Tag Archives: career

Capricorn Full Moon

25 Jun

full-moon accountableThe Capricorn Full Moon on June 28th is arm in arm with task master Saturn, highlighting your duties, obligations and limitations.  Saturn is also the ruler of this Full Moon; time for adulting and putting on your big girl (or boy) pants.  Career related matters could come to a head now.  You may be called to account or need to demonstrate your competence. How do you show up? Measure up?  Own up? Or meet the test?  Perhaps you’re being recognized for your accomplishments, expertise or experience. Alternatively, you may be dealing with time management and scheduling or with establishing business, management or parenting structures, frameworks, guidelines, rules, regulations, boundaries and restrictions.  Saturn is retrograde, so you may be redefining your goals, achievements or position, or reconsidering your commitments.

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.

Uranus in Taurus sends favorable vibes to this Full Moon adding zing.  Old standards shift with changing values.  This will be evident on several levels– from inconsistent feelings and desires or unreliable associations to unexpected costs and fluctuating markets.

Just days before the Full Moon, June 26th Mars retrogrades in Aquarius, until August 27th.  This means there’s covering old ground in some of the new directions you’ve taken or new networks you’re involved with.  This also hints at a simmering anger within the larger collective, groups of civil unrest fighting for a cause important to them.  Additionally, this period is not an appropriate time to have surgery.

Mars Rx in Aquarius is poking the Sun in Cancer; changes of direction, new networks or groups or causes you’ve recently gotten involved with leads you to come out of your shell or conversely, makes you want to retreat. This influence also suggests some fine tuning regarding a focus on race and the simmering anger in the collective.

It is important to note:  At this point of the year we really start to feel a slow down as several planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde and not operating in their full capacity.  Keep this in mind as it will be difficult to make progress for the next several weeks. Expect a summer slow-down.

The Sun – Saturn showdown on the 27th adds to the slow down.  This brings a sobering or depressing vibe or feeling ‘up against it’ with timelines or schedules, or a clash between your personal and career lives.  You may have to strike a balance between caring and controlling.

Personal Note:  I am so excited that Sibella Publications has included me in their circle of wonderful women writers in their online magazine,

 “Luminous Wisdom: SOFIA” for 2018-2019.  I look forward to this journey! 


Full Moon Blessings and good vibes to All!

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program, The Magick Moon Circle here.


BOOK YOUR PERSONALIZED CONSULTATION OR ENERGY HEALING SESSION WITH ME https://www.laurelhillshealingarts.com/my-offerings

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Capricorn Full Moon

6 Jul

brick wallThis powerful Full Moon in Capricorn on July 9th could be a game changer with emotions churning and bubbling up.   Capricorn is known for being reserved, cautious and conservative but Pluto is just one degree away from our lovely Luna, boosting the ferment and intensity.  Reform is in the air and you may feel very passionate or even obsessed about some goal or objective.

Mars is across the sky, close to the Sun in Cancer rousing the protective and defensive nature of the Crab energies, perhaps driving emotional reactions or impulses to the surface like lava from a volcano.  Mars and Pluto had their face off already on July 2nd, but now the illumination of the Full Moon brings this to an emotional head.

We could see power struggles or a confrontation with a powerful resistance.  Notice your own resistance and what or who has stood in your way or where you feel limited.  Someone or something may bump up against your boundaries and there could be bruised feelings.  You may now take pains to tear down walls, eliminate obstacles and transform structures.  It may be that you need to bring together actions on the domestic front with the reformation, revival or even termination of your career or status.  Maybe there is commotion at home and you must strike a balance between family vs. career, your personal life and your public life, perhaps with changing your schedule, rules or policies or sharing in responsibilities.  Maybe you are doing demolition and/or remodeling in the home and transforming actual structures or it could be that you need to find a happy medium between nurturing and discipline.

Saturn in Sagittarius is the ruler of this Full Moon and in a tense aspect with Mars in Cancer.  These two don’t play well together. This suggests that adjustments need to be made in how you operate. You might have to use an abundance of caution, restraint, discipline and maturity and reel in some of your gut reactions and impulses.  Habitual actions give way to wisdom and experience.  On another level, it could be that there’s a shifting of some limiting beliefs, stirring up memories and patterning.  You can also do some tweaking and create new habits with nurturing, caretaking, discipline or duties; perhaps with food or parenting.   It may also be that you want to make some moves with property but first have some sizeable stumbling blocks to accommodate.

Mercury in Leo connects favorably with Venus in Gemini, and hearts and minds are aligned. Speaking from the heart brings words of friendship, appreciation, allegiance or agreement.  Maybe you have a heart to heart about your relationship or maybe you receive a love letter, maybe someone says something nice to you or about you.  This can also be a fertile influence for collaborating on creative ideas.  Kids may also play a role.

Jupiter in Libra and Neptune in Pisces are still tangling in their tense aspect, implying the need for tweaking your beliefs and ideals; especially where relationships are concerned.  Some course correction is needed to avoid mistakes and improve cooperation.  This can also be a very spiritual influence.

