of Humanity is shifting the frequency of the Earth and the other way around- in a symbiotic relationship – as the Frequency of the Earth is rising, it’s assisting the awakening of Humanity.  We’re experiencing a Shift in the Collective Consciousness. 

Mars in Scorpio aligns with Saturn in Pisces during this phase, calling for a deep dive, pushing psychological and sexual buttons and boundaries.  There’s a desire to connect, merge and dissolve the separation between one another, wanting to trust enough to share the deepest, darkest secrets or fantasies where nothing is off limits.

This is a highly psychic influence as the veil thins, enabling you to penetrate and peer through, there’s an intensity and a willingness to examine and probe things of a deeply mysterious, unknown, and unmentionable nature.  Things are being stirred up now that have been unclear, obscured or out of sight for quite some time, directing your attention to matters that have perhaps been avoided or ignored and bringing them into view. 

On another level, this influence offers an unrelenting pursuit, in an almost obsessive manner, of your visionary ambitions and aspirations and a willingness to put the time, grit, and disciplined efforts into creating something, that perhaps only you can see – for now – as things you’ve imagined and envisioned begin to take shape and become more obvious.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Libra Full Moon

3 Apr

The Libra Full Moon April 6th carries deep healing experiences, wholeness and balance, but first, it may call attention to some of your sore spots as Jupiter, Chiron and the Sun sit intricately linked across the Sky in Aries.  This Full Moon holds massive level-up energies calling for courage to break new ground.  This phase could bring about someone or something that acts as a catalyst setting things off.   

Perhaps there’s a painful truth that you must face now.  Or maybe you come to a deeper understanding of a hurtful episode from the past, something that was upsetting, unkind or cruel, felt unfair, biased or one-sided. This phase provides and opportunity for growth and understanding enabling you to move beyond your scars.   

This lunation shows up as the need to ‘confront the Elephant in the room’ so there may be uncomfortable truths, disclosures, revelations and discoveries coming to light, along with necessary discussions that are straightforward, frank or even blunt and to the point.  Things will be very much in your face, and nearly impossible to ignore.       

This Full Moon also puts the spotlight on some of your closest connections along with your relationship patterns.  There could be a situation poking at your vulnerabilities and injuries, often bringing things to your awareness that need to be dealt with and healed, granting insight, understanding and revelations where your ways of being, behaving and relating are concerned. 

It could be that you take your relationship to the next level.  Or maybe you meet someone during this period that has a very important lesson to teach you, acting as a Mentor or a Guide or that changes your life in some way. 

This phase could reveal someone that’s been acting counter to your interests or efforts, or a competitor, opponent or rival pops into the picture.    

Libra is represented by the scales, symbolic of Justice, Fairness and Balance bringing legal matters to a head now.  You may be dealing with lawyers, courts or judges, looking for legal loopholes or a way out of a contract.  Perhaps you’re concerned with issues of morality, ethics, integrity, honesty or matters of right and wrong. 

This phase also calls attention to your dealings, agreements, associations and arrangements with others, while ensuring that things are in alignment with your Truth so that your exchanges feel fair and authentic without compromising on your fundamentals.   

Uranus in Taurus connects with the Full Moon bringing surprises, upsets and instability, tipping the scales, perhaps to even things up, settle the score or to make things ‘right’. 

Financially speaking, there can be market fluctuations and changes to banking, costs, payments, currencies and/or adjustments to accounts and balances.   

On another level, there are awakening senses, recalibrations, and massive level-ups underway which could have you feeling edgy and off-kilter during this phase. 

Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces are all working together helping you to grasp the reality of the full picture while motivating you to take sensible steps bringing you closer to your personal long-term plans, goals and visions. 

On another level, this emphasizes the interplay of your gut reactions, focusing your intuition and fine-tuning it with thought forms, words and perceptions, using your personal discernment by gauging how things feel to you. 

Venus in Taurus connects favorably to Neptune in Pisces bringing a creative influence with refined senses and sensibilities, otherworldly enchantments, attractions and charms. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Libra New Moon

1 Oct
The Tipping Point

The peaceful placidity typically attributed to the sign of the scales is in short supply at this October 6th Libra New Moon.  There’s an edginess to this New Moon as Mars is intricately linked to the luminaries while Uranus sends an electrifying beam.    

