Tag Archives: Values

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

22 Oct

The Taurus Full Moon on October 28th is also a Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses are powerful portals of energy portending periods of accelerated change and heightened emotions, often carrying sudden endings and new beginnings to situations, circumstances or relationships.  Eclipses are supercharged events acting like a Full Moon times ten, so give yourself some space during Eclipse Season. 

Jupiter in Taurus is closely connected to this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, revealing the Truth about y(our) values, priorities or attachments, including beliefs you’re attached to, bringing an expansive quality and an opportunity to shed an old skin, level-up, and come to a deeper Understanding of situations, but it won’t come without a cost or struggle. 

Across the Sky sits the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio bringing harsh words and conflicting views and opinions.  This influence is highly investigative, interrogative, penetrating, and thorough, able get to the nitty gritty and face things in a straightforward manner.  Conversations are intense now but by speaking (or hearing) the truth in some situations, no matter how much it stings, you can have it out, allowing the core of it all to rise to the surface and be dealt with honestly.  You can get to know someone on a much deeper level, paving the way by building trust and support. 

That’s the High Road, alternatively, there could be a lot of hostility, bitterness, blame, jealousy, volatility, judgment, prejudice, and over-the-top accusations, assumptions, threats or acts of violence.

Eclipses can be super charged up periods and this configuration amps it up, bringing a lot of noise, perhaps blowing things way out of proportion and it could be that this is the way the Universe grabs your attention.  Keep this in mind as events arise and may come to a boiling point.  This is a time for listening intently to your Intuition and Higher Guidance, allowing it to lead you.  Mars and Jupiter are in opposition, occupying eleven degrees in their respective signs, broadcasting 1111 across the Sky, suggesting Awakening and taking a Leap of Faith. 

Additionally, Taurus and Scorpio rule the Security Axis, both financial and emotional, this period pushes those buttons.  There can be accelerated growth and volatility as well as rapid progression, transformation and development in these areas.   

Venus in Virgo is the ruler of the Taurus Lunar Eclipse, while favorably aligned with Uranus in Taurus, brings a fresh breeze and refreshing changes that are evident in your everyday, adding a bit of the extraordinary to the ordinary.  There may be changes to your work, job or skillset, or new techniques or technology utilized impacting your earnings as well as changes with banking, markets, economies, costs and currencies, digital currencies and monetary systems.  

Additionally, there are changes and corrections to your routines, processes or practices that make you feel better, or more productive, effective or even attractive.

On another level, as you’re running on Programs based on Love these days, your sense of self-worth and self-love is stimulated while your awakening sense of awareness regularly draws more exceptional experiences and exchanges making happiness more commonplace, allowing you to live in the moment and appreciate it for what it is.    

Meanwhile Saturn is digging down in zero degrees of Pisces melting away an old and outdated paradigm while simultaneously constructing and laying the gridwork for a visionary world. 

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is “a bridge being built across a gorge” while the Sun’s is “a gold rush”, suggesting to overcome division and separation, find common ground and join together as there is an abundance of opportunity, hope and possibility with the ambition to include more than we ever thought possible into life’s experiences, while also hinting at the Bridge from the old world to a new one and Golden Age to follow as we are the ancestors of The New Earth. 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Taurus Super Moon

12 Nov


The Moon is full in the sign of the Bull on November 14th and it is a Super Moon, one we haven’t seen the likes of in nearly 70 years! It will be big and bright and shining a lot of light, illuminating dark places. Both Taurus and Scorpio are signs that deal with security; emotional and material security. We must reconcile which things we are to hold on to and what we need to let go of. Situations dealing with what we’re comfortable with, what or who we trust, issues of life and death, who we love, our possessions, resources, finances and the things that we value will come up now. We may see a turning point in some area that we’ve been plodding along in or a project that we’ve been building up. Taurus is an Earth sign and is also associated with gratitude, Gaia and her resources; these things are highlighted now. During this time of year, we’re getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving here in the U.S. honoring Earth’s abundance and the things that we’re thankful for.
Uranus is connecting with this lunation suggesting that there are changes and adjustments to be made. This may inject an element of surprise and unpredictability which may not be welcomed as some of our security buttons are being pushed; perhaps even a security breach or a breach of trust. Alternatively, there could be a shake up to a situation that’s been stuck and stagnant. It may also involve new groups, new friends or new technology. This influence can threaten something stable or energize a stale situation. Obviously, this may cause some discomfort even when these changes are the very thing we’ve wanted and needed.
Venus, the ruler of this Taurus Full Moon is in conservative Capricorn. This has us feeling cautious in matters of love and money. We value things of substance or things that are traditional and that stand the test of time. We’re willing to invest in the long term now. We are not into frivolous spending or casual relationships right now. We can also be made aware of the responsibilities that we have to our loved ones and how some of these important relationships help to shape our lives.
At the time of this Full Moon, Mercury and Juno conjunct in Sagittarius connecting with Mars in Aquarius; again, highlighting the importance of meaningful relationships. This may mean that speaking our truth and engaging in honest conversations in regards to relationships, partnerships and agreements has potential to create spontaneous actions, unexpected moves or a show of independence. Expanding our perception and making future plans could also mean a change of direction.
Neptune is conjunct the South Node in Pisces suggesting that we are letting go of old illusions, mistakes, blind spots and escape routes. This is an emotional process.
Chiron in Pisces also connects favorably with this lunation providing some compassionate healing and to ease our suffering a bit.
Jupiter is moving in to contact Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruler. This is a positive interchange and stabilizing influence. These two social planets will be in close proximity into 2017. We can be cautiously optimistic and able to work on opportunities for growth. There could be are career opportunities or opportunities for advancement that also comes with responsibility. We may need to evaluate options and make long range decisions. This also suggests that we are more conservative and cautious, cutting back, narrowing our options -also in regard to our associations and agreements. It also points to our growing responsibility to conserve and to increase the balance and even it up.