Uranus in Aries connects favorably with the North Node and Vesta in Leo having you feeling fired up and inspired to initiate changes and commit to a path with heart while vowing authenticity.

Blessings to ALL at this Full Moon!



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New Year and a New Moon

30 Dec

New Year’s New Moon

It is typical that during this time of the year we are resolving to be a better version of ourselves than we had been in the previous year; the time of year that we are committing to some new path in some manner or where we are restricting ourselves in some way.  This is no surprise since the Sun is in Competent Capricorn during this time of year.  Capricorn energies test us to handle responsibility, to be accountable and ambitious; to be mature and able to manage things effectively while showing the disciplined side of ourselves.  It is no surprise that this is the time of year that we feel compelled to set goals for the New Year and prove ourselves to ourselves.  This year we are also blessed with a New Moon on our New Year.  This is a rare occasion and hasn’t happened in nearly two decades.  New Moons are a time for New Beginnings and ‘planting our seeds’ or ‘setting our intentions’ so we can expect a little more ‘oomph’ to what we are putting out there into the Universe.  The thing about this particular lunation is that it is highlighting and setting off a pattern which will pretty much dominate much of the first half of 2014.  The theme for the year.  This lunation will be tangled into the long standing and much talked about square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.  Mars in Libra also plays a role here while Jupiter in Cancer is also on his way to the table. These four planets will gather in perfect mathematical alignment in April and form a Cardinal Grand Cross.  What happens now hints at what is to come the days surrounding April 23-24.  This energy could have everyone feeling on edge.  In 2013 we’ve witnessed and experienced a tremendous amount of change and adjustment and it seems that 2014 continues along those lines.  The Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel this the most.  You may be one of these signs reading this and already aware of all the changes that are and have been taking place lately.  Hang in there!

This New Moon is closely conjunct Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn keeping our mood and our minds on the side of serious and intense.  It’s a feeling of “do or die”.  We may feel a passion for some goal we want to achieve, or maybe we feel that we have something important to say; with Mars in Libra also having his say it might be difficult to get your point across, or someone may oppose or criticize you. There could be arguments.  Or if you’re lucky, maybe someone of importance or influence wants to collaborate with you on some new project. Things may come out of nowhere and take you by surprise.  Respect given or received may also be an important issue right now.  It may be that you want respect and recognition from powerful people or a superior or maybe it’s a mutual respect you want or to just be taken seriously.  Maybe there is anger over inequality or someone not ‘playing fair’.  You might want to ruffle some feathers or someone could do it to you.  Ambitions and career, parents, older people and authority figures play a role now.  Talking about shared responsibilities, especially financial, can also upset the peace and can suddenly turn into arguments; or maybe you’re working hard and pushing for some kind of compromise or agreement.

I think money and spending will be a big topic in 2014.  Well, isn’t it always?  Venus in Capricorn is also retrograde during this time so it is a time to ‘get real’ where finances are concerned, cut back, take responsibility, evaluate our spending vs. earning, consolidate, and find out what is really important and of value to you.  Venus will turn direct at 13 degrees Capricorn on January 31.  This is the same degree where this Cardinal Grand Cross will take place in April.  You could again note the events around January 27- February 2.  Especially where money or relationships are concerned.  Venus will remain in Capricorn until March 6.  Venus in Capricorn isn’t very showy although she does like nice things, antiques and things of quality and value.  Venus is very practical and Earthy in Capricorn and can slowly build up things that are meant to last.  Whether this is your bank account, career, reputation, relationships etc., you must be willing to put in the time and the effort.

Venus is also the sign of beauty and in Capricorn, it made me think of ‘aging beauty’ or slowing the aging process or just blocking it all together if it were possible (I wish).  Growing older is a fact of life and something that has been on my mind recently with a milestone birthday just around the corner.  At the time of this New Moon it is a good time to review your beauty regimen especially where skin and teeth are concerned.  Venus Rx is not a good time to do anything drastic or to do cosmetic surgery.  Perhaps it is a time to appreciate our marks of experience.  Shopping at this time, you may find yourself attracted to more conservative items, or something that is classically styled that is never out of fashion or it could be that you are in need of career clothing or perhaps you are interested in items that may be more “age appropriate”.  You also may spend more money than you anticipated so it may be best to wait until at least the first of February, after Venus is direct.  This way, you can make sure you actually like what you bought and got it at a good price.

2014 may also bring us new laws or legal action having to do with security and technology; breaches within technology and the internet, especially with big money and banking, credit and data.  The situation with Target stores’ security breach with the credit data of their customers comes to mind.  Perhaps there will be other examples and instances that bring issues like this to light. There may be new rules and regulations, assuming responsibility or coming to judgment about who is responsible.   This could also extend to the Real Estate market, home buying and mortgages.  The improvement and growth of the market may be challenged by new changes, policies, rules and regulations with lending and mortgages.

On a more inner or spiritual note, 2014’s dominant pattern could be prompting us to initiate involvement and act peacefully, move beyond the past conditioning and former prejudices and assumptions in order to find our personal truth; our internal sense of right and wrong and to make new and exciting changes in our lives while restoring our faith and trust through these shared experiences.