Tag Archives: mars in libra

Aries Full Moon

11 Oct

conflagrationThis Aries Full Moon is full of action and excitement, situations can turn on a dime so be ready.  This phase also brings a high point to events set in motion earlier in the year at the New Moon in Aries.  Aries is a sign that’s all about you as an individual- me, myself and I, your will and your efforts made in your own interests.

Mars, the ruler of this Full Moon sits across the sky in Libra.  Aggressive Mars is a bit uncomfortable here, disturbing Libra’s even- temperedness.  Mars here wants to tip the scales and knock you off the fence.  Libra’s weighing, deliberating and vacillating is boring to impatient Mars and he insists you pick a side, take action and get on with it already.    In fact, the Sabian symbol for the degree of this Full Moon is, “a pugilist entering the ring”  and it would appear that you’re more than willing to use your muscle and might, ruffle some feathers or make or break a deal if it favors your own affairs.  You may not be looking for a fight, but you certainly won’t back down from one either. Things could get heated.

Jupiter in Sagittarius connects favorably to the Full Moon firing up the fervor assisting forward movement and progress, bringing many opportunities for growth and development.  You’re moved by honesty, understanding and universal laws, acting on what you believe to be right.

The Full Moon takes a jab from Pluto in Capricorn, having recently turned to direct motion, activating the ongoing process of deconstruction and dismantling along with reconstruction and renewal.  This has been years in the making and this period can carry peak moments in the way in which you conduct or carry yourself and keep on.   You’re ready to give a push back to eliminate resistance and what stands in your way, even if it comes from within.

Also keeping you on your toes is Uranus in Taurus clashing with Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Libra.  Relationships or finances can be very unstable now.  Connections made now can be full of passion and intensity catching you by surprise.  It will be difficult to maintain any type of neutrality or feign disinterest now.   There could even be sudden splits or having it out about something that’s been a bone of contention.  The gloves are off and it’s on!



On another level, agreements and arrangements made or broken can shift costs, prices, markets, currency stability, changing what something is worth or what you’re willing to pay for it,  perhaps sending shockwaves through the marketplace affecting earnings, wages, banking, lending, loans, mortgages, credit, debts, savings and wealth.   Be prosperous.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


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