Cancer New Moon

24 Jun
Unpacking the Past

The Cancer New Moon June 28th is a departure from the past, opening you to new ways of nurturing, care and support that you haven’t known before as there’s a strong push for personal and emotional freedom. 

This lunation could be highly sensitive, perhaps triggering automatic responses, gut reactions or deep-rooted patterns in your relationships, blowing them out of proportion, grabbing your attention so they can be dealt with, allowing you to move on, leaving you feeling emancipated and liberated.  

Jupiter in Aries nudges this New Moon, moving you beyond things that are familiar.  You’re outgrowing some old ways and patterns of the past, releasing co-dependent tendencies, acting in your own interests of what you feel is right, having faith in yourself, your own knowledge and Higher Guidance, not concerned with the opinions or approval of others, while reacting and responding differently than you once did.  It’s as if you’re now traveling lighter, leaving baggage behind, creating space for fresh feels, emotions and sentiments. 

Additionally, Cancer rules home, property, and land, so these things could be front and center for you now.  You may be moving to a bigger house, or to a distant location, or perhaps you feel the need for room to roam.  You could be doing repairs, improvements or remodeling, perhaps you’re creating more space with an addition, an outdoor living space or a garden.  Maybe you have a growing family that now needs larger accommodations, or it could be that your mother comes into focus during this phase.     

Jupiter in Aries also connects favorably with Venus in Gemini bringing multiple opportunities to meet, mingle, connect, converse and exchange ideas allowing full expression of your views, even if they’re a bit contentious, you should be able to find much common ground. There could be lots of admiration and appreciation directed your way. There may even be money making opportunities. 

Mars in his home turf, Aries connects with karmic heavy-weights, Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.  This influence enables you to check yourself, your goals and objectives, your role and responsibilities, your position and boundaries, with a certain amount of detachment, holding yourself accountable for your behavior, your actions or inaction in measuring up to your own standards, while being willing to wholeheartedly remove any internal resistance holding you back from accomplishing what you set out to do. 

On another level, this phase brings power moves, perhaps even simmering anger, rage, resentment or force, giving the impetus to permanently eliminate limitations, restrictions and transform the social order.  There are, of course, several high or low vibe ways that this potent energy can manifest, as we collectively witness and experience the destruction, reconstruction and co-creation of social norms, models of behavior and frameworks of the vibrational timelines and collective reality constructs. 

This influence alludes to your role and part you play in supporting or thwarting the formation or inception of these things by way of grassroots communities and social movements driving these far-reaching changes.

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

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