Jupiter in Libra is also closing in on a square to Pluto in Capricorn. This is an important aspect that doesn’t happen often. We’ll see these two go at it again in the coming months. This is one of the major shapers and /or players of 2017.

Jupiter is a social planet dealing with subjects like our world view, opinions, beliefs, religion, sense of right and wrong and the Law. Libra deals with fairness and equality and balance. Pluto is a slower moving, generational planet and a force that pushes for evolution and brings forth powerful transformations in whatever it comes into contact with; Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and represents the structure and framework of our society, the rules, authority and what is considered to be socially acceptable. These energies squaring off will challenge and transform some of these areas and change the social fabric within our society for generations. We must be mindful and try to take the high road, to be fair and inclusive and to co-create a world that we all want to live in.

We’re being faced with a challenge to reform structures and even out the playing field. Jupiter in Libra asks that we have faith in others and to give them a fair shake without labels and with more tolerance. The flip side of that is that we can become overly judgmental or excessively moral and righteous. Follow the golden rule and treat others how you want to be treated! It’s pretty simple. This is the right thing to do as one human being to another and deep down we we know this to be true.

Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn wants us to have fair dealings that are mutually beneficial; there is an increasing opposition that challenges a consolidation of power and dares a destruction to things that may seem to have been set in stone and a reformation, a new framework upon which we build our lives and our society. Faith in others, tolerance and an increase in peace and harmony can stimulate the rebuilding of structures, rules, policies, etc. We need agreements and rules we can all live with and must be able to see things from another side, or to seek alternatives.

On another level, we can experience growth and opportunity through our associations and we’re able to outgrow and move beyond other relationships or patterns of relating. Our contact with others can increase now and we can be pushed to eliminate any blocks or resistance. The relationships and agreements we enter into now have the power to change our lives for better or worse.

Jupiter in Libra is also a very creative influence and pitted with Pluto in Capricorn, we could be rehabbing, recycling and up-cycling. We want to improve and refine, turning trash to treasure and making shit shine.

New Moon Blessings to ALL and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Full Moon in Taurus

17 Nov

This Full Moon is in the sign of Taurus.  This Full Moon illuminates values, money, finances and the things that provide us with the feelings of security and stability.  It may also highlight issues of self-worth or a lack of.  Please do not judge your worth or the worth of another by how deep the pockets are.  You may feel that you are lacking, or worse yet, feeling worthless.  Try being grateful with an attitude of gratitude for the things you do have.  Some of us possess gifts that are beyond material measure.  At this time we can decide what is really of value to us.  Taurus is a sensual sign so we can take time to appreciate our senses.  Take time to stop and smell the roses, listen to an amazing piece of music, get a massage, create your own work of art, get up and dance or sing and relish in the beauty of just being

Venus, planet of beauty and love is also the ruler of Taurus and she’s recently gotten herself tangled in the Uranus/Pluto square.  During this time, it may be that we’re experiencing our ‘soul growth’ in the realm of relationships, love and money.  It could be that relationships are revitalized or overhauled with an injection of excitement or electricity, maybe someone needs to change things up or needs more freedom and space or maybe a relationship ends altogether.  It may happen to be that a new relationship catches you off guard with an unexpected intensity.  It’s also possible that there is a resurrection of a relationship from long ago or with an older person that comes as a surprise. On an inner level, it could be that there’s an awakening stimulating a deep love and appreciation for our responsibilities and commitments; where we willingly and gratefully accept them. We can also experience those changes in our income (or lack of it); it may be changes that we initiate ourselves or something that happens out of the blue. 

At this time, we can put an end to any feelings of complacency, laziness, overindulgence and the need for acquisition or greed as well as putting to rest the fear of being a “have not”.  At this full moon, with the Taurus/ Scorpio polarity highlighted, we may be able to release what keeps us stuck if we can appreciate our ‘dark side’.  We all have one.  That which is hidden controls us but it doesn’t need to.  Take the lessons learned and build something of value. Honestly face things for what they really were and allow ourselves to be reborn and renewed.