Libra likes harmony, balance, justice and equality, a refined sophistication and social niceties while taking others into consideration.  While, on the other hand, Mars is a combative and aggressive influence, that doesn’t like to wait, discuss, debate or cooperate. Mars moves first, acting quickly, moving forward with intention, motivation and autonomy.   

This phase brings new beginnings to relationships or agreements, but it may be difficult to find cooperation or come to a compromise with this contentious influence, as each party wants to have it their own way.  There could be a fight for your fair share, demanding equality, justice or the give and take in a partnership.  There could be conflicts, confrontations or outright opposition; you may need to just have it out to get out of a rut.  Alternatively, negotiations may be set in motion during this period. Or perhaps there are new arrangements, new terms, or even splits, separations, an annulment or nullification.

Then again, you could be on the hunt for those you can connect and collaborate with, you want engagement and involvement, to join in and partner up, or maybe you’re looking for counsel or a confidant.  Although this influence works best if each has an independent role within a team, each getting the credit for their contribution.

This New Moon suggests that whatever you initiate has some energy and oomph behind it to charge ahead, possibly zig zagging along as this influence calls on you to shift gears and tweak a few things along the way, which can be a bit unnerving.

This influence is spontaneous, surprising and impulsive, upsetting the balance, possibly tipping it startlingly to one side, or perhaps even going on the offensive.  If you’ve been evaluating a situation or considering a decision, during this phase, you may make your move, catching others by surprise. 

On another level, perhaps you experience a break or interruption to the connectivity with your technology, electricity or the internet, affecting your comfort and security or even markets, banking, earnings and expenses. 

Mercury is retrograde in Libra, and when Mercury is out of phase, perceptions, communications and electronics can be a bit wonky. 

Mercury also has an exchange with Neptune in Pisces, blurring the lines and keeping things mysterious, puzzling and obscured.  Things may seem weird, without a clear picture of a situation.   On the other hand, there’s a refining and fine tuning of your perception, aligning with your intuition, enabling non-verbal communication, coming through in feelings and images.

It’s also possible that you reconnect with someone from your way back when now.  Or maybe you’re reflecting on your connections, relationships, and earlier experiences, covering old ground, learning a piece of information that you were unaware of, seeing things in another light.  Perhaps you find yourself in a situation that echoes something that’s been long forgotten. 

Chiron in Aries is across the sky from the Libra New Moon, suggesting the need to confront any sore spots and move through it.  Or perhaps you’re looking for a loophole to break free. 

The Libra New Moon, being in a critical degree, makes things a bit more weighty and urgent, while opening a portal of time, bringing a turning point, as four planets shift from retrograde to direct motion, from now until the Full Moon.  In the coming days, these planets will begin to operate at their full strength after months of orbiting in a sleepy state, moving things forward in a big way. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!  

Capricorn Full Moon

23 Jun

Yay! You made it through an incredibly intense Eclipse portal period and a Mercury retrograde phase, where some of your deeply held beliefs disintegrated, leaving you with a new slant on a certain subject, a new story and a fresh perspective as Mercury moves to direct motion on the 22nd.  Give yourself and atta girl (or guy) pat on the back!

The Capricorn Full Moon June 24th brings a culmination to some of your goals and aspirations now.  The intentions and seeds you planted at the beginning of the year at the Capricorn New Moon may come to fruition during this phase.   

Saturn, the ruler of this Capricorn Full Moon, is now retrograde in Aquarius, urging you to review what you’ve set out to do, while giving you space to measure how well you’ve accomplished your ambitions, determining if they’re still valid and in alignment with your purpose and personal standards.  While you may think that there’s still so much farther to go, take some time to savor your successes, no matter how small, and all you’ve conquered so far.  Yay YOU!

This phase also highlights some of your responsibilities and commitments, career, authority and accountability.  Own it!

Mars in Leo is moving into an opposition with stickler Saturn in Aquarius, building the tension and frustration that comes to a head on July 1st.  Practice patience.  Breathe.  Things may come to a head now with the goals and objectives you initiated back in late March of 2020, when Mars and Saturn met in a conjunction, starting a new cycle. You may have to face the consequences and results of your actions and directives in a disciplined and mature manner.  You may also receive an acknowledgement or recognition for your role and performance in a certain situation. 

Alternatively, your attention-grabbing antics and passionate pastimes are met with aloof indifference or unapproachable and impenetrable boundaries.  Or it may be that you feel held back or tied down in your playful pursuit of happiness, fun and entertainment, perhaps due to rules, restrictions, responsibilities or even time and scheduling snags.  You want to be able to move freely and just be, while halted by higher ups, shoulds, oughts and the powers that be. 

Jupiter in Pisces, recently turned retrograde on the Solstice until mid-October, connects favorably with the luminaries of the Full Moon, opening you to faith, as you tune into your Inner Guidance.  Things need to feel right, as there’s a lot of unknowns and uncertainty at the moment, but there’s also light shining in the darkness, bringing shadows to the surface, allowing you to dig deep to find your own personal Truth while enabling your spiritual growth and development so you can re-define your goals, and your purpose to be in alignment with that.   

Last but certainly not least, Venus in Cancer is facing off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, impacting your relationships and finances, perhaps permanently altering them.  Maybe you make other arrangements to accommodate changes happening within your closest connections.  Or maybe you attract support from people in high places.  Additionally, you could be restructuring your financial situation, refinancing or eliminating debts.  This will also be reflected in property values; perhaps you’re remodeling or renovating a property that also changes the value or giving a make-over to make things more appealing and comfier.  Enjoy!

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Libra Full Moon

25 Mar

The Libra Full Moon March 28 puts the spotlight on your relationships and affairs.  During this phase you may find your own bonding boo boos and sore spots reflected back to you as this lunation bumps heads with Venus and Chiron across the sky in Aries, bringing an opportunity to confront personal vulnerabilities and patterns or any chinks in your armor. This Full Moon presents an opening to heal relationship rifts and patterns and those wounded parts of the self. 

This cycle you could evaluate some of your closest involvements and agreements, weighing the give and take and if keeping the peace is at the expense of your personal desires or values. Or if having things your way or the highway are worth the split or solo scene. If the scales have tipped too far, you may decide to exit stage left or come to a fair and equal compromise.  You may come across something that is a deal–breaker in an agreement, accord, contract or negotiations and be looking for a loophole to escape. 

On the larger stage, we can see this energy reflected in the Equality act (Libra) and the effect on women’s (Venus) athletics (Aries).  Men and women are equal, for sure, they’re just not the same.  One must wonder if this is truly a fair deal on all sides. 

Saturn in Aquarius connects favorably with the Libra Full Moon, along with the Sun, Venus and Chiron in Aries, lending unique strength, stability, and purpose to the foundation or formation of friendships, groups, networks, organizations and alliances. 

Uranus in Taurus also vibes this Libra Moon, shifting the steadiness, pushing you out of a comfort zone or rut.  This could also involve fluctuating finances, changes in markets, costs, payments or earnings, altering your account balance.   On another level, awakening senses shift the balance supporting the spiritual warrior.

Several planets are posted at 8 degrees of their respective signs, eight is great and symbolic of infinity, flow and success.  Yes!

Mars in Gemini aligns with the Nodal axis, pointing the way forward, you’ll know you’re going in the right direction by catching clues from your day-to-day comings and goings, conversations and connections. 

Mercury is moving in on a meet up with Neptune in Pisces, and you might feel like a bit of a space case but what a beautiful day for a daydream.  You could be very perceptive to subtle messages and signs.  Tune in.   

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Scorpio Full Moon

5 May

behind the veilThe Full Moon in Scorpio May 7th may have you in a stormy mood, feeling emotionally turbulent and unsettled as this lunation brings a turning point to the process of transformation and restoration.  It’s a bit of a messy make-over eh?

Mercury’s close connection to the Taurus Sun may have you going back and forth between being of sound mind, focusing on the material and being an emotional wreck.

This phase can push your (in)security buttons, financially and emotionally; while you focus on things like income, resources, support and sustenance.  The emphasis will be on wealth, banks, borrowing, credit, debts, mortgages, taxes, insurance, wills and estates.

On another level, your thoughts circle around relationships, self-worth and worthiness, physical and sensual appeal and attractiveness, love and affection, sexual passion and deep connection, intimacy, closeness and sharing.

Neptune in Pisces favorably connects to the Full Moon providing inspiration and the perfect escape from thinking about money or matters of life, death and survival.  Just breathe.  Do something creative. Meditate.  Be near water.

This influence also lends a hand in tuning into the realms of the spiritual, intuitive and mysterious as sensitivities will be heightened, creating a vibe that feels out of this world.

Scorpio is wrapped in intensity, complexity, vulnerability and things deep, dark, hidden and unspeakable.  This phase sheds light on matters kept secret, suppressed, covered or concealed involving things like power, control, corruption, abuse, violence, lust, envy, and all kinds of wickedness that dwells in Scorpio’s realms.

Pluto the ruler of Scorpio, has recently gone retrograde in Capricorn for the next five months suggesting that there’s an unearthing of things deep below and buried, even the resurfacing of an old passion, along with an inner restoration, reset and revival that’s underway.

Many of the beliefs you’ve held, behaviors or measures you’ve organized and built your life around may be put to the test or done away with altogether if found to be invalid or no longer necessary to who you’re becoming.  Others may be reinforced because, over time, its proven to be so and you know what you know. And that’s ok.  Don’t be afraid to reassess – it’s the perfect time to do so! In just a few days we have a slow-down in the sky as Venus, Jupiter and Saturn turn retrograde and cover old ground.

Venus is retrograde in Gemini from May 12th through June 25th– a time for reconnecting, getting in touch and exchanging thoughts and ideas.  During this period, old friends and lovers could make an appearance, or it may be that a familiar situation arises.  It may be time to re-assess some of your associations.  Traditionally, it’s not a favorable time to begin relationships or to get married but I’ve seen some make it work.  It’s also not the best time for shopping or changing your looks by doing a dramatic make-over with your hairstyle, cosmetic surgery, etc., the results may not be what you had in mind.  Maintenance is ok though. I can see people eager to catch up and flocking to their stylists after being quarantined for weeks.

Jupiter in Capricorn Retrograde May 14th through September 12th  and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius – Capricorn May 10th through September 29th – during this phase, review your beliefs and assumptions, check your preconceptions, judgements, viewpoints and philosophies about success and achievement, authority and rules, limitations and restrictions; take another look at social standards and norms, redefine your goals, acknowledge your resistance and  re-establish your position. Don’t be afraid to change old paradigms and belief structures so that it aligns with the model for your future.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


Libra Full Moon

6 Apr

scales tippedThe Libra Full Moon April 7th highlights your relationships and associations.  This lunation emphasizes going solo vs. companionship. While Libra is a social sign, wanting connection, interaction and participation, and humans are mostly social creatures, in this time of social distancing, we are all in this together – alone.

Neptune in Pisces pressures this Full Moon yielding a tipping point as unknown factors are brought out of the shadows and into the light to be dealt with before leveling off.

Venus in Gemini, ruler of this Full Moon, connects with Mars in Aquarius suggesting there’s a craving for conversation, connection, visitors, variety and mobility and in this time of distance, many are taking to technology to reach out and touch someone.  This influence offers a love of your neighbor and humanitarian efforts.

Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus clash, warning of restless energies which could prove to be unpredictable and volatile.  Use caution and care while driving, working with electricity or operating machinery.  You can expect a few shocks and surprises during this period.  You may feel like breaking free and awakening from your respite and retreat.  There could be sudden moves, a change in direction or unforeseen advances inspiring excitement in what was anticipated, expected or projected; this could also involve financial markets, earnings, costs or currencies.

Jupiter and Pluto continue their close connection in Capricorn, which was exact on April 4th.  This is a powerful pairing that doesn’t happen every day, in fact this comes around about every twelve years. This influence speaks of significant changes to the structure of our society.  There is a major overhaul and restoration underway on several fronts simultaneously.

Mercury in Pisces also connects with this powerful pairing of Jupiter and Pluto so it may not be exactly clear on where or how this is all taking place.  This influence is best for subtle perceptions and nuances so tune into that when you can.  Additional information will be revealed as Mercury moves into Aries April 11th when communications will be more direct by then.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!  Stay healthy and safe everyone!

P.S. apologies to my WordPress readers- I’ve recently gotten a new website and haven’t posted my forecasts on this platform.  I’m trying to get all of my readers in one spot.  You can check out and subscribe to my site at laurelhillshealingarts.com.  Thanks for your support!


Libra New Moon

26 Sep

joining handsThe New Moon in Libra September 28th is an opener for negotiations, exchanges and fair deals it’s time to aim for balance and equality. Time to even it up.

Many of the planets, the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus, that were recently gathered in Virgo, have moved on to meet up in Libra; putting an emphasis on give and take in relationships and the need to assess some of your associations.

Mars and Juno hang back in Virgo a bit longer continuing to support problem solving and course correcting especially regarding your involvements and arrangements.

Chiron in Aries is across the sky from this New Moon suggesting that you could be healing rifts in relationships, perhaps there’s an upset that needs to be resolved, or loopholes in agreements.  Maybe you’re on the mend and working to regain your center.

Uranus in Taurus contacts the Libra New Moon, which may bring a few surprises to your affairs or finances.  You could see fluctuating or unexpected costs, payments, earnings or commissions altering balances and accounts. You can shift your single focused-ness or what you thought is a sure thing, by considering alternatives. A collaboration could help dislodge where you’ve been stuck or maybe some competition serves as a shake-up to the comfort, ease and predictability of a relationship.  It could also be that the appeal of independence needs tweaking to compliment the contrast and compromises of coupledom.

On another level, you could feel wobbly or woozy as irregularities, abnormalities or anomalies affect stability and equanimity.  This also brings the need for adjustments to balance the throat charka or thyroid into the picture.  There’s a need for correction and regulation.

Venus, the ruler of the Libra New Moon connects with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces encouraging you to trade in your aloneness or anonymity and reach out to your broader social contacts to team up, collaborate and cooperate.  It’s a good time to bounce ideas off others, brainstorm and compare views and opinions.  You want to deal with people that are upright and worthy and to have meaningful exchanges that promote progress and advancement.  Alternatively, you may be required to shift of your ideals and expectations of others.  Maybe you disengage or disconnect from comrades and companions.  Perhaps you’re being deceived or deluding yourself, it’s ok to have faith but not blindly so, but Jupiter in Sagittarius helps you deal with the truth for what it is and not what you wish it to be.  It’s important to pay attention to what people show you of themselves.  It may be that what you’re shown is somehow a reflection of your own beliefs, doubts and uncertainties.

Additionally, you could deal with legal agreements, negotiations or mediation.  It’s possible there are amendments and adjustments to contracts, collaborations or deals compromising them perhaps to nullify or invalidate it.

Just a couple days after the New Moon, Venus tangles with Pluto in Capricorn bringing some tension and ruffling feathers in your dealings with shared responsibilities, boundaries and trust which could change the status quo but you should be able to get through what’s standing in your way of peaceful co-existence.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

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2nd Libra Full Moon

19 Apr

mirrorsApril 19 is the Libra Full Moon- this is the second Full Moon in Libra – a rare occurrence, as the Universe gives a double dose of lessons on relationships, partnerships, give and take, agreements, compromise, cooperation, competition, indecision and opposition.  It also gives another opportunity to bring matters out into the open to be confronted.

This is an important message given by the Universe as it’s a rare occurrence to have two Full Moons in the same sign.

Check out last month’s article here.

Venus in Pisces, the ruler of this lunation, contacts the Full Moon suggesting that you may have to modify your expectations of others to avoid disappointment and bring relationships into alignment with who you are and who you are becoming while dealing with others as they are and not as you wish them to be.  You must be true to yourself if you want any of your relationships or arrangements with others to stand a chance.  Those mis-aligned will fade out of the picture.

You may recall back in 2018, Venus, the ruler of Libra, retrograded through her own sign, Libra and then Scorpio; drawing attention to all of your associations, how you get on with others, the mirroring of yourself through others, how you feel about yourself, your self-worth and how you allow others to treat you.  Many relationships and even karmic ties ended or changed dramatically during that period.

Check out previous article on Venus Rx through Scorpio

Juno in Gemini aligns perfectly with this lunation allowing for discussions and intellectual rapport in partnerships.

Mercury and Chiron also connect in Aries now bringing healing conversations and mental health.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


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